Dean of
    Graduate Studies
    Maggie Benston Student
    Services Centre 1100
    Burnaby BC V>A 1S6
    8888 University Drive
    V>A 1S6
    TO Senate
    FROM Mary-Ellen Kclm, Acting Dean, Graduate Studies
    RE Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
    C:C Paul Budra
    DATE 12 June 2012
    For information:
    Acting under delegated authority at its meeting of 11 June 2012, SGSC approved the
    following curriculum revision:
    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
    a.Department of Political Science
    Master of Arts Program
    Degree Requirements
    1. Essay or Project Option:
    i) required courses: increase to the total number
    ii) additional courses: increase to the total number; minor editorial corrections
    2. Thesis Option:
    i) required courses: increase to the total number
    ii) additional courses: increase to the total number; minor editorial corrections
    3. Field Exam Option:
    i) additional courses: minor editorial corrections
    Senators wishing to consult a more detailed report of curriculum revisions may do so by going
    to Docushare: hnps://\veb/View/Collection-12682
    If you are unable to access the information, please call 778-782-3168 or email

    b.School of Public Policy
    Public Policy Master Program
    Program Requirements for Year 2
    1. Electives: include eleven new courses approved S. 10-69
    MPP 817-5 Advanced Qualitative Analysis for Public Policy
    MPP 818-5 Quantitative Methods for Policy Analysts
    MPP 819-5 Public Management
    MPP 820-5 Public Participation in Public Policy
    MPP 821-5 Aboriginal Policy in Canada
    MPP 822-5 World Economic Policy Issues
    MPP 823-5 Health Policy
    MPP 824-5 Analysis, Formulation and Evaluation of Social Policy
    MPP 827-5 Managing Compliance: Delivering Policy
    MPP 828-5 Multiple Account Benefit-Cost Analysis
    MPP 829-5 Environmental Policy
    Effective Date is January 2013
    Senators wishing to consult a more detailed report of curriculum revisions maydo so by going
    to Docushare:
    If you are unable to access the information, please call 778-782-3168 or email
    shellev gair(fi)

    Degree Requirements
    The master of arts (MA) program may be completedthrough an essay or project option, a thesis option, or
    a fieldexam option. Students are admitted to the essay or project option and will require approval of the
    graduate program chair to transfer to another stream. Except in extenuating circumstances, students may
    only transfer once.
    In accordance with Graduate General Regulation 1.6.4,each student will be assigned a supervisory
    or Project Option
    Students who choose the essay or project option will complete a total of#ve six courses, including
    POL 801 Theoretical Perspectives in Political Science (5)
    and one of
    POL 802 Political Research: Design and Analysis (5)
    POL 803 Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science (5)
    and three four additional courses from at least two of the department'sthree fields of study.
    The essay or project option also requires completion
    of either extended essays in two department fields of
    study or one research project. Students who choose the research project option will submit a maximum
    12,500 word (and bibliography) project, must have substantial original content. If an extended essay is
    chosen instead
    of a project, each extended essay will elabowate upon course work research and is not to
    exceed 12,500 words (and bibliography). Extended essays and research projects are defended in an oral
    Thesis Option
    For those who choose the thesis option, students must submit to the thesis supervisory committee a thesis
    proposal outlining a brief topic summary, its relevance, the methodologyto be followed, a chapter-by-
    chapteroutline, thesis completion timetable and a bibliography. The proposal must be approved by the
    thesis supervisory committee.
    Students in the thesis stream complete a total of few five courses, including
    POL 801 Theoretical Perspectives in Political Science (5)
    and one of
    POL 802 Political Research: Design and Analysis (5)
    POL 803 Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science (5)

    and twe three additional courses from at least two of the three-fields of study.
    Students also must write a thesis, normally 18,750to 25,000 words in length (and bibliography) and
    defend it in an oral defenese.
    Field Exam Option
    For those who choose the field exam option, studentssubmit, first to the supervisory committee and then
    to the appropriate department field committee,a field exam proposal outlining major and minor fields of
    study and a timetable for field exam completion.The field exam proposal is must be approved by the
    supervisory committee.
    Students in the field exam option will complete seven courses, including
    POL 801 Theoretical Perspectives in Political Science (5)
    and one of
    POL 802 Political Research: Design and Analysis (5)
    POL 803 Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science (5)
    and five additional courses from at least two of the department'sthreerfields of study.
    Students also pass two written field exams: one in their major and one in their minor field of study. The
    supervisory committee serves as the nucleus of the field examination committee. With the student's
    consultation, the supervisory committee will be expanded to include additional examiners if necessary.
    Students who fail one field examination, and one only, may retake the failed field examination.
    Fields of Study
    The major fields of study are
    •—Canadian government and politics
    •—Comparative government and politics
    •—International relations
    Within those three major fields of study thoro are three distinct thematic emphases: public policy, political
    economy and governance. However, the department may offer advanced study in other political science
    fields, subject to the availability of faculty research expertise.
    Interested students should consult the Political Science website

    Degree Requirements
    The master of arts (MA) program may be completed through an essay or project option, a thesis option, or
    a field exam option. Students are admitted to the essay or project option and will require approval
    graduate program chair to transfer to another stream. Except in extenuating circumstances, students may
    only transfer once.
    In accordance with Graduate General Regulation 1.6.4, each student will be assigned a supervisory
    or Project Option
    Students who choose the essay or project option will complete a total of six courses, including
    POL 801 Theoretical Perspectives in Political Science (5)
    and one of
    POL 802 Political Research: Design and Analysis (5)
    POL 803 Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science (5)
    and four additional courses from at least two of the department's fields of study.
    The essay or project option also requires completion
    of either extended essays in two department fields of
    study or one research project. Students who choose the research project option will submit a maximum
    12,500 word (and bibliography) project, must have substantial original content. If an extended essay is
    chosen instead
    of a project, each extended essay will elaborate upon course work research and is not to
    exceed 12,500 words (and bibliography). Extended essays and research projects are defended in an oral
    Thesis Option
    For those who choose the thesis option, students must submit to the thesis supervisory committee a thesis
    proposal outlining a brief topic summary, its relevance,the methodology to be followed, a chapter-by-
    chapter outline, thesis completion timetable and a bibliography. The proposal must be approved by the
    thesis supervisory committee.
    Students in the thesis stream complete a total of five courses, including
    POL 801 Theoretical Perspectives in Political Science (5)
    and one of
    POL 802 Political Research: Design and Analysis (5)
    POL 803 Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science (5)

    and three additional courses from at least two of the fields of study.
    Students also must write a thesis, normally 18,750 to 25,000 words in length (and bibliography) and
    defend it in an oral defense.
    Field Exam Option
    For those who choose the field exam option, students submit, first to the supervisory committee and then
    to the appropriate departmentfield committee, a field exam proposal outliningmajor and minor fields of
    study and a timetable for field exam completion. The field exam proposal must be approved by the
    supervisory committee.
    Students in the field exam option will complete seven courses, including
    POL 801 Theoretical Perspectives in Political Science (5)
    and one of
    POL 802 Political Research: Design and Analysis (5)
    POL 803 Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science (5)
    and five additional courses from at least two of the department's fields of study.
    Students also pass two written field exams: one in their major and one in their minor field of study. The
    supervisory committee serves as the nucleus of the field examination committee. With the student's
    consultation, the supervisory committee will be expanded to include additional examiners if necessary.
    Students who fail one field examination, and one only, may retake the failed field examination.
    Fields of Study
    Interested students should consult the Political Science website

    Political Science Master ofArts Program - Academic Calendar ... Page 1 of 2
    Simon Fraser University
    Academic Calendar > Political Science > Political Science Master of Aits Program
    Political Science Master of Arts Program
    Department of Political Science
    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
    Simon Fraser UniversityCalendar 2012 Summer
    Admission Requirements
    In addition to the graduate general regulations, the department requires written statements of the student'scurrent interests and proposed areas
    of research. Applications for graduate work willbe considered with reference to the manner in which the proposed area of the candidate's
    research coincides withfaculty teaching and research interests. Consult the department'slist of faculty for general research interests. Should
    additional course work be deemed necessary, the graduate studies committee willindicate the same as a prerequisite.
    A written
    statement of current research interests, three reference tetters from qualified referees, and a sample of written work are also required.
    Degree Requirements
    The master of arts (MA)program may be completed through an essay or project option, a thesis option, or a field exam option. Students are
    admitted to the essay or project option and willrequire approval of the graduate program chair to transfer to another stream. Except in
    extenuating circumstances, students may only transfer once.
    In accordance with Graduate General Regulation 1.6.4. each student willbe assigned a supervisory committee.
    Essay or Project Option
    Students who choose the essay or project option willcomplete a total of five courses, including
    • POL 801 Theoretical
    Perspectives in Political Science (5)
    and one of
    • POL 802 Political Research: Design and Analysis (5)
    • POL 803 Qualitative
    Research Methods in Political Science (5)
    and three additional
    courses from at least two of the department'sthree fields of study.
    The essay or project option also requires completion of either extended essays in two department fields of study or one research project.
    Students who
    choose the research project option willsubmit a maximum 12,500 word (and bibliography) project, must have substantial original
    content. Ifan extended essay is chosen instead of a project, each extended essay willelabourate upon course work research and is not to
    exceed 12,500 words (and bibliography). Extended essays and research projects are defended in an oral defence.
    Thesis Option
    For those who choose the thesis option, students must submit to the thesis supervisory committee a thesis proposal outlining a brief topic
    summary, its relevance, the methodology to be followed, a chapter-by-chapter outline, thesis completion timetable and a bibliography. The
    proposal must be approved by the thesis supervisory committee.
    Students in the thesis stream complete a total of four courses, including
    • POL 801 Theoretical Perspectives in Political Science (5)
    and one of
    • POL 802 PoliticalResearch: Design and Analysis (5)
    • POL 803 Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science (5)
    and twoadditional courses from at least two of the three fields of study.
    Students also must write a thesis, normally 18,750 to 25.000 words in length (and bibliography)and defend it in an oral defence.

    Political Science Master ofArts Program - Academic Calendar ... Page 2 of 2
    Field Exam Option
    For those who choose the fieldexam option, students submit, firstto the supervisory committee and then to the appropriate department field
    committee, a field exam proposal outlining major and minor fields of study and a timetable for field exam completion. The field exam proposal is
    be approved by the supervisory committee.
    Students in the field exam option will complete seven courses, including
    • POL 801 Theoretical Perspectives in Political Science (5)
    and one of
    • POL 802 Political Research: Design and Analysis (5)
    • POL 803 Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science (5)
    and five additional
    courses from at least two of the three fields of study.
    Students also
    pass two written field exams: one in their major and one in their minor field of study. The supervisory committee serves as the
    nucleus of the field examination committee. With the
    student's consultation, the supervisory committee will be expanded to include additional
    examiners if necessary. Students who failone field examination, and one only, may retake the failed field examination.
    Fields of Study
    The major fields of study are
    • Canadian government and politics
    • Comparative government and politics
    • International relations
    Within these three major fields of study there are three distinct thematic emphases: public policy, politicaleconomy and governance. However,
    the department may offer advanced study in other politicalscience fields, subject to the availabilityof faculty research expertise.
    All graduate students
    must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations (residence, course work,
    academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific
    requirements forthe program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
    Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
    All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence, course work,
    academic progress, supervision, research
    competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific
    requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
    Return to political science index page.
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    SFU Connect
    SFU Connect
    FASSGC vote
    : Paul Budra <>
    Mon, Jun 04, 2012 07:49 AM
    FASSGC vote
    To : Sheilagh MacDonald <>
    Hello Sheilagh:
    The FASS graduate curriculum committee has voted iniavor ofthe emendations to the PLCY and POL
    programs. Would you please put those changes on the agenda for the next SCGS meeting? Many
    Paul Budra
    Associate Dean
    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
    Simon Fraser University

    SFU Connect
    SFU Connect
    Re: urgent:POL change
    : David Laycock <>
    Thu, May 31, 2012 12:28 PM
    Re: urgent: POL change
    To : Sheilagh MacDonald <>
    Cc: Paul Budra <>, Shantala Singh
    Hi Sheilagh,
    Iapprove the calendar language in this most recent version attached for me, and I've used
    your template below to spell out the changes.
    POL MA Degree Requirements
    Essay or Project Option:
    required courses:
    increase to the total number four
    additional courses: increase of ONE to the total number
    minor editorial correction: removal of "three" in same line identifying number of
    additional courses
    Thesis Option:
    required courses: NO
    increase to the total number
    additional courses: increase to the total number three
    minor editorial correction: removal of "three" in same line identifying number of
    additional courses
    Field Exam Option:
    additional courses: minor editorial correction [removal of "three" in line 11 of this
    Thanks to both you and Paul for your support on this!
    "Sheilagh MacDonald" <>
    To: "David Laycock" <>

    Program Requirements
    Year Two
    Students complete a minimum total of 30 units, including both of
    MPP-PLCY 808-5 Advanced Policy Analysis I
    MPP PLCY 809-5 Advanced Policy Analysis II
    In addition, four elective courses are required. The program director, inconsultation with the student,
    selects appropriate graduate courses offered by affiliated programs and departments. To satisfy these
    requirements, and when appropriate, students may choose from the following MPP courses.
    MPP-PLCY 810-5 Issues in Public Policy I
    PLCY 811-5 Issues in Public Policy II
    PLCY 812-5 Selected Topics in Public Policy I
    MPP PLCY 813-5 Selected Topics in Public Policy II
    PLCY 817-5 Advanced Qualitative Analysis for Public Policy
    PLCY 818-5 Quantitative Methods for Policy Analysts
    PLCY 819-5 Public Management
    PLCY 820-5 Public Participation in Public Policy
    PLCY 821-5 Aboriginal Policy in Canada
    PLCY 822-5 World Economic Policy Issues
    PLCY 823-5 Health Policy
    PLCY 824-5 Analysis. Formulation and Evaluation of Social Policy
    MPP PLCY 825-5 MPP Directed Readings I
    MPP-PLCY 826-5 MPP Directed Readings II
    PLCY 827-5 Managing Compliance: Delivering Policy
    PLCY 828-5 Multiple Account Benefit-Cost Analysis
    PLCY 829-5 Environmental Policy

    Program Requirements
    Year Two
    Students complete a minimum total of30 units, including both of
    PLCY 808-5 Advanced Policy Analysis I
    PLCY 809-5 Advanced Policy Analysis II
    In addition, four elective courses are required. The program director, in consultation with the student,
    selects appropriate graduate courses offered by affiliated programs and departments. To satisfy these
    requirements, and when appropriate, students may choose from the following MPP courses.
    PLCY 810-5 Issues in Public Policy I
    PLCY 811-5 Issues in Public Policy II
    PLCY 812-5 Selected Topics in Public Policy I
    PLCY 813-5 Selected Topics in Public Policy II
    PLCY 817-5 Advanced Qualitative Analysis for Public Policy
    PLCY 818-5 Quantitative Methods for Policy Analysts
    PLCY 819-5 Public Management
    PLCY 820-5 Public Participation in Public Policy
    PLCY 821-5 Aboriginal Policy in Canada
    PLCY 822-5 World Economic Policy Issues
    PLCY 823-5 Health Policy
    PLCY 824-5 Analysis. Formulation and Evaluation of Social Policy
    PLCY 825-5 MPP Directed Readings I
    PLCY 826-5 MPP Directed Readings II
    PLCY 827-5 Managing Compliance: Delivering Policy
    PLCY 828-5 Multiple Account Benefit-Cost Analysis
    PLCY 829-5 Environmental Policy

    Public Policy Master Program - Academic Calendar - Simon Fr...
    Page 1of 2
    Simon Fraser University
    Academic Calendar > Public Policy > Public Policy Master Program
    Public Policy Master Program
    Schoolof Public Policy
    Facultyof Artsand Social Sciences
    Simon FraserUniversityCalendar 2012 Summer
    This master ofpublic policy (MPP) program offers theskills, insights and analytical frameworks that public sector and non-profit policy analysts
    and managers require. Itfocuses onthepolitical and economic contexts of public policy analysis and offers specialized study. Designed to
    develop thestrategic and global perspective required oftomorrow's senior policy analysts and managers, theprogram usesa cohort model
    which encourages student interaction and co-operation. Anindividual research project undertaken inMPP 808 and 809 (advanced policy
    analysis) is an integral part of the program.
    This full-time two year cohort program, leading to a master ofpublic policy (MPP), consists offourteen courses and a summer co-op/intemship.
    Coursesaresequencedthrough the fall and spring terms.The maximum courseload is four coursesperterm.
    Admission Requirements
    To be considered for admission, applicants must have a bachelor's degreefrom a recognized university. Those admitted withothercredentials,
    orthose with degrees who.inthe judgement of the program director, arewithout adequate foundation inthe social sciences, maybe required to
    make up any deficiencywithout receiving graduate credit forthose courses.
    Students arenormally admitted in September.Itis expectedthatapproximately 30 students will be directly admitted inanyone year.
    normal admission minimum undergraduate GPAis 3.0 (orequivalent), although the admissions committee and program director may
    considerrelevantworkexperience when determiningadmission eligibility.
    Criteria for admission, in addition to undergraduate grades,include strong letters of reference, an essay, and forthose whose nativelanguageis
    notEnglish, acceptable TOEFL scores(570 minimum) anda score of 5 orabove ontheTestofWritten English. Students with non-Canadian
    undergraduate orgraduate degrees are required to completethe Graduate Record Exam(GRE).
    Application Requirements
    The following application documentation is required.
    • a SimonFraser University graduate application form, which is available from the School of Public Policy officeor from
    • official undergraduatetranscriptshowing all grades (maileddirectly fromthe granting institution)
    • three confidential reference letters (mailed directlyfromreferees), at least two of whichare from facultymembers (may be waived for
    mid-career applicants withprofessional experience; lettersfrom employers maybe used).Referenceforms are available from the office
    or from
    • a one-page essay that explains why the applicantwishes to pursue the MPPdegree
    • a student whose firstlanguage is not Englishand whose undergraduatedegrees were frominstitutions where Englishis not the
    language of instructionare required to submit TOEFL and Test of Written Englishscores
    • GRE score fornon-Canadian degree applicants
    Program Requirements
    The candidatemust complete a total of ten core MPP courses, a summer co-op/intemship. and fouradditionalelective courses that must be
    approved by the School of Public Policy director.
    Year One
    Students complete a total of 40 units, including all of
    • MPP 800-5 Introduction to Public Policy Issues
    • MPP 801-5 Economic Foundations of Policy Analysis I
    • MPP 802-5 Economic Foundations of Policy Analysis II
    • MPP 803-5 Political Foundations of Policy Analysis I
    • MPP 804-5 Political Foundations of Policy Analysis II
    • MPP
    805-5 Research Techniques and Quantitative Methods I
    • MPP 806-5 Research Techniques and Quantitative Methods II
    • MPP 807-5Introduction to PolicyAnalysis
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    Public Policy Master Program - Academic Calendar - Simon Fr... Page 2 of 2
    In the summer term, the co-op/internship course MPP 850 is completed as well.
    Year Two
    Students complete a minimum total of 30 units, including both of
    • MPP 808-5
    Advanced Policy Analysis I
    • MPP809-5 Advanced Policy Analysis II
    In addition, four elective
    courses are required. The program director, in consultation with the student, selects appropriate graduate courses
    offered by affiliated programs and departments. To satisfy these requirements, and when appropriate, students may choose from the following
    MPP courses.
    • MPP 810-5 Issues in Public Policy I
    • MPP 811-5 Issues in Public Policy II
    • MPP 812-5 Selected Topics in Public Policy I
    • MPP 813-5
    Selected Topics in Public Policy II
    • MPP 825-5 MPP Directed Readings I
    • MPP 826-5 MPP Directed Readings II
    Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
    Ailgraduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations (residence, course work,
    academic progress, supervision,
    research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific
    requirements forthe program in which
    they are enrolled, as shown above.
    Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
    All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations (residence, course work,
    academic progress, supervision, research
    competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific
    requirements for the program in which
    they are enrolled, as shown above.
    Return to SFU Calendar index page.
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