1. 1. Report of the Chair
      2. Specialty BA Joint Major Program (S.12-73)
      3. and Technology (S.12-74)
      4. 4. Senate Committee on University Priorities – Annual Report (S.12-75)
      5. 6. Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Applied Sciences (S.12-77)
      6. (S.12-78)
      7. a) School of Interactive Arts and Technology
      8. b) Communication
      9. c) Contemporary Arts
      10. 8. Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.12-79)
      11. a) Education
      12. 9. Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.12-80)
      13. a) Biological Sciences
      14. b) Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
      15. c) Statistics and Actuarial Science
      16. 10. General Graduate Regulations 1.3.6 and 1.3.8 (S.12-81)
      17. a) Gerontology
      18. a) Communication
      19. b) Publishing Program
      20. 13. Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.12-84)
      21. a) Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
      22. 14. Revisions to the Rules of Senate – Notice of Motion (S.12-85)

Report of the Chair
The Chair reported on a new program in Brazil called “Science without Borders” which plans to
send 100,000 students from Brazil, fully-funded by the Brazil government, to study outside
Brazil over the next three years. The Governor General of Canada was successful in securing
support within the Brazil government to target 12,000 of those students to come to Canada. The
Chair also reported that Vancouver seems to be a preferred destination for Brazilian students and
that Simon Fraser University is very well regarded.
SFU’s vision has been shared with external audiences and the reception has been very positive. It
was noted that internally there’s still work to be done in regards to integrating the vision with the
various planning processes. It was also reported that an agreement has been reached to extend the
lease at Harbour Centre for another ten to eighteen years.
The Chair, on behalf of Senate, expressed appreciation to the following Senators whose terms of
office expire on May 31, 2012: Maureen Fizzell, Geoff Mann, Gordon Myers, David Paterson,
Joseph Peters, Robert Russell, Cenk Sahinalp, Pasha Tashakor, Kyle Acierno, Arthur Armstrong,
Arry Dhillon Marc Fontaine, Christi Garneau-Scott, David Hughes, Jordan Kohn, Benjamin Lee,
Sara Moghaddamjoo, and Lorenz Yeung
Suspension of Admission and Dissolution of the Geography and Economics Environmental
Specialty BA Joint Major Program (S.12-73)
Senate approved the suspension of admission to the Geography and Economics Environmental
Specialty BA Joint Major Program, within the Faculties of Environment and Arts and Social
Sciences, effective immediately. Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors
the dissolution of the Geography and Economics Environmental Specialty BA Joint Major
Program within the Faculties of Environment and Arts and Social Sciences, effective Spring
New Certificate: Graduate Certificate in Visual Analytics in the School of Interactive Arts
and Technology (S.12-74)
Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors the full program proposal for a
Graduate Certificate in Visual Analytics in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology within
the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology, effective Spring 2013.
Senate Committee on University Priorities – Annual Report (S.12-75)
Senate received the 2011 – 2012 annual report for the Senate Committee on University Priorities
for information.

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Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (S.12-76)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2012:
- Course (B-Hum): HIST 236
(Fall 2012)
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Applied Sciences (S.12-77)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Spring 2013:
Computing Science
- Course (Q/B-Sci): CMPT 130 and CMPT 166
(Fall 2012)
- Course (Q): CMPT 135
(Fall 2012)
- Courses (temporarily withdrawn): CMPT 401, CMPT 481, CMPT 406, CMPT 432
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Spring 2013:
a) School of Interactive Arts and Technology
- Course (prerequisite): IAT 265
b) Communication
- Courses (prerequisite): CMNS 304W, 320, 323W, 324, 332, 348, 353, 354, 356, 362, 363,
423, 424, 446, 452, 454, 455, 456
c) Contemporary Arts
- Courses (new): FPA 388, FPA 406
- Course (prerequisite): FPA 359
- Courses (deleted): FPA 272, 273, 372, 373, 472, 473
(Fall 2013)
Courses (credit hours): FPA 270, 271, 370, 371, 470, 471
(Fall 2013)
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.12-79)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Spring 2013:
a) Education
- Course (prerequisite): EDUC 426
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.12-80)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Spring 2013:

Page 3 of 4
a) Biological Sciences
- Course (prerequisite, description): BISC 419
- Courses (prerequisite): BISC 101, BISC 102
b) Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- Course (new): MBB 471
c) Statistics and Actuarial Science
- Program: Statistics Major and Honors program (upper division requirements)
- Program: Statistics Minor program (upper division requirements)
- Courses (prerequisite/description): STAT 285, STAT 380
- Courses (deleted): STAT 400, STAT 402
- Courses (new): STAT 340, STAT 445, STAT 475, STAT 485
General Graduate Regulations 1.3.6 and 1.3.8 (S.12-81)
General Graduate Regulations 1.3.6, Admission as a Qualifying Student, and 1.3.8, Conditional
Admission, were referred back to the Senate Graduate Studies Committee for further revisions
based on the feedback and discussion at Senate.
Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (S.12-82)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Fall 2012:
a) Gerontology
- Program: change to language re: comprehensive exams in PhD program
(Fall 2012)
Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology (S.12-83)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Spring 2013:
a) Communication
- Courses (new): CMNS 844, CMNS 894, CMNS 896, 897
b) Publishing Program
- Courses (new): PUB 602, PUB 800
(Fall 2012)
Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.12-84)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Spring 2013:
a) Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- Courses (prerequisite): MBB 505, MBB 659, MBB 679, MBB 727

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Revisions to the Rules of Senate – Notice of Motion (S.12-85)
Senate received revisions to the Rules of Senate as a notice of motion. These revisions will be
submitted for approval at the July Senate meeting.
The approved Senate minutes will be available online following the next Senate meeting. For more detailed
information on each Senate item, please refer to the May 2012 Senate documents at
If you have any questions regarding this summary, please contact Shelley Gair, Senate Assistant, at 778-782-3168
or shelley_gair@sfu.ca.

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