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Designs for Learning P.E.
E. Warrell
Educ. 479-4 Primary general
Summer Session
Prequisite 401/402.
This course is designed to assist students in planning
Physical Education programs for the primary grades in the B.C. schools.
The central focus will be to provide students with a theoretical under-
standing of curriculum development,teaching strategies, pupil progress,
teacher evaluation and unit planning. This will be achieved through
theory and practical sessions in gymnastics, games and dance.
working from thevideo tape provided analyse the games skills
of primary children and suggest suitable teaching points that would
help develop skill.
a games book resource file
due date:end of second week
an integrated unit plan of dance and classroom subjects
due date: end of fourth week
One two minute sequence in gymnastics working with a partner to
show understanding of one main theme and two sub-themes.
S. One two minute dance sequence working with a partner to show
understanding of one main theme and two sub themes.
due date:end of sixth week.
6. ?
Weekly assigned readings to be discussed in class.

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