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Summer Session, 1994
(July 4 - 29)
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
8:30-12:20, MPX 8651/2
EDUC 488-4 (D1.00)
(Cat. #55671)
Instructor: ?
Marilyn Cochran-Smith
Phone: ?
291-3395 (messages)
EDUC 401/402
Traditionally it has been assumed that knowledge about teaching is generated by researchers outside of
schools and then applied by teachers inside them. What is missing from the knowledge base, then, are the voices of
teachers themselves, the questions they ask, the ways they use writing and talk in their own lives, and the
interpretive frameworks they use to understand and improve their classroom practices. Teacher research is an
alternative method for generating knowledge about teaching and learning. It links research with practice and inquiry
with reform across the professional lifespan.
Over the past decade, there has been renewed, interest among teachers in exploring the potential of teacher
research as a mode of professional development, an avenue for generating practice-based knowledge about teaching,
and a catalyst for social change in schools, universities and communities. This course presents a conceptual
framework for reading, understanding, and conducting teacher research by exploring questions regarding: the definition
and types of teacher research, the status of teacher research as a form of research on teaching, the nature and function
of knowledge that is created when teachers do research, and the implications of teacher research for the construction of
a knowledge base for teacher education and professional development, and for the politics of school and university
relationships. The course will draw on the published and unpublished work of teachers across the country who have
conducted research in their own K-12 classrooms, as well as the work of university-based teachers and researchers
who have worked collaboratively with teachers. The course provides practical help in functioning as a teacher
researcher and exploring its potential for improving teaching and learning in the classroom. Students will read
teacher research essays, journals, accounts of oral inquiries, and classroom studies. They will develop methods for
conducting research that addresses issues and problems in their own classrooms and have opportunities to work
closely with others who are interested in functioning as teacher researchers.
(see enlarged course outline for specific details)
Concepts of Teacher Research
Understanding Teaching from the Inside: Teachers on Teaching, Learning, and Schooling
Contexts of Teacher Research: Inquiry, Knowledge, and Practice
Teacher Research as Method: Paradigms, Methodological Issues, and Blurred Genres.
Students will be expected to prepare readings prior to class sessions and participate actively in all class
discussions at both the small group and whole class levels. In addition, students will write brief critical essays,
which are designed to promote thoughtful responses to course readings in which they pose their own questions about
the topics they find central. The intent in these essays is to use other people's research to uncover their own
interpretive frameworks and to explore the implications of these connections in ways that are tentative and
evolutionary. Finally, students will engage in a series of individual and group activities toward a teacher research
course project. This will include an exploration of a question of practice, a teaching dilemma, or study of an
individual child; a plan for learning about this question by taking the classroom or classroom group as a site for
inquiry and collecting observational, interview, and documentary data; and a discussion of possible frameworks for
analysis related to course readings and discussions.
The course will draw on selected readings from texts as well as on a wide range of current articles and the
published and unpublished research of experienced teachers and student teachers in a variety of contexts.

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