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    Ed. 475-4 Designs For Learning: Mathematics
    Fall 1979
    Monday evenings, 4:30 - 8:20 p.m.
    First Meeting: September 10, 1979
    Place: MPX 8620a
    Instructor: Professor John V. Trivett
    This course is intended mainly for elementary and junior secondary
    teachers of arithmetic/mathematics, in a way which is joyful, practical and
    It aims at raising the quality of learning in classrooms which for the
    students guarantees a much higher understanding and competence in the subject
    than we have traditionally been led to expect; and for the teachers a more
    satisfying approach which better uses their energies and professional
    The contents outlined in the B.C. Curriculum guide and the Core Curriculum
    guide are accepted in the spirit of the 'innovativeness' for the teachers'
    methods, also urged officially by the Ministry of Education.
    Recommendations from those guides as to the essential importance of
    children 'doing mathematics', the use of 'physical materials and manipulative
    aids' to act as entries to mathematical studies will be emphasised. Regard
    will be taken of the needs of various age levels in this.
    Meetings f q
    ill be held in an informal and relaxed climate, with shared
    discussion and involvement. The Instructor's new book will be used as a
    source, details of which will be given at the first meeting:
    .And So On, a new design for learning the teaching of Mathematics.
    Participants will be expected to use in their own classrooms what they
    develop during Ed. 475 and such will be the foundation for a required written
    For further details please feel free to contact the Instructor, Professor
    Trivett (291-4151 or 922-6683).

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