    EDUCATION 475-4
    Designs for Learning - Secondary Mathematics
    Intersession 1978
    Instructor: Dr. Harold Tribe.
    Time: ?
    Tuesdaysand Fridays
    12:30 to 4:30
    May 9 to 16 inclusive.
    12 sessions each of 4 hours.
    The specific class topics for this course will be taken from the British
    Columbia Curriculum Guide. The topics will be representative of mathe-
    matical categories; for example, representative topics from arithmetic,
    algebra, geometry and analytic geometry including Pythagoras' Theorem
    and trigonometry.
    Generally the instructor will teach a representative lesson using a
    specific teaching technique. A different topic and a different technique
    will be considered at each meeting. Subsequent to the instructor teaching
    the lesson, a generalized outline of the procedure will be determined by
    the class. Each member of the class will then be asked to plan a topic
    using the procedure displayed.
    Text: Curriculum Guide Years One to Twelve: Mathematics 1977.
    Each student will be asked to read 15 specific journal articles. The
    selection of these articles has been made to fill the topic gaps which
    classes have not been able to deal with.
    8 topic plans
    1 mid-term quiz
    1 final examination.
    HT: ca

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