Course: Educ 472-04
    for Learning: Language
    Arts (Elementary)
    Calendar Descript4on: Planning for Learning; Creating Learning
    Environments; Developing Teaching Strategies and Materials
    Course information: ?
    B. C. Bondar
    July 2-Aug.8 I M,W
    M,W 8:30-11:20
    F ?
    Course Proposition:
    The curtain raiser of this course will overview the development of
    learning and comprehension in relation to language growth and fluency
    (with special reference to reading, writing and spelling). Material from
    ALL content areas will then be considered target and fair game for
    developing language arts to reinforce learning and relevance. Content matter
    will be used as language material;
    literature, as content matter.
    Having ransacked the school curricula, Real World materials will be
    examined and their school use planned as language arts'. So, SAVE
    boxtops! comicbooks! bubblegum cards! labels! wrappers! broken
    filmstrips! racing forms! menus! paper planes! With all this stuff and
    whatnot, learning centres will be planned for totally student-initiated
    programs. Then, having saved and shaped education for the future,
    nothing will remain except to establish evaluation criteria for texts,
    teachers and kids (with special reference to miscellaneous readability
    scales and tests, miscue analysis and library reading lists).
    Recommended Reading:
    Arbuthnot, May Hill and Zena Sutherland. Children and Books.. 4th ed.
    Scott, Foresman & Co., 1972.
    Brown, Roger. Words and Things. Free Press, 1958.
    Goodman, Yetta M. and Carolyn L. Burke. Reading Miscue Inventory
    Manual. Coil ier
    . -Macmillan, 1972.
    Postman, Neil and Charles Weingartner. Teaching As a Subversive
    Activity. Deiacorte, 1969.
    Smith, Frank. Comprehension and Learning. Holt, 1975.

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