Educ. 487-4 Planning In-Service for School Improvement
    INSTRUCTOR: Ian Andrews
    Tuesday Thursday, 5:30 - 9:20*
    LOCATION: on campus
    Course Description:
    This course is intended primarily for people with responsibility for, or a
    Particular interest in, professional development and the introduction of
    in-service programs in schools and school districts.
    It will aim to equip such participants with the theoretical and practical
    a) to analyze the effectiveness of contemporary innovation strategies
    in education;
    h) to analyze the actual and potential contribution of in-service programs
    for school improvement.
    c) to plan the development, implementation and evaluation of an in-
    service program for the school and/or district level.
    Course Content:
    Two main theoretical perspectives will be adopted. First, the school will
    be analyzed as a problem-solving, self-renewing or "creative" social
    system and the characteristics of the internal and external roles, procedures
    and support structures needed to achieve this end will be considered.
    Second, in-service will be analyzed as a complex, innovation process involving
    key agencies, tasks, methods and users, at school and district levels,
    each with their own distinctive features and values. Both theoretical
    perspectives will be illustrated and criticized through the use of a variety
    of practical examples.
    Topics to be considered within these theoretical perspectives will include:
    induction programs for beginning teachers; retraining program for teachers;
    school-initiated, school-focused and school-based programs; the roles of
    teachers' centres, universities, supervisors and professional associations;
    training the trainers (eg. mentors, advising teachers, community members)
    evaluation techniques and problems; costing techniques and problems; and
    innovative methods (eg. consultancy, clinical supervision and organization
    Regular readings will be assigned with one seminar presentation to be prepared.
    One major paper will be required. This assignment will he negotiated
    individually within a framework which will encourage participants to produce
    work which is theoretically based but integrated with the practical nature
    of the participant's teaching or in-service role.
    Course Materials:
    There will be no prescribed text but rather an extensive list of required
    readings of both aththreticai and practical nature will be presented. Hence
    a $10.00 fee will be levied for the printed materials.
    For further information please contact: Ian Andrews, Assistant Director
    Professional Programs
    Faculty of Education, S.F.U. (291-3787)
    * On May 29th (Saturday) students will be asked to attend a full day session
    so as to meet the required number of contact hours for the course. This
    will be in lieu of the fact that this intersession course will he offered
    during the first five weeks of intersession (May 10th - June 4th).

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