    Education 475-4
    Summer Session, 1980
    Designs For Learning - Mathematics (Elementary)
    Instructor: 1artin Hoffman
    Time: Tuesday and Friday, 12:30 - 4:30
    July 7th to August 15, 1980
    Text: Trivett, ...And So On.
    This course is designed for elementary school teachers,
    prospective or active, who wish to increase their basic un-
    derstanding of the nature of mathematical activity, and ex-
    plore the learning/teaching process as it applies to mathe-
    matics. Various topics of the elementary school curriculum
    will be examined both from a methodological perepective and
    from the viewpoint of the mathematics behind these topics.
    The course will be operated in a workshop fashion with
    students having the opportunity to
    increase their knowledge of the uses of certain
    manipulative materials such as rods, geoboards, and
    so on ... , which lend themselves to the efficient
    study of mathematical questions.
    develop approaches to the teaching of mathematics
    in which students are given the responsibility for
    their own learning.
    c) explore techniques of classroom organization which
    increase instructional efficiency for all Students.

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