    S ?
    (Elementary) ?
    INSTRUCTORS: Marsha Barry
    Joan.Col 1 ins
    Monday and Wednesday, 1
    +:30 - 8:30 ?
    Bev Terry
    INSTRUCTOR: Paul Clements,
    Monday and Wednesday,
    12:30 - 4:30 ?
    Chairman of Drama,
    University of Leeds
    This course is offered to students and practicing teachers who wish to
    explore that language communication-based approach to learning called the
    Language Arts.
    The course Is designed to introduce you to planning for learning, creating
    learning environments, and developing strategies, techniques, and materials
    in the Language Arts in the elementary school.
    The course will comprise a broad range of experiences organized in such a
    way as to maximize individualization of learning.
    Expressive Activities (4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.) This part of the course will
    begin with an interval during which you will participate in a variety of
    experiences built around the reading of selected children's literature. You
    will supplement this work by completion of a number of readings of your own
    choice in the field of children's literature as it relates to your individual
    teaching level and/or interests.
    The next part of this course will provide you with, at various times and
    as available, experiences in communication through the
    of some of the many
    forms of self-expression which encourage children to pursue language learnings
    leading to and reinforcing listening, speaking, reading and writing:
    Music, Song, and Movement
    Developmental Drama
    Communication Media including art,
    calligraphy, photography, film,
    puppetry, book making, play, etc.
    s (5:30 p
    .m. - variable) Through open-access learning centres, work-
    shop presentations, and field experiences, this part of each session will
    provide you with experiences in learning about the teaching of Language Arts
    with a specific focus on:
    * the Language Arts defined and some overviews of Language Arts
    programs examined;
    * curriculum development with specific reference to the Language
    Arts -- diagnosis of needs, setting of objectives, planning &
    sequence, implementation, evaluation, integration of the
    Language Arts program;

    . ?
    * aural-oral aspects of the Language Arts -- some dimensions of
    interaction; fostering & developing listening and speaking;
    * reading - instructional approaches, materials, and programs;
    children's literature;
    * writing - fostering and developing written expression; tools
    & techniques; convention in writing (including spelling,
    punctuation, etc.); grammar; usage.
    * thinking: the fifth Language Art;
    You will supplement this work by completion of directed readings prior
    to and following upon each session, and by completion of a number of assignments
    designed to demonstrate achievement of certain selected competencies.
    Task Time and Seminars (variable - 8:30 p.m.) In this last segment of the
    course you will have varying opportunity to complete some of your tasks through
    small-group work. Also, seminars will be held through which you will be able
    to ref ldct upon your learnings and to clarify your beliefs and ideas about
    language arts.
    Required Text:
    James Moffett, Betty Jane Wagner, Student Centred Language Arts and Reading
    K-13, Houghton-Mufflin, 2nd rev. edn. 1976.
    A variety of additional texts will be recommended.
    Attendance and participation in all parts of the course;
    completion of readings practice task assignments; demonstration of achievement
    of certain selected competencies.

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