27 - •. 2 1975
    Open to anyone
    110 per person (couples 240) Children under
    half price- Under 6 Free
    A neo-renaissance experience for people of all seasons. - Get off the cocktail
    circuit this Christmas and feel refreshed and awakened. The Christmas Adventure
    involves a wide range of indoor and ourdoor activities which are sustained
    and enhanced by the unspoiled wilderness. Those attending can choose from the
    following activities: cross-country skiing, West Coast Indian culture, creative
    dance, home-made music, snowshoeing, poetry and myths, winter over-nights,
    natural food cookery, photography, environmental conservation, pottery, various
    games, and a cousturned masnue on the evening.of the thirty-first.
    This course is intended for all people who wish to broaded their experience
    of the out-of-doors, and for educators who wish to increase their competence
    in this area. In keeping
    with/1117N season, the week will have a free flowing
    and festive atmosphere with 'e f od and comfortable accoiunodation. Families
    ai'e welcome and supervised aivi
    will be available for children.

    S ?
    Since the Summer of 1971 Simon Fraser University has
    offered a unique program dealing with the field of
    Environmental Education. The program has presented a
    group of credit courses in Environmental Education,
    offered in an intensive, "TOTAL IMMERSION" format. The
    program attempts to make teachers and others interested
    in Environmental Education, aware of the scope of the
    field and use of first hand experiences in areas includ-
    ing wilderness and outdoor recreation pursuits, outdoor
    education, field ecology, urban studies, and environ-
    mental problems. The philosophy of the progtam is that
    environmental education is an interdisciplinary field,
    therefore, the program is team taught by persons
    representing biology, outdoor recreation, urban and
    regional geography, architecture, art, social studies,
    and education.
    The core of the program is two credit courses offered
    by S.F.U. Faculty of Education. They are:
    EDUCATION 452-4: Field Studies & Case Work in
    Environmental Education
    (4 Semester Hours)
    EDUCATION 462-4: Environmental Education ?
    (4 Semester Hours)
    These courses must be taken concurrently, they are taught
    as a fully integrated program:
    Who is the Program designed for:
    The program is designed mainly for teachers and student
    teachers, but recreation workers, social workers, photo-
    graphers, and others interested in environmental education
    have taken it. Students do NOT need previous outdoor or
    environmental experience. The program is designed for
    persons of all ages, and for persons with interests and
    specialities in science, social studies, humanities, art,
    music, or physical education and recreation.

    . ?
    When & Where is the Program Offered?
    In 1971, 1972, 1973, and 1974 the core courses, Education
    and 462, were offered in Kamloops, British Columbia. The
    program is an intense experience lasting 3- weeks.
    the program will be offered in Kamloops during July, from
    to July 26 inclusive. Because of student demand in
    197+ a second section of the core program only was
    offered at the Strathcona Outdoor Education Center on
    North/Central Vancouver Island.
    It is expected that, in
    addition to the Kamloops section, a second section of the
    core program will be offered in a coastal location during
    July or August of 1975.
    Students who would prefer a coastal location should indicate
    this on their application questionnaires. The offering of
    a second section will depend upon demand and availability
    of resources.
    What About Other Programs in Environmental Education?
    Because of requests from students for further course
    offerings in the Kamloops Summer Institute, the University
    offered a Continuing Program commencing in 1972. Since
    then courses in Education, Biological Sciences, and
    Geography have been offered in Kamloops at the same time
    as the core program.
    In the Summer of 1975 the Summer Institute will offer
    general courses in Kamloops as a Continuing Program in
    Environmental Education. They are expected to be:
    Ge o 9ra2hy
    3 :
    ofla! p
    !aflfl!flg (Dr. Tim O'Riordan)
    This course will examine concepts and theories of regional
    development and environmental planning; the spatial
    component of regional planning problems;
    formulation, process and implementation. The course will
    emphasize planning issues of the Kamloops Region and will
    emphasize field work and case studies.
    (5 Semester Hours)

    . ?
    * ?
    The Animals & Plants of
    British Columbia
    This is a course designed especially for teachers and
    others who are not necessarily biology students but who
    want to know more about the living things of B.C.
    is designed to give students a basic knowledge of the
    major species of plants and animals and to acquaint
    students with the major biological regions of the
    Province. The course will stress field experences;
    Semester Hours)
    This course is intended for teachers and others who wish
    to develop their basic wilderness outdoor recreational
    skills with a view to being able to lead student groups
    competently and safely in the outdoors inB.C.
    It will
    consider canoeing and kayaking, backpacking, route
    planning, plus navbgation and orienteering, basic mountain-
    eering, and wilderness equipment, safety, survival, and
    first aid. Experience is not necessary. The course will
    emphasize skill development
    (k Semester Hours)
    Students may.-only register for any TWO of the above three
    courses. Students are advised to enrol ONLY for GEOG 443-5
    if they are considering that course. Most students are
    advised only to take ONE of the above three courses.
    What About Accommodation and Costs for the Program?
    Students who are not residents of Kamloops are provided
    with dormitory accommodation in Kamloops.. (The same will
    likely apply to a coastal version of the core Iprogram).
    Students who live in residence plan their own meals in
    groups, and prepare their own food, thus living costs are
    for accommodation (housing) plus
    food costs based on your own choice and demand for food.
    The core program costs: $120 (tuition) + $25.00(Field
    Activity Féè)

    S ?
    The Continuing Program costs: $15.00/Semester Hour
    (Tuition) + $25.00 (Field Activity Fee)
    $75.00 (Tuition)
    $45.00 (
    ' ?
    EDUC 486-4 ?
    = ?
    $60.00 (
    " ?
    Who Are The Teaching Team For The Sumer Institute:
    The following people are some of those who will form the
    teaching team in
    Dr. Milton McClaren: Environmental Education & Biological
    Simon Fraser University
    Dr. Tim O'Riordan: Institute of Environmental Studies,
    University of East Anglia, England
    Mr. Harvie L. Walker: Social Studies, Urban Studies
    and Canadian Studies
    (Project Canada West) and
    Environmental Education
    Vancouver School District.
    Mr. Brian Herrin: Science Education & Environmental Education
    Vancouver School District
    Mr. Ralph L. Shaw: Wilderness Education, Conservation
    and Outdoor Recreation.
    Kamloops School District.
    Mr. Cam Murray: Environmental Education Co-ordinator
    Kamloops School District
    Mr. Martin Hendy: Outdoor Recreation
    Simon Fraser University
    Ms Gloria Snively: Science & Environmental Education,
    Integrated Programs (S.F.U.)
    Mr. Stan King: Architect
    Mr. lB. G. Hansen: Architect
    Mr. E.P. Dowling: Environmental Sciences, Environmental
    Education, Experiential Education.
    Mr. Ed. Jackson: Science Education, Outdoor Education
    (West Vancouver School District)

    How Do I Get More Information About The Program?
    Students seeking information about any of the above five
    courses may contact:
    Dr. Milton McClaren
    Department of Biological Sciences
    Simon Fraser University,
    Burnaby ?
    V5A lS6
    They will be sent an application questionnaire and
    further information about BOTH the core and the Continuing

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