SSimon Fraser University
    Education 371-3
    Special Topics: Programming for Gifted Students?
    (T1.00) ?
    (Cat #91958)
    Summer Session, 1993
    (July 19-28)
    Monday through Wednesday
    8:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
    Location: Langley
    Instructor: J
    EDUC 401/402 and certified practising teacher. Students may take no more than
    three Tr-University courses toward a degree or diploma.
    This course reviews those aspects of giftedness that influence the emotional and social development of
    gifted individuals, from childhood through adulthood. A focus on methods and materials that
    educators, counselors and parents may use to promote emotional growth is evident throughout the
    Based on the theoretical foundations put forth by Terman, Hollingworth, Ward and Dabrowski, the
    practical aspects of this course are embedded in research related to the cognitive and affective
    development of gifted individuals. The course objectives include:
    a familiarity with the theories and research underpinning the practical application of
    strategies to enhance the emotional development of gifted children
    incorporation of methods and materials to enhance social and emotional development of school-
    age gifted children
    an understanding of principles and practices that foster the emotional growth of gifted
    individuals throughout their lives
    • Students will complete a curriculum unit that focuses on the social and emotional development
    of gifted students.
    • Students will complete 2 brief reaction papers to specific class readings.
    • Daily attendance.
    • Active and informed class participation.
    • The curriculum unit will be graded on its thoroughness and the extent to which it incorporates
    the theoretical principles highlighted in the course. Further, the unit will be evaluated on its
    practical relevancy for use with students
    (60% of grade).
    • The reaction papers will be evaluated on the thoroughness of the arguments offered by its
    writer, and the synthesis of ideas evident in these arguments (20% of grade).
    • Attendance and participation (20% of grade).
    (please turn over)

    S ?
    T1, 00
    Delisle, J.R. (1992).
    Guiding the social and emotional development of gifted youth.
    New York:
    Delisle, J.R. (1992).
    Kidstories: Biographies of 20 young people you'd like to know.
    Minneapolis: Free
    A package of pre-readings will be sent to students prior to the beginning of classes. Students will be
    charged for the cost of course materials. Payment will be collected at the first class.
    Purkey, W.W., & Novak, J.M. (1984).
    Inviting school success
    (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

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