1. Course assignments:
      2. Required Textbooks:

Fall Semester 2003
EDUC 315
-3 ?
Maureen Hoskyn
Individual and Developmental Differences
Office: EDB 9541
Thursdays, 13:30-16:20 ?
in Language Aquisition
Phone: 291-5808
AQ5018 ?
email: mhoskyn@sfu.ca
Educ 220 or Pysch 250
This course reviews of theories of language acquisition and their relationship to child communication
disorders. Topics include: theories of language acquisition; individual and developmental differences in
language acquisition; language structure and use in children with diverse disabilities, autism spectrum disorder,
sensory disabilities and emotional and behavioural disabilities, interdisciplinary approaches to early
intervention in the home, school and community.
Course assignments:
Part A:
Case Study (40 marks)
As part of this course, students are required to prepare a session and video record and analyze the language of
either a toddler (aged 2.0 -3.0 years) or a preschool (aged 3.0
years) child during several different
activities (60 marks total)
Presentation of case study (20 marks)
Part B:
Midterm exam (20 marks)
Final exam (20 marks)
Required Textbooks:
Kuder, Jay (2003) Teaching students with language and communication disabilities. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Gleason, J. B. (2001). The development of language. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Course readings: available as courseware from SFU bookstore

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