Simon Fraser University
Education 375-3
Special Topics: Early Transition:
The Transition and Integration of Children with Disabilities into Primary
Classrooms ?
(T1.00) ?
(Cat #35306)
Summer Session, 1993
(August 3-12)
Tuesday through Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.
Location: Vancouver
Instructor: D. Lillie
EDUC 401/402 and certified practising teacher. Participants should have experience and/or
certification as a primary or special education teacher as a foundation on which to build the concepts
and skills addressed in this course. Students may take no more than three Tr-University courses toward
a degree or diploma.
This course is designed to assist primary grade teachers in the development of the concepts and skills
needed to facilitate appropriate and effective instructional experiences for young children with
disabilities within the regular classroom. The course will be divided into four units of instruction as
Unit I
Mainstreaming Young Children into the Early Primary Grades
Unit II Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum
Unit III Disabilities and Classroom Modifications and Considerations
Unit IV Models for Effectively Teaching Children with Disabilities in the Primary Grades
The purpose of the course is to assist primary teachers in the development of the concepts and skills
needed to facilitate appropriate and effective instructional experiences for young children with
disabilities within the regular classroom. The course content is based on a foundation that includes
developmental and behavioral learning theory as applied to individualized instruction. Four
instructional goals will be pursued as presented by each of the four units in the course:
Unit I Participants in the course will develop an understanding of the rationale, need and
the dimensions of successful integration /mainstreaming of young children with
disabilities into the early primary grades.
Unit II Participants in the course will increase their knowledge and skills related to
implementing a developmentally appropriate curriculum which improves the
opportunity for success of children with disabilities.
Unit III Participants in the course will increase their knowledge and skills related to the
application of classroom organization and instructional modifications to improve the
opportunity for success of children with disabilities in their classrooms.
Unit IV Participants in the course will increase their knowledge and skills related to the use
of appropriate models of teaching to improve the opportunity for success of children
with disabilities in their classrooms.
(please turn over)

S ?
Completion of all assigned readings.
Satisfactory completion of daily activity assignments. Each day, in-class activities will be
assigned individually or to small cooperative learning groups. These activities are designed to
facilitate understanding of the course content and development of skills.
Satisfactory completion of the course project. Each student will be expected to complete a course
project that will involve the development of a case study designed to demonstrate the ability to
apply classroom instructional models addressed in the course content.
A Unit Post-Test will be administered at the end of each of the four units presented in the course.
correct mastery criterion will be used. If students fail to demonstrate mastery, additional
study will be assigned that is designed to demonstrate mastery of those objectives not mastered.
Satisfactory completion of the course project must be demonstrated for mastery. A rating scale
employed by the instructor will be used to review and rate each course project.
Grades will be based on SFU grading criteria as described in the University calendar.
A package of pre-readings will be sent to students prior to the beginning of classes. Students will be
charged for the cost of course materials. Payment will be collected at the first class.
Allen, K.E. (1992).
Mainstreaming in Early Childhood Education.
Albany, NY: Delmar. Chapters 1,
2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 19.
Conn-Powers, M.C., Ross-Allen, J
& Holburn S. (1990). Transition of Young Children into the
Elementary Education Mainstream. Topics
in early childhood special education, 9(4),
Fowler, S.A., Schwartz, I. & Atwater, J. (1991). Perspectives on the transition from Preschool to
Kindergarten for children with disabilities and their families.
Exceptional Children.
58(2), 136-
Allen, K.E. (1992).
Mainstreaming in Early Childhood Education,
Albany, NY: Delmar.
Rule, S., Fiechtl, B.J. & Innocenti, M.S. (1990). Preparation for transition to mainstreamed post-
preschool environments: Development of a survival skills curriculum.
in early childhood
special education, 9(4),
Walker, H.M., Hops, H. & Greenwood, C.R.
SUCCESS: Success using contingencies to create effective
social skills.
Seattle, WA: Educational Achievement Systems.

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