1. 1. Northwest Commission of Colleges and Universities
      2. 2. Surrey Campus – Podium 2
      3. 3. Food Survey
      4. 4. Trip to India
      5. 5. Gender Difference Statistics (S.11-126)
      6. 6. Honour Program in Humanities (S.11-127)
      7. 7. Bachelor of Arts in Cinema Studies (S.11-128)
      8. 8. Community Health Solutions (S.11-129)
      9. 9. SFU Strategic Vision (S.11-130)
      10. a) Engineering Science
      11. a) Asia-Canada Program
      12. b) Economics
      13. c) Explorations Program
      14. d) English
      15. e) International Studies
      16. f) First Nations Studies Program
      17. g) Liberal Arts
      18. h) Sociology and Anthropology
      19. i) WQB Designations
      20. 12. Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Beedie School of Business (S.11-133)
      21. a) Business
      22. (S.11-134)
      23. a) Communication
      24. b) Publishing Program
      25. 14. Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.11-135)
      26. a) Education
      27. 15. Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.11-136)
      28. a) Biological Sciences
      29. a) Dialogue
      30. 17. Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Beedie School of Business (S.11-138)
      31. a) Business
      32. 18. Graduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Science (S.11-139)
      33. a) Mathematics (MSc Stream and PhD Stream)
      34. 19. Research Ethics Board Annual Report (S.11-140)
      35. 20. Senate Library Committee Annual Report (S.11-141)
      36. 21. Senate Nominating Committee (S.11-142)

Northwest Commission of Colleges and Universities
The Chair reported on the accreditation visit from the panel for the Northwest Commission of
Colleges and Universities, and expressed his appreciation to those who participated in engaging
with the panel. The initial feedback was favourable and it’s hopeful that SFU will be formally
admitted into the accreditation process in January.
Surrey Campus – Podium 2
The Chair reported on the formal opening of Podium 2 at the Surrey campus. This new area
includes research and teaching labs which will enable science courses to be offered at the Surrey
campus. At the opening event, appreciation was expressed to both the provincial and federal
government for their contribution of approximately $10 million, but the need for additional space
in Surrey, given the growth in population, was also highlighted.
Food Survey
The Chair encouraged everyone to participate in the food survey and commented that so far there
has been a lot of feedback. The current food provider contract will be reviewed and the executive
would like the community’s advice and input, as this issue affects students, staff and faculty.
Trip to India
A question was submitted by a Senator regarding the upcoming trade delegation trip by the
Premier of B.C. to China and India, and the fact that SFU is listed as one of the sponsors. Senate
was informed that SFU had been planning a trip to India prior to learning the Premier’s office
was doing the same. While participating in the larger trade and education mission, the goals of
the trip are to raise SFU’s profile in India for teaching exchanges, research collaborations, and as
a favoured destination for undergraduate and graduate students. Visits are planned in public
schools, institutions and leading organizations with the objective to strengthen existing
relationships and explore new ones. SFU will not be participating in the Premier’s visit to China,
as a visit to China already occurred in the summer.
Gender Difference Statistics (S.11-126)
Questions were raised regarding the discrepancy in male versus female admit rates and
graduation rates, and what could be done to remedy this difference. Suggestions were made
about possible reasons for this difference and ways to help alleviate these differences. It was

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pointed out that the ratio of female undergraduates to male is a concern across North America
and an opinion was expressed that SFU’s student body is a reflection of a greater trend that
cannot be solved by issues of fairness.
Honour Program in Humanities (S.11-127)
Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal for an
Honours Program in Humanities in the Department of Humanities within the Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, effective Summer 2012.
Bachelor of Arts in Cinema Studies (S.11-128)
Senate approved and recommended to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal for a
Bachelor of Arts in Cinema Studies (Major, Minor, and Honours) within the Faculty of
Communication, Art and Technology, effective Summer 2012. A friendly amendment was
accepted to change the wording in the second last line on page 9, in the upper division
requirements, from “12 upper division credits” to “12 additional upper division credits.”
Community Health Solutions (S.11-129)
Senate approved the proposal for the establishment of the Community Health Solutions as an
Institute for a five year term.
SFU Strategic Vision (S.11-130)
Senate concurred that the statement of Vision and Goals has been developed from a
comprehensive and inclusive process, and fairly reflects both the aspirations and the mission of
Simon Fraser University.
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Applied Sciences (S.11-131)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Summer 2012:
Engineering Science
- Course (new): ENSC 411 – The Business of Entrepreneurial Engineering
- Courses (prerequisite/title/description): ENSC 201, ENSC 283, ENSC 384, ENSC 476
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (S.11-132)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Summer 2012:
Asia-Canada Program
- Program: Chinese Studies Certificate requirements
- Courses (prerequisite): ASC 300, ASC 301, ASC 302, ASC 303, ASC 400

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- Program: changes to Major, Minors, Honours, and Joint Majors
- Course (new): ECON 201 – Microeconomic Theory I: Competitive Behavior
- Courses (prerequisite): ECON 301, 302, 305, 325, 331, 353, 362, 381, 392, 393, 402,
403, 409, 410, 431, 435, 443, 446, 450, 451, 453, 454, 490, 498
Explorations Program
- Courses (prerequisite): EXPL 310, EXPL 320
- Program: Major, Honours, Minors, Joint and Double Major requirements
- Program: Writing and Rhetoric Certificate admission requirements
- Course (prerequisite): ENGL 372
International Studies
- Program: Major, Honours, Minor, LAS/IS Joint Major requirements
- Course (prerequisite): IS 313, IS 410
First Nations Studies Program
- Program: Major, Minor, Joint Major, Diploma, Certificate requirements
- Course (new): FNST 324 – Indigenous Art History
Liberal Arts
- Program: Certificate in Liberal Arts requirements
Sociology and Anthropology
- Course (title, description): SA 322
WQB Designations
- Course (W designation): ENGL 472
- Course (B-Sci): FNST 332
- Course (B-Soc): PSYC 260
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Beedie School of Business (S.11-133)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Summer 2012:
- Program: Business Career Passport requirements (effective Fall 2012)
- Program: Honours, Accounting Concentration requirements
- Program: Non-Business requirements
- Program: Major, Honours, Joint and Double Major lower division requirements
- Courses (prerequisite): BUS 207, BUS 312, BUS 315, BUS 421, BUS 478

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Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Communication, Art & Technology
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Summer 2012:
- Program: Minor in Dialogue requirements
- Courses (description/title/prerequisite/course number): CMNS 454, CMNS 455, CMNS
456, CMNS 461
Publishing Program
- Course (new): PUB 230 – Graphic Design Fundamentals
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Education (S.11-135)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Summer 2012:
- Courses (description): EDUC 298, 299, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391,
392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 486, 487, 488, 495, 496, 497, 498
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Faculty of Science (S.11-136)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Summer 2012:
Biological Sciences
- Program: Major, Honours lower division requirements
Undergraduate Curriculum Revisions – Undergraduate Semester in Dialogue (S.11-137)
Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting under
delegated authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Summer 2012:
- Courses (B-Hum): DIAL 390W, DIAL 391W, DIAL 392W
Graduate Curriculum Revisions – Beedie School of Business (S.11-138)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Summer 2012:

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- Program: Special cohort GDBA/EMBA in Aboriginal Business and Leadership (ABL)
calendar language
Graduate Curriculum Revisions - Faculty of Science (S.11-139)
Senate received information that the Senate Graduate Studies Committee, acting under delegated
authority, approved the following curriculum revisions effective Summer 2012:
a) Mathematics (MSc Stream and PhD Stream)
- Program: addition of operations research stream; calendar changes to identify core
- Courses (new): MATH 804 – Operations Research: Selected topics
MATH 808 – Advanced Linear Programming
MATH 888 - PhD Comprehensive Exam: Operations Research
Research Ethics Board Annual Report (S.11-140)
Senate received the 2010/2011 Research Ethics Board (REB) annual report for information. A
concern was raised about the lack of faculty representation on REB. Senate was advised that due
to the responsibility and workload required by members of the REB, it is difficult to find faculty
members willing to participate. It was also advised that there is a desire to change the process
and a review will be taking place.
Senate Library Committee Annual Report (S.11-141)
Senate received the 2010/2011 Senate Library Committee annual report for information. A
question was raised regarding the reasons for the Library Penalties Appeal Committee not
meeting between April 1, 2010 and March 31, 2011. Senate was advised that this was likely
because issues were resolved at a lower level so there was no need to call a meeting.
Senate Nominating Committee (S.11-142)
A revised Senate paper showing positions that were elected by acclamation, required voting, and
vacancies that would be carried forward to the next Senate meeting, was distributed at the
The approved Senate minutes will be available online following the next Senate meeting. For more information
please refer to the November 2011 Senate documents at

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