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(formerly S.97-81)
For Information
Ad Hoc Committee to review the role of Senate regarding University
At the meeting of SCAR held on November 18, 1997, it was agreed that SCAR
should establish an
ad hoc
committee to review the role of Senate, consistent with
the University Act, regarding university policies. The committee, with
membership and terms of reference as set out below, will report to SCAR. After
review at SCAR, a report will be forwarded, with recommendations, to Senate.
(SCAR Terms of Reference -
- To advise the Chair in determining the items for the Open and Closed Agendas of Senate, and
- To recommend to Senate rules and procedures for the conduct of its business, and
- To periodically review the structure and terms of reference of the various standing committees of
Senate, and to make recommendations to Senate as appropriate.)
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2 Faculty Senators, selected by SCAR
1 Student Senator, selected by SCAR
1 Dean, selected by the Deans
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i Vice-President, selected by the Vice-Presidents
Director, Secretariat Services (non-voting)
Secretary of the Senate (Chair)
Terms of Reference:
The University Act sets out the responsibilities of Senate relating to the academic
governance of the University. The committee will review existing University
policies and determine for each whether or not it should come forward to Senate
and if it is agreed that it should come forward to Senate, whether it should come
forward for direct approval or for informal discussion or advice.
The committee is to draft a proposal by March 31, 1998 and forward it to SCAR for
December 15, 1997

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