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• ?
From: ?
M. Munro, Chair
Senate Committee on Academic Planning
Subject: ?
Graduate Regulations
February 13, 1995
Action undertaken by the Senate Graduate Studies Committee and the Senate Committee
on Academic Planning gives rise to the following motions:
Motion 1:
"That Senate approve
re€ammend_approval to the
Ge'ert,rs, as set forth in S.95
16 , the change to graduate regulation
1.4.2 on Registration."
Motion 2:
"That Senate approve
and recommend-approval to
the -Boa-rd_of-
Gne as set forth in S.95 -16, the change to graduate regulations
1.7.1 and 1.7.3 on Residence Requirements."
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TO: Senate Graduate Studies Committee
FROM: Bruce P. Clayman
Dean of Graduate Studies
Registration ?
DATE: November 21, 1994
Several recent problem cases and some changes in procedures have highlighted the need to mod-
ify graduate regulation 1.4.2.
At present, students who wish to enroll in a graduate course - or in fact any course - outside their
own department, need only to receive the approval of their own supervisor and Graduate Program
Committee. This has sometimes created problems for either the student or the host department or
both when the student is not qualified to enroll in the course or there is insufficient capacity in the
Graduate registration now takes place over an extended period prior to the start of the semester
and may soon occur by tele-registration. This makes obsolete the wording of regulation 1.4.2. 1
• ?
propose the following changes to remedy these problems:
Present Regulation 1.4.2
All students should arrive on campus one week before the beginning of classes in each semes-
ter. Registration takes place during that week. The course or thesis work for which the stu-
dent registers must have the approval of the Chair of the Graduate Program Committee and of
his/her Senior Supervisor once the Senior Supervisor is appointed. Student going on leave
are required to register.
Proposed Regulation 1.4.2
Registration occurs in the month preceding the start of each semester and must be complete
by the Friday preceding the start of classes; the academic calendar of events is contained in the
S.F.U. Calendar. New students are allowed an additional two weeks to finalize their registra-
tion, without financial penalty. The course or research-related work for which the student
registers must have the approval of the Chair of the Graduate Program Committee and of
his/her Senior Supervisor, once the Senior Supervisor is appointed. In addition, registration
for courses taken outside the student's department must have the approval of the course in-
structor. Students going on leave are required to register (see 1.8.4).
This proposal will be on the agenda of the next meeting of the Senate Graduate Studies Commit-
MN0I4SGS.DOC 21-Nov-94

TO: Senate Graduate Studies Committee
FROM: Bruce P. Clayman
Dean of Graduate Studies
and Vice President, Research
Residence Requirements ?
DATE: November 19, 1994
With the advent of part-time registration, several graduate programs which are conducted largely
away from the Burnaby and Harbour Centre campuses and the prospect of future programs that
have significant distance education components, an examination of our residence requirements is
in order. These are described in detail in sections 1.7.1 and 1.7.3 of the graduate regulations. In
summary, Master's students are required to be in residence for at least three semesters and doc-
toral students for at least five (with a previous Master's ) or eight (without). "Residence" is un-
defined other than implicitly in the phrase "undertaking study at this university." It was likely the
intent of the authors of these regulations that students be in close personal contact with their su-
pervisors, other faculty members and students for a period, so that they could absorb the 'culture'
of their disciplines... .in addition to learning the specific information and skills needed to complete
their degrees.
Since 1985, no Master's student has completed the program in fewer than three semesters and no
doctoral student has completed in fewer than seven. No student has requested transfer of time
spent at another university toward SFU's residence requirement. With the increasing use of inter-
net and other telecommunication, it is difficult and of questionable relevance, to monitor the ex-
tent to which a student is physically "at this university." ?
In view of this and discussion at the last SGSC meeting, 1 recommend a simplification and re-
definition -of our residence requirements:
• the present residence requirements, in terms of fill semesters, as described above would
be maintained.
• residence would be defined in terms of enrollment status only: a semester of part-time
registration would be equivalent to one-half a semester of full-time registration; on-leave
registration would not be counted toward the residence requirement.
• transferability of residence "credit" from other institutions would be eliminated.
The enclosed page shows the present and proposed new graduate regulations that reflect these
recommendations. I will place this matter on the agenda of the next meeting of the Senate
Graduate Studies Committee.
' n
MNOI2SGS.DOC 19-Nov-94

Present Regulations:
1.7.1 Residence Requirement for the Masters Degree
The aim of the residence requirement is that a student spend a period of time
in contact with faculty members and with other students at the University. To
this end, a student shall be registered in an approved program and undertaking
study at this University as a Masters student for a minimum of three semesters.
Normally, this residence requirement will be fulfilled inconsecutive semesters,
but exceptions to this general rule are permitted for students registering in
programs which are discontinuous by design (see
and for students who
go on leave (see 1.8.4).
No part of the residence requirement may be waived for work performed
before admission to the University as a Masters student.
Under exceptional circumstances, a Masters student at Simon Fraser Univer-
sity may apply for residence credit for work to be done off campus. Such
applications shall be made at least one month before the beginning of the
semester in which the student proposes to work off campus and shall be
approved by the student's Supervisory Committee and Graduate Program
Committee and shall be sent to the Senate Graduate Studies Committee for
final approval. While doing work off campus under these provisions, the student
shall maintain normal registration at this University, not registration on leave.
Proposed Regulations:
Residence Requirement for the Mas-
ter's Degree
The aim of the residence requirement is that the
student spend a period-of-.time in contact With
faculty members and other students. To this
end, the student shall be registered in a Master's
program at the University for a minimum of
three full-time equivalent semesters. Semes-
ters of part-time registration will be counted as
one-half of a full-time semester; on-leave se-
mesters will not count toward this minimum. No
part of the minimum may be waived for work
performed before admission to the University as
a Masters student.
1.7.3 Residence, Requirement for the Doc-
toral Degree
The aim of the residence requirement is that the
student spend a period of time in contact with
faculty members and other students. To this
1.7.3 Residence Requirement for the Doctoral Degree
The aim of the residence requirement is that students spend a period of time
in contact with faculty members and with other students at this University.
The following regulations apply.
Doctoral students entering the program with a Masters degree shall be in
residence for five semesters.
Doctoral students entering the program with a Bachelors degree shall be
in residence for eight semesters.
students who have transferred to the Doctoral degree program from a
Masters degree program at Simon Fraser University without completing a
Masters degree, shall be in residence for eight semesters in the combined
programs, at least five of which must be in the Doctoral degree program.
While in residence a student shall be registered in an approved program at
Simon Fraser University. Normally, the residence requirement will be fulfilled
in consecutive semesters but exceptions to this general rule are permitted for
students who go on leave (see 1.8.4).
No part of the residence requirement may be waived for work performed
before admission to the Doctoral degree program.
Under exceptional circumstances a Doctoral student at Simon Fraser Univer-
sity may apply for residence credit for work to be done off campus. Such
applications shalt be made at least one month before the beginning of the
semester in which the student proposes to work oil campus and shall be
approved by the student's Supervisory Committee and Graduate Program
Committee and sent to the Senate Graduate Studies Committee for final
approval. While doing work off-campus under these provisions, the student
shafl maintain normal registration at this Univers1ty, not registration on leave.
end, the student shall be registered in a Doctoral
program at the University for a minimum period
as follows:
Doctoral students entering the program with
a Masters degree shall be in residence for
five full-time equivalent semesters.
Doctoral students entering the program with
a Bachelors degree shall be in residence for
eight full-time equivalent semesters.
c) Students
have transferred to the Doc-
toral program from the Masters degree pro-
gram at Simon Fraser University without
completing the Masters degree, shall be in
residence for a total of eight full-time
equivalent semesters, at least five of which
must be in the Doctoral program.
Semesters of part-time registration will be
counted as one-half of a full-time semester: on-
leave semesters will not count toward this mini-
mum. No part of the minimum may be waived
for work performed before admission to the Uni-
versity as a Masters or Doctoral student.
MN0I2SGS.DOC 19-Nov-94

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