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S. 2 15 (c)
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From ..................S.
Subject ?
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Date ?
The following is a report of the deliberations of the Faculty at the last
regular meeting of the Faculty of Education on May 26th, 1969, on
Senate Paper #215 - Academic Planning at S.F0U.:
S. Stratton advised that this paper originally submitted to Senate, had been
referred to the Faculties for review and written comments before Senate's
thorough discussion of it. Coordinating Council had agreed that the paper
presents a statement of facts on the current situation of the University and
the need for setting priorities in planning during
present time. Faculty
moved into a Committee of the Whole for discussion of the paper.
The intent of the paper was agreed upon. Faculty noted that the paper calls
for a
more structured system of planning in the introduction of new programs
and in establishing priorities of when and how they would come forward. The
trimester system was seen as a closely related aspect of this question in the
practical applications of policies, but not in maters of procedures for planning
in terms of steps that might be followed.
Faculty concurred that criteria must be established to determine the rank
ordering of priorities within the University. It was agreed that determination
of criteria might be difficult since it would be affected by the particular
educational philosophy of those persons charged with developing the criteria.
The following suggestions were made:
1:. ?
that each Faculty be responsible for drawing up its own priorities
which would then be ranked along with priorities for other areas
of the University by a Committee overseeing the total University
2. ?
that a Faculty of Education Committee be set up(or an existing one
(Coordinating Council) be charged) to determine criteria to be used
for ranking departmental proposals. Ranking of proposals could be
accomplished without regular referral to Faculty for approval once
Faculty had approved the criteria.

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3. ?
that the Dean be charged with making decisions on the priority
ranking of new programs in his Faculty.
Faculty then noted that there must be academic planning at the Faculty level as
well as the University level. In this regard a suggestion was made that a Faculty
of Education 4 day concentrated session be arranged to result in the creating
of a policy document on the philosophy of the Faculty, indicating the direction
in which the Faculty is moving. It was felt that this policy would represent the
Faculty to the University, the Community and the Faculty Members themselves,
so that firm base can be established from 'which certain criteria can be drawn
up. Faculty emphasised that their agreement to the session was on condition
that adequate preparation is made before hand for' the production of a document
at the end of the session.
The proposal in paper #48 for establishment of a Senate Committee on
Interdisciplinary Studies to review and advance proposals from a group of
faculty members who are not in the same department was accepted. It was
noted that at present there is only one interdisciplinary committee especially,
set up for the kinesiology program.
After the meeting had risen from Committee of the Whole, it was moved by
J. Ellis, seconded by S. Wassermann:
that the Faculty of Education approve in principle paper #48,
but noting especially the need to develop clear and effective
mechanisms for establishing criteria for priorities, and
establishing executive mechanisms for implementing priorities.
Notice of motion was proposed by S. Wassermann, seconded by F. Brown:
that the Senate be urged at the earliest possible opportunity
to set up a Committee on Interdisciplinary Studies.
S. Wassermann advised that she would prepare a proposal in support of the
motion for the next Faculty meeting.
I trust that this will serve the needs of Senate in responding
to the request for a Faculty opinion on this paper.
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