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It is the pleasure of the Senate Library Committee to
present this annual report to Senate for the academic year
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S. T. Stratton

Report to Senate: page one
Membership of the Simon Fraser University
ate Library Committee
University Librarian
Three members from Senate
One member from each Faculty (Art, Education, Science)
(Assistant University Librarians are non-voting. )
[The Chairman is elected from these members, the names of the members
at any particular given time are available from the Librarian's Office.]
The decisions and activities of the Senate Library Committee follow in
chronological order.
Lack of space has not allowed science material in microform to be moved
to the Sciences floor (fourth).
2. A grant of $1, 000 was received from the Koerner Foundation for the
purchase of material for the Contemporary Literature Collection.
The University Archives will be attached to the Humanities Division of
the Library.
Five-cent photocopying machines for students are to be installed.
5. The Committee requested the Board of Governors to give authorization for
preliminary drawings of Phase II of the Library building and to investigate
the possibilities of providing temporary accommodation. for students.
6. The final approval of the proposed 1969/70 Budget was given, at a special
meeting of the Committee (April 3rd, 1969). [Due to a further cut in the
Library Budget, a revised and reduced Acquisitions Budget 1969/70 was
passed May 12th (see 13).]
7. The subject codes in-the budget control reports were reduced from 58 in
the 1968/69 Budget to less than half for the 1969/70 Budget.
8. The Committee approved in principle that all members of the University
community have equivalent sanctions for misuse of library privileges.
A common loan period of two weeks for all members of the University
community beginning with the summer semester, 1969, was also approved.
(It was decided a fine system he extended to faculty beginning in September,
1969, and that library privileges be withheld from faculty members
at the
end of a semester if they did not pay 'fines or return hooks. (It was
identified that with the advent of the on-line loan system, it would be
possible to suspend the borrowing privileges of any person by nullifying
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his library card.) Library cards for faculty would indicate the regulations
set down by the Senate Library Committee. Any faculty member not
wishing to comply woild receive an unpunched identification card. )

Report to Senate: page
It was further agreed with respect to equivalent sanctions that all members
of the University community, other than undergraduates, receive the same
sanctions as for faculty, i. e. suspension of library borrowing privileges
at the end of a semester.
The Committee approved in principle that revenues collected by the Bursar's
Office for fines and lost books, be applied to the replacement of lost, stolen,
or damaged books. A letter was sent to the Acting President recommending
this policy. Moreover, the principle was upheld that the Library should
in some manner warn borrowers in advance of impending fines.
[Implementation of this and a three-day grace period is presently under
The Committee was pleased to learn from the University Librarian at the
meeting held April 15th that a grant of $24, 000 from Canada Council had
been received for the building up of research collections in the areas of
history, economics, English, and South Asian studies.
The Committee approved in principal that library privileges be extended
to the broader community as and when facilities and resources permit
this extension of service and that alumni of the University have first priority
when such conditions are met.
In May a. second Revised Acquiition Budget
was presented. This
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further reduction of the budget was necessary to meet the new financial
constraints imposed by a shortfall to the University budget when the division
of funds was completed for the three universities.
Work on long term requirements for the Library has already begun in the
University Computing Committee.
A request by the Department of Philosophy for a departmental library was
not approved.
Concern was expressed over the high number of stolen journals.
[Documents and papes referred to as well as the minutes of the meetings are
kept in the Librarian's Office. Copies may be requested.
/ck ?
3rd October

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