To: The President
    6.M' S/I}
    tr' c
    Here is a proposed program
    a gathering of Convocation
    Founders on a Saturday in early February. It is suggested that another
    program be arranged on another date for our principal donors, ending
    with a reception at the President's residence.
    2:00 Welcome from President
    2:05 Lieutenant Governor Ceremony
    2:20 Simon Fraser University Pipers
    (first public performance)
    2:25 Three Deans to speak
    2:40 Stiident representative to speak
    2:45 Contribution by Communications Centre
    (movie, play or electronic music, etc.)
    3:00 Theatre program to end.
    Tours (3:00 to 4:00 p.m.):
    Student Guide leaders will meet Convocation Founders as they
    leave the Theatre and take them to new centres of interest.
    Department Heads involved or their representatives will meet
    the parties ;o describe the new facilities.
    It is suggested the parties visit -- (1) the new Audio-Visual
    Centre (to let them see the new equipment in use and even to let them
    see themselves on a video recorder), (2) east side of Academic
    Quadrangle (showing them, new theatres, Archaelogy Laboratory and
    then moving around to new catering facilities on south side, (3) new
    Language Labs or new Science Wing Labs, (4) Electronic Response System.
    Tours will be staggered to avoid congestion -- one group will
    probably start with
    io-Visual, another in the Labs, etc.
    Faculty Lounge and Student Cafeteria:
    4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Light Refreshments.
    Note: It is suggested that one tier of
    nderground parking be reserved
    for the use of Convocation Founders.
    January 5, 1967.

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