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To.. .........
...Mem b ers
The attached paper represents a recommendation from the Academic Planning
Committee for the establishment of a program in Computer Science. The
paper has been circulated to departmental chairmen and through them to their
respective faculty members for info ation and comment.
Brian Wilson

That a program in Computer Science be established and incorporated into
the Division of General Studies; that the program be implemented in
phases, the first of which is identified in the body of this proposal;
that the question of a major in Computing Science should be deferred until
such time as there is an opportunity to assess the orientation of Phase
I of the Computing Science Program and the extent of demand for such a
Computers and computer techniques are having profound impact on modern
society. They have revolutionized the approach to a wide variety of
disciplines. They have a profound sociological, economic and scientific
implication. No branch of science and technology can be predicted to
have a quicker growth rate or greater impact or greater potential for
• ?
the next decade. This potential is recognized by students. There is a
great demand in universities across the country for courses and
programs in Computing Science. The graduates of such programs are
eminently successful in obtaining new positions. The growth rate, in
terms of computers and computer technology, is exponential with no
immediate end in sight.
There is a correspondingly rapid development in the sophistication of
computer techniques and in the development of Computing Science as an
established discipline with many broad ramifications. These include
such diverse topics as "artifical intelligence" and "integrated
information systems".
To develop a series of courses relating to Computer Science which
would service the needs of students and faculty throughout the
Universitycommunity; dependent both upon student demand and societal
needs, to eventually move to the provision of a sound undergraduate

program leading to a degree with a major in Computing Science as part of
the course offerings of the University.
The administrative organization will consist of a coordinator/director
and a coordinating committee composed of representatives from each
faculty within the University whose students require access to such
program together with the teaching staff identified with the program.
The coordinator/director will report directly to the Dean of the Division
of General Studies. The Coordinating Committee through its coordinator/
director will advise the Dean of the Division on admission of students to
the program, *curriculum, budget requirements and candidates for degree.*
The arguments for retention of the Computing Science Program in the
Mathematics Department included the following:
0a) With its existing core of applied mathematicians and Computing Science
specialists, the Math Department offers an environment in which the
proposed program could be fostered.
b) Within the Math Department, the program can be oriented to meet the
needs of the entire University community, and
c) Putting the program in the Division of General Studies would add an
unnecessary administrative burden by introducing yet another committee
However, in the opinion of the Academic Planning Committee, these
arguments were not as persuasive as those for placing it in the Division
of General Studies:
*It is recognized that some of these responsibilities will come only
if a major in Computing Science is eventually approved.

Since the Computing Science program is inter-disciplinary in terms of
demand, why not recognize this reality at the outset by incorporating the
program in the Division of General Studies?
Location of the program in the Mathematics Department raises a possibility
that it will develop an applied mathematics and/or scientific orientation
and thus not be responsive to the non-scientific needs of other university
departments, and
The program is intended to be experimental and probationary and, under
these conditions, it ought to be incorporated in the General Studies
Division where the nature of the program and the resources committed
to it can be clearly identified.
Already, several departments, among them the Department of Economics
and Commerce, offer courses relating to a Computer Science program;
given this evidence of the inter-departmental support to he provided
to this programme, the inclusion of the programme in the Division of
General Studies is warranted.
The first phase of the program will consist of service courses and
of core courses at the upper division which will constitute at least
a minor in Computing Science. The suggested program of upper division
courses will include the following additional courses:
401-4 - Data Structures
402-4 - Programming Languages
403-4 - Computer Organization
404-4 - Systems Programming
408-3 - Operations Research
Pt present the Department of Mathematics already mounts 405-4 - Theory
of Computability and 406-3 - Numerical Analysis. These, as well as
lower division courses, 106-3 - Introduction to Computing and 205-3 -
Computers and Programming would be retained. Reflecting the

recommendation of the Academic Planning Committee, consideration of the
second and all subsequent phases are being deferred until such time
as the core program proves to be successful in attracting students.
The core of the Computing Science Program which we have proposed is
based on a recommended program at the undergraduate level in leading
universities in North America. There is no doubt that a senior
academic appointment in Computing Science will be necessary to provide
the leadership and professional competence to implement a first rate
undergraduate program. The computing groups will then be in a position
to polish the program and to refine the actual core structure.
It is anticipated that the senior academic appointment in Computing
Science will be finalized through discussions with the Department of
Mathematics. However, it is intended that in addition to representatives
of the Mathematics Department, the selection committee will include
the Dean of the Division of General Studies and representatives of
faculties whose students will require access to the program; the
recommendation of the selection committee will be forwarded i.n the
normal way to the vice-president academic for his approval.

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