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SENATE .. ..... ..... ..... ?
..... ...
. .... .......................... ..... ....... .From.
Subject .... ....
NOVEMBER 14,-1.974,
S.AR 895-3, 896-5, 897-5
"That paragraph 3.3 a (iii) be amended to read "at
least two semesters in a Master's Program at this
University with a Cumulative Grade Point Average
of at least 3.5 in nine or more semester hours of
graduate course work. All graduate courses for the
Master's degree, whether taken at this University
or another, shall be considered in the evaluation of
the application."
"That a new section be added to the General Regulations
as follows
3.7 Admission as an Exchange Student. Bona fide graduate
students at other Canadian universities who wish to take
courses at Simon Fraser University, not leading to a
Simon Fraser University degree, will be admitted on the
recommendation of the Chairman of the Department (or
equivalent officer) and the Dean of Graduate Studies at
the other university, and the permission of the appropriate
Graduate Program Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies
at this University."
"a) That the following sentence be added to section
3.6 at the end of the paragraph: "Transcripts of
previous university work (or proof of obtaining a
degree) will be required at the time of application,
but letters of reference will not necessarily be
That the last sentence of the first paragraph of
section 3.7 (present numbering) be struck.
That the last paragraph of section 3.7 (present
numbering) be struck and that the following two
paragraphs be inserted in its place:
"Admission for Masters or Doctoral students
is by resolution of the Senate Graduate Studies
Committee on the recommendation of the Graduate
Program Committee or, for students entering under
. Special Arrangements, on the recommendation of
the Executive Committee of the Senate Graduate
Studies Committee.

Decisions on admission made by the Senate
Graduate Studies Committee shall be final.
Final approval of admissions for Special
Students or Exchange Graduate Students is by
the Dean of Graduate Studies provided all the
conditions of such admission have been met.
..&- 3 isTproVa
Motion 4
"That the second sentence in 6.3 be changed to read
as follows:
"This appointment shall normally be made no later than
the beginning of the third semester after the student's
admission, although in certain circumstances, and with
the permission of the Dean of Graduate Studies, the
appointment can be made later."
That the second sentence in 6.4 be changed to read as
"This recommendation shall be made during the same
semester in which the Senior Supervisor is appointed."
W ?
Motion 5 ?
"That the last sentence in 7.1 be changed to read as
"While doing work off campus under these provisions,
the student shall maintain normal registration at this
University, not registration on leave."
That the last sentence on 7.2 be changed to read as
"While taking a course or courses at another university
under these provisions, the student shall maintain normal
registration at this University, not registration on
Motion 6
"That the present paragraph 8.2 be struck and the
following new 8.2 be inserted:
"If a student's progress appears to be unsatisfactory,
the Supervisory Committee or the Chairman of the Graduate
Program Committee shall make a written report to the
Graduate Program Committee. That Committee shall consider
whether or not the student's progress has been satisfactory.
Should the student's progress be found to be unsatisfactory,
the Committee, on consultation with the Supervisory
Committee, if one has been appointed, can

require the student to withdraw, or
b) inform the student that his progress Is unsatisfactory
and require him to improve his work in specific ways
in a specific amount of time.
The student concerned has the right to appear before that
Graduate Program Committee when his case is considered
and he may submit any materials relevant to his case. If
the student is required to withdraw, he shall be informed
in writing with copies to the Dean of Graduate Studies
and the Assistant Registrar for Graduate Studies. If
he is required to improve his work within a specific
amount of time, he shall be informed in writing as to
what precisely is required of him with copies to the
Dean of Graduate Studies and the Assistant Registrar for
Graduate Studies.
Any decision of the Graduate Program Committee under the
provision of this section may be appealed to the Senate
Graduate Studies Committee through the Dean of Graduate
Studies Office. The student has the right to appear
before the Senate Graduate Studies Committee when his case
is heard. The decision of that Committee shall be final."
Motion 7
"That a final sentence be added to the last paragraph
of section 10.1 as follows: "The Dean of Graduate
Studies or his designate shall have the right to
attend all phases of the examination."
Motion 8
"a) That the present paragraph 10.6 have an extra
sentence inserted at the beginning, as follows:
"For degrees designated 'professional degrees'
by Senate (presently NA - Teaching of French, MBA,
MPM) the project will be examined in ways designated
by the appropriate Graduate Program Committee and
approved by the appropriate Faculty Graduate Studies
Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies."
b) That the existing paragraph be amended by inserting
the words "for all other graduate programs" after the
work "project". (This has the effect of making the
first sentence read "The examination of projects for
all other graduate programs shall be as for the
examination of theses...")"

Motion 9 ?
"That three new courses be introduced as follows:
S.Ar 895-3 Special Topics 1
S.Ar 896-5 Special Topics 2
S.Ar 897-5 Special Topics 3"

5,7L/ .-/"
To: Members of Senate
Subject:: Changes in the General Regulations
for Graduate Studies
Fràm: Office of the
Dean of Graduate
Date: November 6, 1974
That Senate approve the following:
Motion 1: That paragraph 3.3 a (iii) be amended to read "at
least two semesters in a Master's Program at this
University with a Cumulative Grade Point Average
of at least 3.5 in nine or more semester hours of
graduate course work. All graduate courses for
the Master's degree, whether taken at this University
or another, shall be considered in the evaluation of
the application."
Motion 2: That a new section be added to the General Regulations
as follows
3.7 Admission as an Exchange Student. Bona fide graduate
students at other Canadian universities who wish to take
courses at Simon Fraser University, not leading to a
Simon Fraser University degree, will be admitted on the
recommendation of the Chairman of the Department (or
equivalent officer) and the Dean of Graduate Studies at
the other university, and the permission of the appropriate
Graduate Program Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies
at this University.
Motion 3: a) That the following sentence be added to section
3.6 at the end of the paragraph: "Transcripts of
previous university work (or proof of obtaining
a degree) will be required at the time of application,
but letters of reference will not necessarily be
That the last sentence of the first paragraph of
section 3.7 (present numbering) be struck.
That the last paragraph of section 3.7 (present
numbering) be struck and that the following two
paragraphs be inserted in its place:
"Admission for Masters or Doctoral students
is by resolution of the Senate Graduate Studies
Committee on the recommendation of the Graduate
Program Committee or, for students entering under
Special Arrangements, on the recommendation of
the Executive Committee of the Senate Graduate ?
Studies Committee.
Decisions on admission made by the Senate
Graduate Studies Committee shall be final.

Final approval of admission for Special Students
or Exchange Graduate Students is by the Dean
of Graduate Studies provided all the conditions
of such admission have been met."
Motion 4: That the second sentence in 6.3 be changed to read
as follows:
"This appointment shall normally be made no later than
the beginning of the third semester after the student's
admission, although in certain circumstances, and with
the permission of the Dean of Graduate Studies, the
appointment can be made later."
That the second sentence in 6.4 be changed to read as
"This recommendation shall be made during the same
semester in which the Senior Supervisor is appointed."
Motion 5: That the last sentence in 7.1 be changed to read
as follows:
"While doing work off campus under these provisions,
the student shall maintain normal registration at this
University, not registration on leave."
That the last sentence on 7.2 be changed to read
as follows:
"While taking a course or courses at another university
under these provisions, the student shall maintain normal
registration at this University, not registration on
Motion 6: ?
That the present paragraph 8.2 be struck and the
following new 8.2 be inserted:
"If a student's progress appears to be unsatisfactory,
the Supervisory Committee or the Chairman of the Graduate
Program Committee shall make a written report to the
Graduate Program Committee.
That Committee shall consider
whether or not the student's progress has been satisfactory.
Should the student's progress be found to be unsatisfactory,
the Committee, on
with the Supervisory
Committee, if one has been appointed, can
a) ?
require the student to withdraw, or
b) ?
inform the student that his progress is unsatisfactory
and require him to improve his work in specific
in a specific amount of time.
student concerned has the right
to appear before that
Graduate Program Committee when his case is considered
and he may submit any materials relevant to his case.
If the student is required to withdraw, he shall be
informed in writing with copies to the Dean of Graduate
Studies and the Assistant Registrar for Graduate Studies.
If he
is required
to improve his work within a specific
amout of time, he shall be informed in writing as to
what precisely is required of him with copies to the
Dean of Graduate Studies and the Assistant Registrar for
Graduate Studies.

Any decision of the Graduate Program Committee under the
provision of this section may be appealed to the Senate
Graduate Studies Committee through the Dean of Graduate
Studies Office. The student has the right to appear
before the Senate Graduate Studies Committee when his case
is heard. The decision of that Committee shall be final."
Motion 7: That a final sentence be added to the last paragraph
of section 10.1 as follows: "The Dean of Graduate
Studies or his designate shall have the right to
attend all phases of the examination."
Motion 8: a) That the present paragraph 10.6 have an extra
sentence inserted at the beginning, as follows:
"For degrees designated 'professional degrees'
by Senate (presently MA - Teaching of French, MBA,
MPM) the project will be examined in ways designated
by the appropriate Graduate Program Committee and
approved by the appropriate Faculty Graduate Studies
Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies."
b) That the existing paragraph be amended by inserting
the words "for all other graduate programs" after
the word "project". (This has the effect of making
the first sentence read "The examination of projects
for all other graduate programs shall be as for the
examination of theses..
Motion 9: That three new courses be introduced as follows:
S.Ar. 895-3 Special Topics 1
S.Ar. 896-5 Special Topics 2
S.Ar. 897-5 Special Topics 3
These motiona were approved by the Senate Graduate Studies Committee
on November 4, 1974.
Jon Wheat
Dean of Graduate Studies.

MOTION 1 That paragraph 3.3 a (iii) be amended to read "at
least two semesters in a Master's Program at this
University with a Cumulative Grade Point Average
of at least 3.5 in nine or more semester hours of
graduate course work. All graduate courses for
the Master's degree, whether taken at this University
or another, shall be considered in the evaluation of
the application."
Rationale: This is merely a slight tightening of
the existing regulations to meet cases which come
up fairly regularly. Such action seems desirable
in the light of the rationale offered on tightened
entrance requirements for the Ph.D. endorsed by
Senate in its meeting of January 8, 1974. In addition,
it will result in equitable treatment of both students
who have taken all their course work at Simon Fraser
University and students who have obtained transfer
credit from other universities for part of their
course requirements.

That a new section be added to the General Regulations
as follows
3.7 Admission as an Exchange Student. Bona fide graduate
students at other Canadian universities who wish to take
courses at Simon Fraser University, not leading to a
Simon Fraser University degree, will be admitted on the
recommendation of the Chairman of the Department (or
equivalent officer) and the Dean of Graduate Studies at
the other university, and the permission of the appropriate
Graduate Program Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies
at this University.
Note: Passage of this motion will require the editorial
renumbering of paragraphs 2.7 and 3.8 and an editorial
change in the index.
Rationale: The Western Deans of Graduate Studies decided
by unanimous vote that, in the interests of both real
and apparent cooperation between western graduate schools,
each dean should seek passage of such a motion at his
own university. Almost all other Western Universities
have in fact passed such a motion.

a) That the following sentence be added to section
3.6 at the end of the paragraph: "Transcripts of
previous university work (or proof of obtaining
a degree) will be required at the time of application,
but letters of reference will not necessarily be
b) That the last sentence of the first paragraph of
section 3.7 (present numbering) be struck.
c) That the last paragraph of section 3.7 (present
numbering) be struck and that the following two
paragraphs be inserted in its place:
"Admission for Masters or Doctoral students
is by resolution of the Senate Graduate Studies
Committee on the recommendation of the Graduate
Program Committee or, for students entering under
Special Arrangements, on the recommendation of
the Executive Committee of the Senate Graduate
Studies Committee.
• ?
Decisions on admission made by the Senate
Graduate Studies Committee shall be final.
Final approval of admission for Special Students
or Exchange Graduate Students is by the Dean
of Graduate Studies provided all' the conditions
of such admission have been met."
Rationale: Both these motions are intended to
maintain high standards of admission for students
in degree programs and
facilitate the entrance of properly qualified
students to take courses (but not a degree) at
this University where it is a reasonable
supposition that the students will bnef it from
taking such courses.

That the second sentence in 6.3 be changed to read
0 ?
as follows:
"This appointment shall normally be made no later than
the beginning of the third semester after the student's
admission, although in certain circumstances, and with
the permission of the Dean of Graduate Studies, the
appointment can be made later."
That the second sentence in 6.4 be changed to read
as follows:
"This recommendation shall be made during the same
semester in which the Senior Supervisor is appointed."
Rationale: In certain professional programs, notably
the MBA, it is impractical to appoint a Senior Supervisor
or a Supervisory Committee until the fourth semester
because it is only then that the students start their
research projects. Also, for students entering in
September, it is often hard to appoint supervisors
during the summer semester when many faculty are off

That the last sentence in 7.1 be changed to read
as follows:
"While doing work off campus under these provisions,
the student shall maintain normal registration at this
University, not registration on leave."
That the last sentence on 7.2 be changed to read
as follows:
"While taking a course or courses at another university
under these provisons, the student shall maintain normal
registration at this University, not registration on
Rationale: Taking work off campus for residence or
course credit at this University is not considered
an interruption of work towards the degree and therefore
not a reason to go on leave under the provisions of 8.4.
Passing thiè resolution will also solve certain problems
about the assessment of fees.

That the present paragraph 8.2 be struck and the
• ?
following new 8.2 be inserted:
"If a student's progress appears to be unsatisfactory,
the Supervisory Committee or the Chairman of the Graduate
Program Committee shall make a written report to the
Graduate Program Committee. That Committee shall consider
whether or not the student's progress has been satisfactory.
Should the student's progress be found to be unsatisfactory,
the Committee, on consultation with the Supervisory
Committee, if one has been appointed, can
require the student to withdraw, or
Inform the student that his progress Is unsatisfactory
and require him to improve his work in specific ways
In a specific amount of time.
The student concerned has the right to appear before that
Graduate Program Committee when his case is considered
and he may submit any materials relevant to his case.
If the student is required to withdraw, he shall be
. ?
informed In writing with copies to the Dean of Graduate
Studies and the Assistant-Registrar for Graduate Studies.
If he is required to improve his-work within a specific
amount of time, he shall be informed in riting as to
what precisely is required of him with copies to the
Dean of Graduate Studies and the Assistant Registrar for
Graduate Studies.
Any decision of the Graduate Program Committee under the
provision of this section may be appealed to the Senate
Graduate Studies Committee through the Dean of Graduate
Studies Office. The student has the right to appear
before the Senate Graduate Studies Committee when his case
is heard. The decision of that Committee shall be final".
Rationale: This amendment has the effect of providing an
appeal's procedure, which seems to be desirable. In fact,
the appeal's procedure already exists de facto because

students dismissed under this procedure to appeal to me
and, because Senate has supreme academic authority, I
place it before the Executive Committee of the Senate
Graduate Studies Committee. It should be added that this
appeal's procedure may turn out to be an interim measure
until Senate under article 37(s) establishes "a committee
of final appeal for students in matters of academic
discipline". At that time Senate will have to decide
whether decisions under section 8.2 of-the regulations
are properly matters of academic discipline.

That a final sentence be added to the last paragraph
• ?
of section 10.1 as follows: "The Dean of Graduate
Studies or his designate shall have the right to
attend all phases of the examination.'
Rationale: At present either the Dean or the Associate
Dean attends most oral examinations. However, it is
only by courtesy that he can remain for the deliberations
of the Examining Committee after the student has left
the room. In fact, no Dean or representative of the
Dean has been denied this courtesy. However, it seems
preferable that this sould be a matter of statute, not
merely of courtesy if for no other reason than that it
is part of the Dean's job, as defined by the Board of
Governors, to see to the maintenance of academic standards.

a) That the present paragraph 10.6 have an extra
• ?
sentence inserted at the beginning, as follows:
"For degrees designated 'professional degrees'
by Senate (presently MA - Teaching of French, MBA,
MPM) the project will be examined in says designated
by the appropriate Graduate Program Committee and
approved by the appropriate Faculty Graduate Studies
Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies."
b) That the existing paragraph be amended by inserting
the words "for all other graduate programs" after
the word "project". (This has the effect of making
the first sentence read "The examination of projects
for all other graduate programs shall be as for the
examination of theses...") ?
Explanation: The effect of this motion, if it passes,
will be to a) designate MA - Teaching of French, MBA,
MPM as professional programs and b) allow the examination
• ?
of research projects in these programs to be less formal,
and involve fewer faculty members, than in the academic
Rationale: The rationale for a) is partly that honesty
is served (these are professional programs and we should
not hide the fact) and partly to make b) possible. The
rationale for b) Is as follows: In the MBA program 50
to 60 students have to be examined each year and the
other professional programs are growing. To run full
scale orals with the limited number of faculty members
in those programs, poses crushing logistic problems: It
is also all but impossible to recruit the necessary faculty
from outside the program for so many orals. The inevitable
result will be examinations which are only formalities and,
again, in the interests of honesty, we should not tolerate
that. This does not mean any diminution of standards.
• ?
In the first place, the professional programs are in any
case course oriented rather than research oriented. In
the second place, running examinations which are only formalities

does nothing for standards; indeed, it breeds a
contempt for standards.

That three new courses be introduced as follows:
• S.Ar. 895-3 Special Topics 1
S.Ar. 896-5 Special Topics 2
S.Ar. 897-5 Special Topics 3
Rationale: In the description of their proposed course
of study Special Arrangements students often propose,
and have accepted, special supervised reading courses
(often supervised by more than one faculty member)
which cannot honestly be taught under existing reading
or special topics course in the University calendar.
Rather than do it dishonestly, we should have special
designation for the purpose of the transcript.

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