1. Memorandum

Simon Fraser University
University Secretariat
To: ?
From: ?
Alison Watt
Date: ?
August 25, 2004
Subject: ?
Amendment to the Rules of Senate re Senate committee terms
The following motion which was presented to Senate as a 'Notice of Motion' at the July
5th 2004 meeting of Senate, is now forwarded to Senate for consideration.
"that Senate approve that the following language in bold be added to
the Rules of Senate:
VI Committees
C. The nomination and election of members to Senate committees
shall be undertaken at the June Senate meeting and at other times
when vacancies occur.
In order to ensure continued operation of
Senate committees, where necessary, the terms of office of
retiring members shall be deemed to extend until the date of the
next Senate meeting when elections can be held."
Committee terms conclude on 31 May. If the June Senate meeting is not held until some
days after that time, there can be occasions when Senate committees may not be able to
undertake urgent business. The effect of the above amendment would be to continue the
term of appointment for the few days until the next Senate meeting, thereby bridging this

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