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School of Engineering Science
Members of Senate ?
John Jones, Senator
Commercialization of University Research
Date: 23
November, 1999
"Senate deplores the recommendation, expressed in the report "Public
Investments in University Research: Reaping the Benefits", that the
commercialization of the results of research be made a part of the university's
mission. Senate urges the government to reconsider and reject this report."
The federal government is currently contemplating a report "Public Investments in
University Research: Reaping the Benefits" prepared by an Expert Panel on the
Commercialization of University Research.
. ?
This report makes a number of recommendations concerning the funding of research and
the ownership of the resulting intellectual property. The report is available at
http:llacst-ccst.gc.calacst/commlhome_e.html [Executive Summary attached.]
I believe that the report is deeply flawed, and that its implementation would do serious
damage to Canadian universities and Canadian society. I urge you to read the report and,
if you share my misgivings, to write to Tim Nau, Director, Communications, NSERC,
tim_nau@nserc.ca .
The report recommends that 'innovation' be made a fourth mission of Canadian
universities, on a level with teaching, research and community service; and that
universities be required to give equal weight to innovation in tenure and promotion
considerations. From reading the report, it is clear that 'innovation' is interpreted to mean
The chief problem with this recommendation is the obvious conflict between our
traditional mission of creating and transmitting knowledge, and the proposed new goal of
pursuing commercial profit. A researcher who publishes results in professional journals
is pursuing the first goal; under the new policy, the researcher might chose to keep the
results secret to maintain a competitive advantage, and still expect to be rewarded by
tenure and promotion.
If the university is charged with pursuing commercialization, it is in an immediate
conflict of interest: how to deal with research results that, although valid, would hurt

future sales? This is not a far-fetched scenario; the recent case of Nancy Olivieri, and the
similar case of Betty Dong at UCSF, shows that it's all too probable.
Putting commercializability on a par with research merit in tenure considerations will
skew our values: the development of a new video game now scores higher than the
discovery of a new galaxy or a new species.
The report justifies this change in the mission of the university by noting that Canadian
companies have a poor track record in commercializing university research. The change
would thus enlist publically funded universities to increase the profitability of privately-
owned companies. Throughout the report, there is an uncritical equating of 'maximizing
social returns to Canada' with maximizing the profitability of Canadian companies.
Although the report pays lip service to improving social conditions and the natural
environment, there is no link between these goals and the policies proposed.
As John Ralston Saul and other commentators have noted, the prevalent ideology of the
nineties is one of 'corporatism', that is, the unquestioned assumption that the public good
is identical with corporate profitability. Historically, a major role of the universities has
been to develop and articulate alternatives to the dominant ideology. The underlying
thrust of this report is to bring the universities to heel as servants of corporatism.
John Jones ?
Engineering Science

Advisory Council Conseil consultatif
on Science and des sciences et de
Technology ?
la technologie
Public Investmenbs
in University Desearch:
ing the Benefits
1epoit of the Expert Panel
on the Commercialization
of University 1eearch

Executive Summary
1.0 Universities are Uniquely Poised
Social Well-being ?
2.0 ?
The Innovation Process
2.1 ?
Build Commercialization Infrastructure
Access to Highly Qualified Personnel
2.3 ?
Develop Innovation Policies and Strategies
2.4 ?
Facilitate Access to Research Funding
2.5 ?
Identify Discoveries with Commercial Application
.6 ?
Protect Intellectual Property
2.7 ?
Add Value to Intellectual Property
2.8 ?
Commercialize the Most Promising Discoveries ?
2.9 ?
Maximize the Value of the Public Investment in Research ...............................................................................
Universities' Innovation Performance
4.0 Barriers Preventing Canadian Universities from Achieving Their Full Potential
4.1 ?
Absence of a Coherent University Intellectual Property Policy ........................................................................
4. 1.1
Lost Commercialization Opportunities ....................................................................................................
.1.2 ?
Leaked Benefits
.1.3 ?
Litigation ?
4.1.4 ?
Limiting Innovative Capacity of Canadian Firms ...................................................................................
.1.5 ?
Underdeveloped University Commercialization Capacity ?
................................................................................ 21
4.3 ?
Uncompetitive Business Conditions
.3.1 ?
Personal Taxation
4.3.2 ?
Tax Treatment of Employee Share Options ?
............................................................................................ 22
RRSP Investment Restrictions
................................................................................................................. 22
4.4 ?
Low Levels of Investment in University Research
4.4.1 ?
Federal Support for University Research
.4.2 ?
Indirect Cost of Research
Pcpoit of the Expert Panel on the Conunercializalion of University Research ?

5.0 National Vision ?
6.0 ?
Action Plan for the 21st Century
........................................................................................................................... 25
6.1 ?
Develop a University Intellectual Property Policy Framework
........................................................................ 25
6.2 ?
Strengthen Universities' Commercialization Capacity ......................................................................................
6.3 ?
Develop the Commercialization Skills Base
6.4 ?
Establish Competitive Business Conditions
.5 ?
Fuel the Innovation Pipeline ?
Implementation Considerations
8.0 ?
Measuring Progress and Maintaining Momentum
Conclusions ?
Background Reports
Annex 2:
Definition of Key Terms ?
Annex 3:
Considerations in Negotiating Commercialization Agreements .....................................................................
Annex 4:
National Data Collection Requirements
Comparative Analysis of Canada-U.S. Commercialization Performance ......................................................
Annex 6:
Detailed Tax Recommendations - Employee Share Options .........................................................................
Seed Stage Sources of Capital
Annex 8: Comparison of the Proposed Canadian Intellectual Property Policy
andthe U.S. Bayh-Dole Act ............................................................................................................................
Annex 9: Justification for the Proposed Level of Support for University
Commercialization Offices ..............................................................................................................................
Public Investments in University Qesearek Peapm8 the Benefits

Executive ()llfllmary ?
In this report the term intellectual property will mean
the following:
anada's standard of living has been slipping relative
to the standard of living in the United States and other
countries over the last two decades. There are many reasons
for this, and many different measures will have to be taken
to reverse this trend.
This report is about one such measure. It proposes actions
that will greatly increase Canada's ability to deploy
the intellectual property created in university research
to contribute to wealth creation in the Canadian economy.
The proposed actions necessarily focus on university
research supported with federal funds, but it is our hope
that research supported with public funds from all other
sources will be accorded the same treatment.
Universities are a very important element of Canada's
innovation system. Their most visible contribution is
in the education of people who acquire the knowledge
and skills that enable them to contribute to their society
in a great many ways. However, their contribution as
centres of research is very important as well. The recom-
mendations in this report are intended to strengthen the
role of university research in Canada's innovation system.
intellectual property (IP): an invention, discovery
or new idea that the legal entity responsible for
commercialization has decided to protect for possible
commercial gain, based on the disclosure of the
creator. This definition is intended to exclude journal
articles and scholarly books, and IP created without
federal funding.
This definition makes it very clear that we are interested
only in those forms of intellectual property that can be
protected for possible commercialization. It also underlines
the fact that it is up to the creator to decide whether
an invention, discovery or new idea is to be treated as IR
For example, a researcher who immediately publishes
a discovery has made the decision that it is not to be treated
Our recommendations do not infringe on researchers'
rights to publish.
The Main Directioan
Everything that follows begins with the people who create
inventions, discoveries or new ideas in the course of their
research at Canadian universities. We are acutely aware
that their time is a scarce and precious resource.
:-' ?
The Focua and the Termino!oy
This report is focussed on just one element of the contri-
bution of universities to Canada's innovation system,
but one that we consider very important. It deals with
the process for developing new goods and services for
the market from those inventions and discoveries made
by university researchers that are judged to have the poten-
tial for commercialization. We call this research-based
innovation originating in the universities.
When we use the term "innovation" in this report we mean
the following:
the process of bringing new goods
and services to market, or the result of that process.
We will also refer to intellectual property resulting
from federally funded research. We will explicitly exclude
intellectual property created without federal funding,
which should be left to the universities and the private
sector to negotiate on a case-by-case basis. We will also
explicitly not include in that term either journal articles
or scholarly books written by university authors. There are
established traditions and practices for dealing with scholarly
publications, and it is not our intention to recommend
that they be changed in any way.
The overriding objective of our recommendations is to
increase the return to Canada on the investment in univer-
sity research made by Canadian taxpayers. That goal is
not in dispute. We believe that research-based innovation
originating in universities has the potential to contribute
much more than it does now in a form that is very impor-
tant to all Canadians, namely well-paying new jobs.
We understand that most university researchers are not
entrepreneurs, and that they do not want to learn how
to become entrepreneurs in order to take a promising inven-
tion or discovery to market. They are skilled at research,
and they believe that their time is used better in doing more
research than in learning how to start a business. But
we also understand that there may be some researchers
who have the aptitude and taste for entrepreneurship,
and who might be the best people to commercialize their
own inventions. Our recommendations address the needs
of both groups.
At issue is the commercialization of discoveries and
inventions that are the result of research in Canada's
universities. It is understood that a great deal of university
research is basic research whose goals have nothing to
do with the development of marketable products. Provided
that basic research meets high standards of excellence,
it is valuable in many ways.
the present context, it
builds the foundation for important future innovations
whose shape cannot even be foreseen today. And on the
flip side of that same coin, it may show that certain lines
Report of the Fxpeii Panel on the Commercialization of Unwertity Research

S ,
of industrial research and development (R&D) would
be dead ends, thereby saving industry a great deal of time
and money. However, publicly funded university research
also produces discoveries and inventions that immediately
show the potential to be developed into new goods and
services for the market Enhancing Canada's ability to obtain
economic benefit from such results is the objective of the
actions recommended in this report.
Canadian universities also engage in a great deal of pro-
ject research in partnership with industry. The economic
benefit from that research is more easily obtained, since
the industrial partners share in the funding of the work
in the clear expectation of a significant economic return.
Innovation resulting from project research takes place
through established channels, and is assisted by the even-
teal employment of research students who were engaged
in the projects. This process is working so well across the
country and in all
sectors of the economy that it should be
considered a national success. For this reason, we are not
preoccupied with project research in this report, although
some of our recommendations will have an impact in
this area.
Let us now be very clear in stating the main goal of the
proposed actions. It is to increase wealth citation in Canada;
it is not primarily to produce new revenue streams for
universities. The experience in the United States, which
we use as a benchmark in this report, is that in the vast
majority of research universities the revenues from commer-
cializing research constitute a small addition to university
budgets, generally well below 1 percent. It would not be
realistic to expect much more in Canada. That amount
of incremental income might be sufficient to provide useful
incentives to the researchers involved, and to pay some
of the cost of managing IP, but it could not be counted
on to relieve the financial pressures that Canadian univer-
sities face today. Discoveries that produce financial bonanzas
are so rare that policies designed to pursue them would
almost always lead to failure.
However, if policies are designed to make university
research the source of new value-added activities in the
Canadian economy, we believe that the potential benefit
is much greater. Canadian universities are a very important
element of our national capacity for innovation. They
perform 21 percent' of all Canadian R&D, account for
31 percent' of Canada's R&D personnel, generate
cent' of Canadian scientific publications, conduct research
of world-class quality, and train many highly skilled people
who can function at the leading edge of important tech-
nologies. That all adds up to a great potential to play a
crucial role in the transformation of Canada's economy
into one that thrives on innovation and value-added activi-
ties in all sectors. In return, greater prosperity in the
nation, achieved with a visible contribution by universities,
could be expected to produce increased public support
for these institutions.
Our first recommendation makes explicit the expectation
that if any commercial activity is created from the results
of research supported by the Canadian public, that com-
mercial activity must bring a benefit to Canada. Presently,
university researchers are under no obligation to act in
the national interest if they decide to commercialize IP
created with federal funding.
It would be best if Canadian companies had the capacity
to receive and make good use of all research-based inno-
vations that come out of the universities. The benefit
to Canada would come in obvious ways from the success
of these companies. The Canadian receptor capacity is
substantial, but not as extensive as it needs to be.
One way of increasing that capacity is to create spin-off
companies to exploit university discoveries. That is being
done with remarkable success in many cases, but more
needs to be done.
However, in some markets it may not be practical to create
Canadian spin-offs. Some technologies might best be
brought to market through multinational enterprises that
have Canadian operations. In such cases, negotiations
to use IP to create a world product mandate for the Canadian
operation would be a good outcome for Canada. At the
very least, a significant number of value-added jobs based
on the innovation should be created in Canada.
Benefit to Canada can also result if the IP attracts new
foreign direct investment (FDI) to Canada. Federal and
provincial governments have programs in place to attract
FDI, and they should be called on for assistance.
One of the least desirable options is to license IP to
a foreign company, with all the jobs and profits realized
outside Canada, and to receive only a flow of licence
revenue in return - if the licensee, in fact, decides to market
the technology.
Statistics Canada. Estimates of Canadian Research and Development Expenditures (GERD) Canada, 1987-1998 and by Province 1987.1996.
(Service Bulletin. Cat. No. 88
Vol. 22, No. 5. Ottawa, Canada, 1998).
Statistics Canada, Estimates of Research and Development Personnel in Canada, 1979-1995. (Science and Technology Working Paper
No. ST
97-14, Ottawa, Canada, 1998).
Benoit Godin, Yves Gingras and Louis Davignon, Knowledge Flows in Canada as Measured by Bibliometncs (Working Paper prepared
for Statistics Canada, Cat. No. 88F0006XPB No. 10, 1998).
Public Investments in University Desearck Ueaping the benefits

• ?
The worst option, of course, is to do nothing and lose
the potential benefit to Canada entirely.
The federal government should require an
explicit com,nitment from all recipients offederal
research funding that they will obtain the greatest
possible benefit to Canada, whenever the results
oftheirfederally funded research are used
for commercial gain.
Our second recommendation urges the federal government
to develop a coherent IP policy framework. The proposed
policy should apply to all university researchers that receive
federal research funding, regardless of their position or
affiliation. That is to say, the policy should apply to faculty
and students alike, including researchers working for
universities and their affiliated hospitals, research institutes
and Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCEs).
Canadian- universities are no strangers to innovation based
on research results. Many good practices have been devel-
oped and many successes have been achieved. What has
been achieved in research-based innovation in Canada,
has been done in an environment of laissez-faire by the
federal funding agencies, under varied and inconsistent
university policies and practices, and under many different
organizational arrangements. Rarely has innovation been
treated as a mainstream university function, and the impor-
tance attached to it varies greatly among the universities.
Moreover, university researchers cannot generally be
certain that their efforts in innovation will be supported
or recognized by the university in the same way as tradi-
tional academic work. Our recommendation addresses
these problems.
The ownership of IP is an important and controversial
issue. Presently there are a number of approaches
to determining IP ownership:
in many universities the creator(s) own IP from
federally funded research and can commercialize
it how they wish, be they faculty, graduate student
or post doctoral fellow;
in other cases the creator(s) own the IP but are
required to assign it to the university to manage
the commercialization process; and
in yet other cases, universities own EP and manage
the commercialization process.
Advocates of each approach can point to successes.
However, some of the people who have the most experi-
ence commercializing the results of research have pointed
out lost opportunities and other problems that are caused
when creators commercialize research results.
The Panel strongly believes that university ownership
of IP (either in the first instance or through assignment)
would greatly increase the number of commercialization
opportunities emanating from university-based research.
The Panel also believes that the benefits arising from
these commercialization opportunities must be shared
with the creator(s) of the IP. University researchers do not
need to own IP in order to benefit from successful
commercialization undertakings.
I ?
Deport of the Expert Panel on the Commercialization of University Qesearch

In order for researchers to qualify for federal
research funding and universities to qua!
commercialization support, universities (and their
affiliated research hospitals and research centres)
should be required to adopt policies consistent
with the principles set out below:
Universities (and their affiliated organizations)
must recognize the importance
based innovation as a mainstream activity
by identifying "innovation" as their fourth
mission, in addition to teaching, research
and community service; alternatively, they
might explicitly identify innovation as an
element of
the three missions, as appropriate.
All IP with commercial potential (excluding
books and journal articles) that was sup-
whole or in part with federal funding,
must be promptly disclosed by the researcher
to the university. Researchers who do not
comply will be denied access to fuure federal
research funding.
All IP with commercial potential (excluding
books and journal articles) that was sup-
ported in whole or in part with federal funding,
must be disclosed annually by the univer-
sity to the federal government, provided
that such information is not subject to the
Access to
All IP
created f
om research that was
supported in any part by federal funding
is owned either by the university or by
the researcher(s) who created it. In those
universities where the ownership
IP resides with the researcher(s), the IP must
be assigned to the university for possible
commercialization (subject to appropriate
benefits - see item 9).
Universities (and their affiliated organizations)
must make reasonable efforts to commer-
cialize IP that they have found to have inno-
vative potential. They must make reasonable
efforts to maximize the benefits to Canada
by deploying IP in the interest
increased wealth for Canada.
Universities can assign IP back to the cre-
ator under the following conditions: when
the university has decided not to pursue
commercialization; when the university has
been unsuccessful in commercializing the
discovery within a reasonable time frame;
or when the university and the IP creator
both agree that the creator can maximize
benefits to Canada without undue conflict
7 Universities can assign IP tofinns when this
is considered necessary to ensure the success
the innovation.
Universities can assign IP to NCEs, affiliated
research hospitals and affiliated research
institutes when the university and the assignee
both agree that the assignee can maximize
benefits to Canada without undue conflict
Universities (and their affiliated organizations)
must provide incentives to encourage their
and students engaged in research
to create JR. These incentives must include
appropriate sharing
net benefits from
successful commercial undertakings whether
in the form of
equity or licensing income.
These incentives must also include appro-
priate recognition of
innovative researchers
in tenure and promotion policies.
Universities (and their affiliated organizations)
will encourage the participation
of small
and medium-sized enterprises and, where
appropriate, support the creation
of spin-off
companies in commercializing publicly funded
research. Small businesses, including local
spin-off companies, will be given priority
to license innovations, dependent on finding
appropriate businesses and equitable terms.
Universities (and their affiliated organizations)
must make reasonable efforts to license
or assign innovations locally or nationally.
Whenever possible, licensing should be
to a Canadian company or a Canadian sub-
aforeign company. Commitments to
Canadian value-added must be obtained when
foreign licensing is the only feasible route.
The university must designate a senior officer
responsible for innovation arising f
om its
research, and establish an organizational
capacity to carry out its innovation function.
4 ?
Public Investments in Univeraity Qeearch Peaping the Benefits

Universities will likely require two years to modify their
existing policies, or create appropriate policies in cases
where none exist.
The proposed policy framework for managing federally
funded IP is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition
for success. Additional funding is also required to help
universities strengthen their capacity to take advantage
of an improved IP management regime.
We recognize that many university researchers are frus-
trated with the level of support presently available to them
by university commercialization offices. if they are expected
to assign EP to universities, it is critical that these offices
be properly resourced, and staffed with people who are
able to manage the innovation process efficiently and
effectively. We need to develop world-class commercial-
ization offices that generate high returns to Canada,
and in the process generate higher returns to university
researchers than they could achieve on their own. The Panel
is convinced that once these offices create wealth among
researchers, the culture within Canadian universities will
change quickly and innovation will become a real priority.
The federal government should invest new and
additional resources to strengthen the commer-
cialization capacity
universities in an amount
equal to 5 percent
its investment in university
research. This new funding is to be invested in the
commercialization function and must be addi-
tional to the university's current spending. To be
eligible for commercialization grants, universities
should be required to adopt policies consistent with
federal policy requirements (Recommendation #2),
submit annual reports of
their innovation per-
formance and submit annually updated innovation
strategies to the federal Granting Councils. These
reports should reflect the shared priorities and
the university and its affiliated
research organizations.
Money alone, however, will not enable university com-
mercialization offices to achieve their full potential.
Canada has a skills challenge that must also be addressed.
We do not have an adequate pool of people with the skills
required to commercialize research. The report offers
specific proposals to develop the talent that university
commercialization offices require. Part of the solution
is to provide opportunities for existing staff to network
and share best practices. A national networking forum
might also enable universities to more readily identify
opportunities for bundling
With the new funding proposed in Recommenda-
tion #3, universities should make the commitment
to use their educational resources to develop the
people with the necessary entrepreneurial, busi-
ness and technical skills required to increase
the number of
successful innovations created
from the results of
university research. The federal
Granting Councils should add to this effort by
helping to create national and regional networks
to share knowledge, expertise and best practices
in this area.
Successful innovations based on university discoveries
or inventions may often require the formation of spin-off
companies. This is much more likely when the innova-
tion arises from basic research than when the innovation
arises from project research conducted in partnership with
an existing company. A spin-off requires new investments
at a level far greater than the original public investment
in the research
. A spin-off also requires the commitment
of very skilled people aside from the researchers, most
notably entrepreneurs and managers who are experienced
in building research-based companies.
It is also important that business conditions support
the growth of established companies that form strategic
alliances with universities since most technology
transfers involve existing companies.
Without supportive business conditions, Canada is very
unlikely to reap the benefits of discoveries and inventions
arising from university research funded by the public.
If any innovations are produced from them, they will
probably be produced somewhere else.
The frderal Department
Finance is encouraged
to undertake a wholesale review
tax policy to ensure that it does not impede and,
where possible, supports research-based
(Specific proposals are contained in the report.)
To increase the potential of Canadian universities to
contribute to our economy through research-based inno-
vation, the federal and provincial governments should
work together to increase the time that university faculty
have for research, and to improve the tools with which
they work. This involves building further on the measures
taken by the Government of Canada in the last three
federal budgets to increase research funding. It also requires
L. '.
Qeport of the Expert Panel on the Commercialization of University Qescarch

• .. . a concerted collaboration of the federal and provincial
governments to deal with the indirect costs of research
and with the basic funding of the universities that is the
biggest factor in determining the workload pressures
on faculty and staff.
• ?
Governments should increase their investment
in university research. They should also resolve,?
on an urgent basis, situations where universi
ties have difficulties conducting research when
federal funding is provided, but when limited
- ?
provincial support is available for the asso-
ciated indirect costs.
None of our proposals, on their own, will position Canada
to maximize returns on its investment in research. Taken
- ?
together, however, we believe that the recommendations
contained herein would have a dramatic effect in fuelling
¼. • •
the Canadian economy and generating social and eco-
nomic benefits for years to come.
Public lnve&tinciita in Univcraity Qeaeardi 12eapin5 the Benefit

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