1. OWNTF -W.W . o6llmrzmme a
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Saywell, W.G., Chair
Barrow, R.
Bawa, M.
Blackman, A.
Blaney, J.
Boland, L.
Bowman, M.
Brown, R.
Carlson, R.
Ciria, A.
Covell, M.
Dill, L.
Dobb, T.
Driver, J.
Evenden, L.
Gee, E.
Giff en, K.
Gray, P.
Green, C.
Haje, P.
Hoeflich, K.
Hoegg, J.L.
Holler, A.
Jones, C.
Lim, K.
Luk, W.S.
Mauser, G.
McKeown, B.
Menzies, R.
Morrison, T.
Munro; J.
Nielsen, V.
Palmer, E.
Palmer, L.
Percival, P.
Plommer, T.
Rieckhoff, K.
Shannon, D.
Smith, S.
Stewart, M.L.
Wade, S.
Winne, P.
Wotherspoon, A.
Beattie, S.
Cercone, N.
Cohen, M.
D'Auria, J.
Etherington, L.
Fickling, D.
Flores, J.
Heinrich, K.
Leiss, W.
Marteniuk, R.
Pinfield, L.
Saunders, A.
Shapiro, S.
Thomson, K.
Toohey, K.
Walker, A.
Warsh, M.
In attendance:
N. Heath
G. MacDonald
M. Manley-Casimir
Heath, W.R., Secretary
Grant, B., Recording Secretary

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The Agenda was approved as distributed.
The Minutes were approved as distributed.
Reference was made to page 2, item 3 with regard to the statement that
regulations and procedures respecting the guarantee of library resources would
be brought forward to Senate as soon as available. Senate was informed that
the Vice-President Academic has been requested to prepare this statement
which hopefully will come before Senate sometime during the upcoming Fall
Reference was made to the inquiry at the bottom of page 3 concerning student
representation on appeal committees at UCFV. Senate was advised that the
UCFV appeals committee consists of three faculty, three staff members, and
three students.
Reference was made to the request at the top of page 5 with regard to
information contained in the Annual Report of the SPCSAB. Senate was advised
that the Financial Aid office has been notified of Senate's request and
presumably the information will be available for the September meeting.
4. ?
The Chair was saddened to report the death of former SFU President, Pauline
Jewett. Senate was advised that a memorial service for Dr. Jewett would be held
on Thursday, July 9th at 2:00 p.m. in the Halpern Centre.
Senate Committee on Academic Planning
Paper S.92-44 - Policy on International Activities
Moved by J. Munro, seconded by J.L. Hoegg
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
Governors as set out in S.92-44 the proposed policy on
International Activities, and that when the Board has approved the
policy, the Senate Committee on International Activities shall be
G. MacDonald, Director of International Cooperation Office, was in attendance in
order to respond to questions.
The following changes suggested by J. Munro were accepted as friendly
amendments: i) the addition of the following sentence to 3.2 on page 2 - "Where
such activities involve credit instruction, they shall require the approval of the
Faculty involved and Senate"; ii) deletion of 6.2 on page 4 which is repeated in
6.4 and therefore unnecessary.

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Opinion was expressed that the policy should contain a much stronger statement
with respect to activities undertaken in countries in which there are concerns
about human rights so that the involvement of the University in such a country is
not seen to be endorsing or supporting the government of that country. In
response, it was pointed out that simply writing such a statement into the policy
would not prevent such situations from occurring. It was noted that all countries
involved in international activities with SFU must be provided with a copy of the
University policy on human rights (Section 6.5.3) so that they are fully apprised of
the University's position.
Concern was expressed that the policy as it is written could lead to conflicts
between some of the principles within the policy, and it was suggested that
guidelines be established to help the committee resolve possible conflicts. It
was pointed out that it was impossible to foresee every contingency and to
identify every possible conflict between principles, but the fact that the policy
contains an unusually elaborate statement of principles as well as detailed terms
of reference ensures that the committee has adequate guidelines on which to
base their decisions.
Reference was made to section 3.1 of the policy and concern was expressed that
the section did not clearly specify that these agreements are subject to approval
either by Senate or the Board of Governors as specified by the Universities Act
and it was suggested that signing by a senior university administrator was
inappropriate. Senate was advised that signing authority was a Board issue, not
a matter for Senate to consider, and that a draft policy on the matter of delegation
of the Board's signing authority is in preparation.
Amendment moved by T. Morrison, seconded by S. Wade
"that the membership of the Senate Committee on International
Activities be changed from One Senator (Student), Elected by and
from Senate, to One Senator (Undergraduate Student), and One
Senator (Graduate Student), Elected by and from Senate"
It was pointed out that Student Senators are elected at-large rather than by
graduate or undergraduate status. It was therefore accepted as an
understanding that should there not be a student available from each category,
then two Student Senators from the same category would be acceptable.
Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
Amendment moved by P. Haje, seconded by M. Bawa
"that the membership include an International Student, Elected by
Question was called, and a vote taken.
Reference was made to Section 3 and clarification was requested as to how one
distinguishes whether a particular activity requires signature by the President or
is covered by either section 3.2 or 3.3. Senate was advised that the spirit of the

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section is to capture those arrangements where the institution as a whole is
represented without fully intruding into activities at the departmental or individual
level. The policy on delegation of signing authority by the Board which will
identify contracts by size or significance will also partially cover this.
Reference was made to Section 4.6 and concern was expressed about the
definition of the word 'equitable', and further that what might be judged to be
equitable elsewhere would not be considered equitable here. The decision would
be further complicated by the reliability of the information that would be available
to the Committee. In response, it was noted that equal participation by women
might not always be possible but the use of the word equitable gave notice of the
University's intention to set a sense of balance and fairness, maintaining an
emphasis on the role of women in development. The University should clearly
define for proposers the type of information that would be required by the
Committee in considering a proposal for cooperative efforts.
A suggestion by P. Haje to include the same reference about equitable
participation of minority groups was accepted as a friendly amendment and
added as Section 4.7.
Opinion was expressed that Section 3.3 was not clear in that there are levels of
participation by individual faculty which are intermediate between activities
undertaken individually and those taken on behalf of the university which could
possibly be covered by the policy. Suggestion was made that the proposed
guidelines be applied to an existing project in order to determine their practicality
and feasibility. Senate was advised that due to complexity of issues, it was
impossible to assess any existing project on the spur of the moment.
Suggestion was made that provision for regular ongoing reviews of existing
activities should be included in the policy so that the committee would not have to
wait until concerns were raised about an existing project before review could
occur. Suggestion was also made that the committee be empowered to seek
outside expertise when controversial situations arise. Senate's attention was
directed to the fact that all of these international projects are under the
administrative supervision of an official of the University and, in many cases, they
have advisory committees of faculty as well.
It was argued that the issues under discussion were centered around moral and
ethical questions which could best be approached through the kind of broad,
general principles presented in the document.
Question was called, and a vote taken.
Senators were reminded about returning the Information Sheets previously
distributed on behalf of the Senate Nominating Committee for use in balloting for
elections at Senate, and their attention was drawn to the covering memo which
outlined some changes in format. Senators were also advised that subject to
approval of the Senate Committee on International Activities by the Board of
Governors, elections to this committee will take place at the October meeting of
Senate. Since this particular committee was not included on the Information
Reports, Senators will be contacted to determine their interest in being
candidates for election.

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b) ?
Senate Committee on Academic Planning/Senate Committee on
Undergraduate Studies
Paper S.92-45 - Minor in First Nations Studies
Moved by J. Munro, seconded by E. Gee
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
Governors, as set forth in S.92-45, the proposed Minor in First
Nations Studies, including new courses
FNST 101-3 The Cultures, Languages and Origins of Canada's
First Peoples
FNST 201-3 Canadian Aboriginal People's Perspectives on History
FNST 301-3 Issues in Applied First Nations Studies Research
FNST 401-3 Aboriginal Rights and Government Relations
FNST 402-3 The Discourse of Native Peoples"
Note: SCUS, acting under delegated authority and subject to Senate and the
Board of Governors approval of the overall proposal, waived the usual waiting
period to allow FNST 101 to be first offered in 92-3 and FNST 201 to be first
offered in 93-1 at the Kamloops site only.
Secretary's Note: Referring to the draft Calendar entry on page 8, Senate was
advised that under "Upper Division Requirements", the third Archaeology course
listed should be ARCH 436-3 rather than ARCH 456-3.
In response to an inquiry about why a waiver was required, Senate was advised
that there are two possible locations for the Minor - one in Kamloops where the
Secwepemc Cultural Education Society/SFU program has been in operation for
approximately four years, and the other, on campus. By starting the Minor
program in Kamloops this Fall, those students currently enrolled in the
SCES/SFU program will be eligible to complete their degree requirements in a
timely fashion; otherwise they would be excluded from this particular program.
In response to inquiries about funding, Senate was advised that the resources,
including those required for the Library, are basically in place to start the Minor in
Kamloops in the Fall, and when the program is mounted on campus, Library
funding for the on-campus program will be provided. Concern was expressed
about the request for support and instructional staffing of the on-campus
program, and Senate was reminded that this was, in fact, a recommendation
from a committee and Senate's approval of the document did not mandate
allocation of resources by the Faculty. It was noted, however, that two faculty
positions would be required to mount the program on campus, and Senate was
advised that these positions will be joint appointments with existing departments.
With respect to support staff, the importance of having advising and counseling
support to assist native students to make the transition on campus was stressed
as being absolutely necessary.
In response to an inquiry about membership of the steering committee which will
oversee the program, Senate was advised that the current steering committee
will continue until changes to the program occur on campus. With the Minor

Page 6
status, this committee has expanded to approximately eight members, half of
which are SFU representatives and the other half are native persons, appointed
by and from the Shuswap community.
Objection was raised with respect to the name of the program in that it was
argued that it would be more appropriate to use the term Native Studies rather
than First Nations, and opinion was expressed that the program was clearly
discriminative towards one particular ethnic group.
Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
Senate Committee on Academic Planning/Senate Graduate Studies
Paper S.92-46 - School for the Contemporary Arts
Moved byJ. Munro, seconded by S. Wade
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
Governors, as set forth in S.92-46, the change to the requirements
for the Master of Fine Arts"
Question was called, and a vote taken.
Paper S.92-47 - Department of English
Moved by J. Munro, seconded by E. Gee
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
Governors, as set forth in S.92-47, the proposed
New course: ?
ENGL 999 - M.A. Field Exam
Deletion of ?
ENGL 998 - M.A. Extended Essays"
Brief discussion took place about regulations in the English Department in which
it was noted that the M.A. extended essay option had already been abolished as
an option for students in the MA program in English.
Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
Moved by J. Munro, seconded by E. Gee
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
Governors, as set forth in S.92-48, the changes to the graduate
programs in the Department of Linguistics, including the following
new courses:
LING 809-4 Morphology
LING 820-4 Formal Linguistics
LING 821-4 Phonetics

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LING 896-4 Directed Research
LING 897-4 Research Seminar"
Reference was made to the implementation date on the new course proposals for
LING 820 and 821. Senate was advised that the date of first offering should be
changed from Spring 1992 to Spring 1993. Brief discussion followed with respect
to some minor editorial changes to page one of the support documentation.
Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
Paper S.92-49 - Faculty of Business Administration
Moved by J. Munro, seconded by E. Gee
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
Governors as set forth in S.92-49, the following new courses:
MBA 610-3 Directed Studies in Business Administration
MBA 611-3 Directed Studies in Business Administration
MBA 612-3 Directed Studies in Business Administration"
Concern was expressed that students were eligible to count credit from all three
courses towards the academic graduation requirement.
Question was called, and a vote taken.
o6llmrzmme a
Moved by J. Munro, seconded by E. Gee
Motion #1
"that .S.enate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
Governors as set forth in S.92-50, the changes to the Master's
degree in the Faculty of Education"
Motion #2
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
Governors as set forth in S.92-50, the proposed Master of
Education program to be offered at the University College of the
M. Manley-Casimir, Director of Graduate Programs, Faculty of Education was in
attendance in order to respond to questions.
In response to an inquiry about the experience and success of individuals
admitted under "degree equivalence" category, Senate was informed that the
success rate has been quite high because these students tend to be mid-career,
highly committed individuals who value the opportunity to pursue and obtain a
professional degree.
An amendment moved by C. Green, seconded by K. Rieckhoff to delete
references on page 2 and page 10 with respectto students paying differential
fees for the Masters program at Cariboo was ruled out of order by the Chair.

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The Chair was challenged, and a vote was taken. The ruling of the Chair was
upheld. ?
Question was called, and a vote taken.
Moved by J. Munro, seconded by S. Wade
"that Senate approve the proposal to allow for additional transfer
credit for students in formal exchange programs, as described in
SUAB 228, subject to a revision to separate the rationale from the
action required in that paper"
N. Heath, Director of Admissions, was in attendance in order to respond to
Objection was raised to the proposed regulation because students would be able
to obtain an SFU degree with a majority of credits being obtained from other
institutions, especially institutions from outside of Canada. Particular concern
was expressed about transfer students admitted with a maximum of 60 credits
being eligible to obtain another 30 credits through enrolment in a formal
exchange program in another country. Senate was reminded that cases falling
under this policy would likely be exceptional cases, and Departmental Chairs and
Faculty Deans are required to judge whether there is a desirable number of SFU
courses prior to approval of the additional transfer credit.
Inquiry was made as to whether or not the University was prepared to provide
access to these exchange programs for students not able to afford travel
expenses in order to take advantage of receiving transfer credit in this way.
Senate was advised that students are eligible for some of the basic student aid
but access and/or financial support is limited.
Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
i) ?
Paper S.92-52 - Policy AC 35 - Centres and Institutes
Moved by J. Munro, seconded by C. Green
"that the Senate Committee on Academic Planning be given the
mandate to receive and review recommendations for the
establishment of centres and institutes under AC35 and forward
recommendations to Senate and the Board of Governors"
Question was called, and a vote taken.

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. ?
7. ?
Notices of Motion
C. Green presented notice of his intent to bring forward a motion that Senate
direct the Senate Committee on International Activities to review the University's
participation in the Indonesia Project, with particular reference to human rights
considerations. Reference was made to the information that was circulated to
Senators by the Environmental Action Group drawing attention to the conduct of
the Indonesian Government in East Timor.
The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is Monday, August
10, 1992.
The Assembly moved directly into Closed Session at 9:15 p.m.
W.R. Heath
Secretary of Senate

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