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Senate Committee on University Priorities
TO: Senate
Jarislowsky Foundation Endowed ?
Chair in Cultural Change - Terms
Of Reference (SCUP 06-36)
John Waterhor
Chair, SCUP
Vice Presidtcademic
August 28,
At its July 12, 2006 meeting SCUP reviewed and approved the terms of reference for
the Jarislowsky Foundation Endowed Chair in Cultural Change.
That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the terms of reference
for the chair supported by the Jarislowsky Foundation Cultural Change Endowment
The proposed Chair will be located in the School for International Studies, with the
disciplinary background open. A key mandate of the Chair holder will be to promote
interdisciplinary research and integration in this field of study. Further details about the
objectives of the Chair are provided in the attached documentation.
The terms of reference have been reviewed for consistency with applicable university
J. Pierce

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Senate Committee on University Priorities
John Waterhot
Chair, SCUP
Vice President
RE: Jarislowsky Foundation ?
July 10, 201
Endowed Chair in Cultural Change -
Draft Terms of Reference (SCUP 06-36)
I have received the attached materials from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
proposing the establishment of an endowed Chair in Cultural Change. As detailed, the
Chair is to be supported by a donation from the Jarislowsky Foundation and matching
funds provided by the University. The Chair is to be located in the School for
International Studies.
I am forwarding this to SCUP for your consideration and approval.

Office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
John Waterhouse ?
John T. Pierce
VP Academic ?
Dean, FASS
Jarislowsky Foundation
July 4, 2006
John, please find attached the terms of reference for a proposed endowed Chair
in Culture Change. The intent of the Chair is to further research and to promote
better understanding through teaching and outreach in how the many forces that
are brought to bear on global societies, influence culture change and social
progress with a special emphasis on the power of religion to both enhance and
retard creative transformation.
The Jarislowsky Foundation is proposing to donate $1 million to be matched by
the University. FASS in turn will provide the funding for a base position.
Together these financial resources will be sufficient to create a self sustaining
endowed chair position at the associate or professor level. It is expected that the
Chair will be located in the School for International Studies with the disciplinary
background open.
A key mandate of the Chairholder will be to promote interdisciplinary research
and integration in this broad field of study.
We look forward to commencing an international search in the Fall of 2006.

Jarislowsky Foundation Cultural Change Endowment Fund
Supporting the ?
Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Religion and Cultural Change Dynamics
Terms of Reference
The Jarislowsky Foundation Cultural Change Endowment Fund will support the
Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Religion and Cultural Change Dynamics, henceforth
referred to as the "Jarislowsky Chair in Cultural Change". The Jarislowsky
Foundation agrees to donate $1 million (CAD) to this endowment fund and Simon
Fraser University agrees to allocate $1 million from the Burnaby Mountain
Endowment Fund to the Jarislowsky Foundation Cultural Change Endowment
Fund to create a $2 million endowment. The annual income from this endowment
will be used to fund the Jarislowsky Chair in Cultural Change. The Faculty of Arts
and Social Sciences agrees to create a tenure track continuing position.
Purpose and Objectives
The Jarislowsky Chair in Cultural Change will consider the many forces that are
brought to bear on global societies, exploring how they facilitate cultural change and
social progress with a special emphasis on the power of religion to both enhance and
retard creative transformation.
The Chair will carry out a program of interdisciplinary research that considers
internal factors such as globalization, communication, immigration and education
and external factors such as politics and war. Initial emphasis will be on the many
ways that Islam has manifested itself in different regions of the world and how
Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Confucianism, secularism and social movements
have positively and negatively affected cultural progress.
Fund Administration
The Jarislowsky Cultural Change Endowment Fund will be held by Simon Fraser
University. The administrator of the Fund will be the Vice President - Academic, or
his/her designate. Donations to the Endowment may be received through Simon
Fraser University.

Jarislowsky Foundation Cultural Change Endowment Fund
Jarislowsky Chair
in Religion
and Cultural Change Dynamics
Terms of Reference
Fund Administration Continued
The capital of the Endowment Fund will be held in perpetuity. The annual earned
income (see Endowment Management Policy GP 20) will be used to enhance the
activities of the Jarislowsky Chair in Cultural Change, including travel, research
support, conferences and other public outreach, education activities and overall
excellence. The interest income distributed will not exceed 5 per cent of market
value each year. Any interest income earned in excess of 5 per cent will go back into
the endowment fund. The base salary and basic infrastructure of the Chair will be
covered by the University. A portion of annual earned income will be reinvested in
the Endowment to protect its value over time.
In the event that circumstances make the specified use of the Endowment Fund no longer
practicable or desirable, the Board of Governors of Simon Fraser University is hereby
authorized to make any changes it may deem necessary in the terms or use of the
Endowment Fund after consultation with the Jarislowsky Foundation. Such changes,
however, are to be in keeping as far as possible with the original spirit and general intent of
the Endowment Fund. This agreement may be amended by mutual consent of the
Jarislowsky Foundation and Simon Fraser University.
Advisory Committee
for Chair:
The advisory committee will include: two SFU faculty members, two scholars from
outside of SFU and one member of the Jarislowsky Foundation board. The advisory
committee will provide advice to the School for International Studies' Appointments
Committee on candidates for-the Jarislowsky Chair in Cultural Change.
Simon Fraser University will appoint the Jarislowsky Chair in Cultural Change. The
term of this appointment is 5 years and is renewable. The applicable policy is A
10.06. Appointment and renewal processes will follow the policy.
Simon Fraser University will appoint to a tenure track position at the rank of
associate professor or professor, a candidate who specializes in one or more of the
following areas: humanities, world religion, sociology, political science, history,
education, and geo-politics.

Jarislowsky Foundation Cultural Change Endowment Fund?
Supporting the ?
Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Religion and Cultural Change Dynamics
Terms of Reference
Appointments Continued
The intent is to appoint a candidate who can draw upon a number of disciplines to
study the change in culture and its association with religion in the context of diverse
internally and externally generated forces of change.
The Chair will be situated in the School for International Studies in the Faculty of
Arts and Social Sciences and will encourage and develop linkages with other
departments, institutes and universities in order to promote interdisciplinary
research and integration in this new field. The Chairholder may hold a cross
appointment with another discipline.
The Chair will be expected to create new curriculum on cultural change and
religion, to conduct a coherent program of research and to foster broader public
understanding of the issues through conferences and symposia. The teaching load
of the Chair will normally be 50% of the normal teaching load in the School for
International Studies.

Jarislowsky Foundation Cultural Change Endowment Fund
Supporting the ?
Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Religion and Cultural Change Dynamics
Terms of Reference
Accepted By:
Stephen A. Jarislowsky
Stephen A. Jarislowsky Foundation
Steve Easton
Director, School for International Studies
Simon Fraser University
John Pierce
Dean of Arts and Social Sciences
Simon Fraser University
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Cathy Daminato
VP Advancement
Simon Fraser University

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