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To: ?
D. Gagan, Chair
Senate Committee on Academic PMnning
Subject: ?
Faculty of Applied Sciences -
Curriculum revisions
Date: ?
December 9, 1996
Action undertaken by the Senate Graduate Studies Committee and the Senate Committee
on Academic Planning gives rise to the following motion:
• Motion:
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of Governors
the curriculum revisions for the Faculty of Applied Sciences as set forth in
S.97 - 7 as follows:
S.97 - 7 a) School of Computing Science -
Non-thesis option for the M.Sc. in Computing Science
For Information:
Acting under delegated authority of Senate, SGSC approved revisions as set forth in
S.97 - 7 b)
School of Engineering Science
In all cases agreement has been reached between the Faculty and the Library in the
assessment of library costs associated with new courses.
Any Senator wishing to consult the full report of curriculum revisions within the Faculty
of Applied Sciences should contact Bobbie Grant, Senate Assistant, at 291-3168 or e-mail

SGSC Reference: Meeting Nov. 18/96
SCAP Reference: SCAP 96 - 58
a) ?
School of Computing Science
i) ?
Non-thesis option for the M.Sc. in Computing Science

Simon Fraser University
Alison Watt.,
From: Tiko Kiii
Diecor of Gradiáte Piograni
School of Computing Science
(C: Marian McGiiin
Subject: Calendar Changes
Date: Nov. 2, 196
Dear AUsoi
Qur proposal for
project option
in Computing Science M Sc program has been approved by
SGSC kt the advice
of Graduate
Studies, I have cleaned
wording of the proposed Calendar description without changing its substance So, please present
this version to the Senate for its a'pproval.
Rules for Project Option in M.Sc. program:
Course req uireinents
At least 27 semester-hours or gradua
te level courses (typically 9 courses)
credit hour project Theproject option has the same minimum GPA requirement as
the thesis option.
Len gt
of the program
aply to project
The same
as to a
the maximum
length of time to finish ?the
Option Selection:
An M Sc student must choose between thesis nd project options by
the end of the second semester.
Any swch
thereafter must be approved by the Graduate
Irogram Committee
4. Degree:
Thesis and project students will receive the same degree, i.e., M.Sc. Tn Computing
Rationale for Introduction of Project Option:
To enhance the p'roductivity of our graduate ograrn by providing diversity and flexibility.
Not all M.Sc. students are interested in a resarch-oriented career.
I'o provide better choices of courses and flexible programs for our graduate students, by
making more courses with reasonably sized classes regularly available This will make the
a stident's M.Sc. program more predictable.
Epected sources of 'project students:
olling an M c qr Ph .D. in another'1el1, e g , mathematics, physics, engi
neering, etc They hae already dennstrated their academic ability. For the purpose
of entering a new job market, they wish to acquire CS background within a predictable
length of time. Recentl', we have had a arge number of such pplicaits.
(b) Students who originally intended to vrite a thesis, but for arious'reasons now wish to
obtaiih a graduate CS degree
find ajdb as soon asosi61e.
. ?
If, ai
proved, the introduction of the project option wi
necesitate the following changes 'in the

Currrent Description of the Computing Science M.Sc. Program:
Students in the MSc program are expected to acquire breadth of knowledge through a sequence of
courses and depth of knowledge through completion and defense of a thesis based on independent
work. Under normal circumstances an MSc degree should he completed within 6 semesters and
should not require longer than 8 semesters.
Breadth Requirement
MSc students must take at least 15 semester hours of graduate level course credit (typically five
courses) such that at least one course is chosen from each of areas I, II and III of Table 1. At least
12 of the 15 semester hours (typically 4 courses) must be taken in Computing Science. Coursework
will normally be completed by the end of the student's fifth semester in the program.
Depth Requirement
MSc students must submit and defend a thesis based on their independent work. The student, in
consultation with her/his supervisory committee, will formulate and submit for their approval a
written thesis proposal, normally not later than the end of the third semester in the program.
Regulations specifying the composition of the examining committee and the procedures for the
final public defense of the thesis can be found in sections 1.9 and 1.10 of the Graduate General
Regulations. MSc students are required to give a seminar. Typically this will be on their thesis
research and will be presented in the interval between distribution of the thesis to the committee
and the defense.
Proposed New Description of the Computing Science M.Sc. Program:
Students in the MSc program are expected to acquire breadth of knowledge through a sequence of
• courses and depth of knowledge through completion and defense of a thesis or a project. Under
normal circumstances an MSc degree should be completed within 6 semesters and should not require
longer than 8 semesters. An M.Sc. student must choose between thesis and project options by the
end of the second semester. Any change in option thereafter must be approved by the Graduate
Program Committee.
Breadth Requirement
MSc students with thesis option must take at least 15 semester hours of graduate-level course credit
(typically 5 courses) such that at least one course is chosen from each of areas I, II and III of Table
1. At least 12 of the 15 semester hours (typically 4 courses) must be taken in Computing Science.
Coursework will normally be completed by the end of the student's fifth semester in the program.
MSc students with project option must take at least 27 semester hours of graduate-level course
credit (typically 9 courses) such that at least two courses are chosen from each of areas I, II and
III of Table 1. The two courses taken in each area should be from different sub-areas. At least 21
of the 27 semester hours (typically 7 courses) must be taken in Computing Science.
The project should be roughly equivalent to 5 credit-hours of work.
Depth Requirement
MSc students must submit and defend a thesis or project based on their independent work. For the
thesis option, the student, in consultation with her/his supervisory committee, will formulate and
submit for their approval a written thesis proposal, normally not later than the end of the third
semester in the program.
Regulations specifying the composition of the examining committee and the procedures for the final
examination of the thesis or project can be found in Sections 1.9 and 1.10 of the Graduate General
Regulations. MSc students with thesis option are required to give a seminar. Typically this will be
thesis research
and the defense.and
will be presented in the interval between distribution of the thesis to

•SGSC Reference: Meeting November 18, 1996
SCAP Reference: SCAP 96 - 59
i) ?
School of Engineering Science
Acting under delegated authority of Senate, SGSC approved the following:
New courses:
ENSC 855 -3
Modern Semiconductor Devices
ENSC 856 -3
Compound Semiconductor Device Technology.

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