Terms of Reference
To maintain an overview and familiarity with the operating and capital funds of
the University, with the current financial environment, and with financial
opportunities and constraints impacting the University.
To propose to the President, for consideration, studies or analyses of particular
activities or budgetary issues related to revenues and/or expenditures where the
committee believes its particular expertise may be advantageously applied.
To receive for consideration, from the President, requests for study, analysis, and
advice on designated issues related to the operating and capital budgets of the
To inform and advise the President on the financial implications of Senate
approved academic program additions or those involving substantial change.
To consider, on an annual basis, the financial implications of approved new
programs or those involving substantial .change prior to the assignment of
implementation priorities by the Senate Committee on Academic Planning.
Terms of Reference
To maintain an overview and; familiarity with the operating and capital funds of
the University, with the current financial environment, and with financial
opportunities and constraints impacting the University.
To propose to the President, for consideration, studies or analyses of particular
activities or budgetary issues related to revenues, and/or expenditures where the
committee believes its particular expertise may be advantageously applied.
To receive for consideration, from the President or the Senate, requests for study,
analysis, and advice on designated issues related to the operating and capital
budgets of the University.
To take to the university community, on an annual basis, projected budget
scenarios for the upcoming fiscal year and to obtain informed responses and
suggestions. Based on these a report to be prepared by SCUB and forwarded to
the President prior to the final budget being established. The report prepared by
SCUB to be forwarded to Senate for information.