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Simon Fraser University
To: ?
From: ?
Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules
Date: ?
August 31, 1999
Subject: ?
CAWT/Special Appointment Policy
Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules at its meeting of August
31, 1999 gives rise to the following motion
"that Senate approve t-CfT/Special Appointment Policy as set
forth in
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Office of the Associate Vice-President, Academic
TO: Alison Watt. Director
Secretariat Services
Judith' ?
Vice-President, Academic
CAWT/Special Appointment Policy DATE:
July 26, 1999
I attach a copy of the this draft policy for consideration at the next meeting of
SCAR regarding the need for Senate approval or otherwise. This document was not
negotiated with the Faculty Association but they were consulted extensively and
were satisfied with it in its current form.
Due to my oversight, the draft policy was approved at the July Board of
Governors meeting, but that approval is clearly contingent on Senate approval
should SCAR deem it necessary.

The purpose of this policy is to permit departments, schools, and programs to recommend
candidates for an appointment equivalent to a tenure-track, or tenured, appointment
except that the continuation of the appointment is contingent upon the candidate's
receiving, and continuing to receive, full salary support directly from an external source.
Unless otherwise noted (see C), all of the University's established policies apply to these
categories of appointment.
Simon Fraser University recognizes that short- and long-term partnerships between
the University and private or public sector agencies may create opportunities for
highly-qualified persons with appropriate academic credentials to be associated with
a University department, school, or program on a continuing basis subject to the
continued availability of direct full salary support (including benefits) from an
external source.
For these purposes, the University will recognize two categories of non-standard
appointment which will be subject to all relevant University policies.
Special Appointment: Special Appointments will enjoy the rights and
privileges of tenure-track appointees for the duration of their appointments
with the following conditions listed in (i) to (iii) and with the exceptions
specified in sections C. and D.:
(i) ?
Continuation of the appointment for the length of the designated
period of the appointment is contingent upon the University
receiving direct continuing full salary support for the appointee from
an external funding agency for the whole period of the appointment.
Full salary support means the cost of salary and benefits. No
University funds may be contributed to salary support or fringe
June 26, 1999
Continuing Appointments Without term/Special Appointments ?

(ii) A Special Appointment may be made at the rank of Assistant-Professor,
Associate Professor or Professor. The term of appointment will
normally be five years. In the fourth year of appointment if the
funding is to continue, the incumbent will be given a contract review
through the procedures specified in A 11.01. If the review is positive
the appointment will be renewed for a further term determined by the
guarantee of continuing external funding for a specified period of time.
When the funding for an appointment ceases, the appointment will
end. This does not constitute dismissal.
(iii) Recommendations for Special Appointments should be forwarded to
the Vice-President, Academic, on the recommendation of the Chair
and the Department, following normal department procedures, and
with the approval of the Dean. The responsibility for concluding such
appointments lies with the Vice-President, Academic (Category B
(b) Continuing Appointment Without Term: A Continuing Appointment
Without Term has no specified end date. The appointee has the rights and
privileges of a tenured faculty member with the following conditions listed in
(i) to (iii) and with the exceptions specified in sections C. and D.:
Continuation of the appointment is contingent upon the University
receiving continuing full salary support for the appointee from an
external funding agency for the whole period of the appointment. Full
salary support means the cost of salary and benefits. No University
funds may be contributed to salary support or fringe benefits.
A CAWT normally will be made only at the rank of Professor.
Recommendations for CAWTs should be forwarded to the Vice-
President, Academic, on the recommendation of the Chair, the
DTC/FTC, and with the approval of the Dean. The responsibility for
concluding such appointments lies with the Vice-President, Academic
(Category B appointment).
26, 1999 ?
Lontmulng Appointments Without lerm/Speclal Appointments ?

C. ?
The University/s established policies will apply to Special Appointments and
Continuing Appointments Without Term except as specified here:
Salaries for appointments will either be set according to the negotiat
faculty salary scale or alternative salary and career advancement
processes will be set out at the time of
ppointment. In either event,
appointees will undergo biennial reviews required for all faculty.
Appointees will not be eligible for enhanced early retirement unless
the funder provides the funding. The funder and the University must
agree to early retirement or modified contact proposals.
D. ?
The following restrictions apply to Special Appoifltments and Continuing
Appointments Without Term:
A Special Appointment or a Continuing
ppointment Without Term may
not be used to "bridge" a candidate into a
tenure-track or tenured
appointment, thereby by-passing normal
appointment processes.
Neither a Special Appointment nor a Continuing Appointment Without
Term may carry with it the prospect or promise of conversion to a regular
tenured or tenure-track appointment. A person holding a Special or CAWT
appointment may apply for a vacant CFL position for which he/she is
This policy does not apply to NSERC Industrial Chairs, FRBC chairs, and the
like. It does not apply to revenue-generating appointments. It may apply to
clinical appointments, and the like.
It is not appropriate for a Special Appointment or a CAWT to be
recommended where a visiting or limited term appointment will meet the
dep art
ment's/school's/Faculty's needs and achieve its purposes.
Recommendations for Special Appointments and CAWTs must include
copies of written funding agreements. Funding arrangements for
Continuing Appointments Without I erm/special Appointments
rage 3 of 4

appointments may include the requirement that funds are to be paid to the
University in advance of the start of the appointment.
Start-up costs for Special Appointments and CAWTs are the responsibility of
the Faculty/School/Department and/or the external funding partner.
Special Appointments and CAWTs should participate annually in all three
areas of faculty responsibility - teaching, research, and service -- in
proportions appropriate to the purpose of their appointments.
Where a Special Appointment or CAWT must be "phased out", the costs of
"phase out" are the Faculty's sole responsibility. Long term commitments, for
example research projects and the supervision of doctoral students, should be
taken into account when a CAWT or Special Appointment is recommended,
and when "phase out" arrangements are being made.
The total complement of active Special Appointments and CAWTs normally
may not exceed 3% of the University's total CFL complement. The Vice-
President, Academic shall report to the Board of Governors annually in
• September, the number of Special Appointments and CAWTs made during
the previous 12 months.
June 2, 11999
Loittifluing Appointments Without term/Special Appointments

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