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0Senate Committee on University Priorities
..jj 6
John Waterh
Chair, SCUP7/'
Vice Pre
t Academic
RE: Motions
Term Academic
from the
SFU at
Surrey Short DATE:
June 1 0
At its March 4, 2002 meeting, Senate discussed and approved the following motion in
relation to the TechBC undergraduate programs:
"That Senate approve in principle the establishment of a program which will provide
existing undergraduate students at the Technical University of British Columbia the
opportunity to complete an appropriate SFU degree. This program is expected to be in
effect for at least three years, and at most four, and will start on 1 September 2002.
The detailed programmatic arrangements will be developed over the next few months
and will be subject to the usual University approval processes."
In response to this motion, the SFU at Surrey Short Term Academic Planning (STP)
Committee was established as a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on University
Priorities (SCUP) in March, 2002. Specifically, the Committee was tasked to:
• Propose an interim administrative structure for the SFU at Surrey programs;
• Evaluate the academic merit of the existing TechBC undergraduate programs;
• Propose the names for the degrees to be awarded to those successfully
completing the SFU at Surrey programs.
the Final
Report of
six recommendations
Committee (copy
Committee, SCUP recommends to Senate six motions:
That the SFU Surrey interim administrative structure be continued.
Motion 2:
That Information Technology and Interactive Arts be maintained as the names of the
two program streams at the SFU Surrey campus.

Motion 3:
That the program name of "Program in Information Technology and Interactive Arts" be
adopted for use as the name of the program offered at the SFU Surrey campus
cid '44 4(t-
cii* ?
voc ?
Motion 4:
That the Information Technology and Interactive Arts undergraduate streams as
currently constituted be considered Bachelor degree level offerings and merit an SFU
Bachelor's degree credential.
Motion 5:
Those students who were admitted to TechBC prior to 2002 and who successfully
complete the program requirements in the Information Technology program stream will
be awarded the BSc (Information TechnoIogy)
Motion 6:
Those students who were admitted to TechBC prior to 2002 and who successfully
complete the program requirements in the Interactive Arts program stream will be
awarded the BSc (Interactive Arts)-j.t'

SCUP 02-95
Final Report ?
SFU at Surrey Short Term Academic Planning Committee ?
June 5, 2002

Final Report?
SFU at Surrey Short Term Academic Planning Committee?
June 5, 2002?
Mandate and Operation of Committee.....................................3
Summary of Recommendations............................................4
Administrative Structure....................................................4
Academic Merit..............................................................
Degree Credential............................................................8
Appendix I - Actions Arising Notes ...................................... 11
Appendix TI — Interim Administrative Structure........................18
Appendix III - Short Term Planning Process Template................19
Appendix IV - TechOne Report...........................................22
Information Technology Report........................30
Additional Concerns IT Curriculum....................38
Interactive Arts Report....................................41

Final Report ?
SFU at Surrey Short Term Academic Planning Committee?
June 5, 2002
Mandate and Operation of the Committee
The SFU at Surrey Short Term Academic Planning Committee (STP) was established as
a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on University Priorities (SCUP) in March,
2002. Specifically, the Committee was tasked to:
• Propose an interim administrative structure for the SFU at Surrey programs;
• Evaluate the academic merit of the existing TechBC undergraduate programs;
• Propose the names for the degrees to be awarded to those successfully completing
the SFU at Surrey programs.
Membership of the Committee includes:
Chair: ?
Bill Krane, Associate Vice-President, Academic
Members: ?
Martin Gotfrit, Contemporary Arts
Rob Cameron, Computing Science
0 ?
Jacques Vaisey, Engineering Science
Drew Parker, Business
Michael Monagan, Mathematics
David Brokenshire, Tech BC Student
Martin Knowles, SFU Student
Resource Persons: ?
Laurie Summers, Director, Academic Planning
SFU at Surrey Startup Team
Joanne Curry (Leader)
Ron Marteniuk
Tom Calvert
KC Bell
A total of three formal meetings of the STP were held on April
May 15
and May
respectively. Copies of the "Actions Arising Notes" from the three formal meetings
of the Committee are contained in Appendix I.
It should be noted that all recommendations made by the STP are to be considered in
effect until further notice or until such time as the SFU at Surrey Long Term Academic
Planning Committee makes its recommendations available.

Summary of Recommendations
Recommendation 1:
That the SFU Surrey interim administrative structure, currently in operation, be
Recommendation 2.
That Information Technology and Interactive Arts be maintained as the names of the two
program streams at the SFU Surrey campus.
Recommendation 3.
That the program name of "Program in Information Technology and Interactive Arts" be
adopted for use as the name of the two programs offered at the SFU Surrey campus.
Recommendation 4.
That the Information Technology and Interactive Arts undergraduate programs as
currently constituted be considered as Bachelor degree level offerings and therefore merit
a Bachelor's degree credential.
Recommendation 5:
To grandfather those students who have previously been enrolled in TechBC courses in
the Information Technology Program during the past three years and award them the BSc
in Information Technology degree credential and further to recommend that the SFU at
Surrey Long-term Academic Planning Committee review this degree credential in the
Recommendation 6:
To grandfather the fourth year (with fourth year being defined as someone who has
successfully completed 90 credits) Interactive Arts students and award them the BSc in
Interactive Arts degree credential upon completion of their program requirements. Any
second and third year students would be granted a BA in Interactive Arts credential upon
completion of program requirements. However, for those students who
the existing IA program and a minor in Mathematics or Computing Science at SFU
who complete the existing IA program and take 30 additional modules from the ITEC
curriculum (math, computing, electrical engineering) beyond what is in the IA program a
BSc in Interactive Arts credential will be awarded upon completion of program
Administrative Structure
An interim administrative structure has been in operation at SFU Surrey since February
2002. Specifically, a Deans Coordinating Committee, consisting of the Deans of
Applied Sciences, Arts and Business oversees the activities of the academic programs. A
Program Director serves as the operational liaison between the two program areas,
Information Technology and Interactive Arts, and the Coordinating Committee of Deans.

The Dean of Applied Sciences has signing authority for the programs and the faculty,
staff and students are subject to the policies and procedures of the Faculty of Applied
Sciences. A diagrammatic version of the interim administrative structure is provided in
Appendix II.
The STP, as part of its mandate, was asked to review this interim structure and to either
recommend changes to it or its continuance until such time as the Long Term Academic
Planning Committee had presented its recommendations. In addition, the STP reviewed
the program stream and the program names for the campus.
Recommendation 1:
That the SFU Surrey interim administrative structure, currently in operation, be
Recommendation 2:
That Information Technology and Interactive Arts be maintained as the names of the two
program streams at the SFU Surrey campus.
Recommendation 3:
That the program name of "Program in Information Technology and Interactive Arts" be
adopted for use as the name of the two programs offered at the SFU Surrey campus.
IV. Academic Merit
The STP was asked to provide an evaluation of the academic merit of the Interactive Arts
and Information Technology undergraduate programs. In order to assist with this
evaluation, a review template was prepared (Appendix III) and the committee was
divided into three working groups:
TechOne - Michael Monagan
Information Technology - Rob Cameron, Jacques Vaisey
Interactive Arts - Martin Gotfrit, Drew Parker, Martin Knowles
Each of the three working groups was asked to consider two key questions in relation to
academic merit and to provide a detailed analysis of their assigned program piece. The
two key questions posed were:
1. Would the programs, as outlined, meet Bachelor Degree level requirements?
Does the content and structure of each program provide the core knowledge and
skill acquisition in the major program area?
Extensive discussion occurred around the analysis provided by each working group. The
short timeframe in which this committee was to function as well as the fact that there was
limited time and resources in which to recommend any significant changes to the content
and structure of the programs prior to Fall 2002 provided a challenge for the review

A synopsis of the analysis of each group is provided below and the detailed evaluations
are provided in Appendix IV.
The TechOne Program provides an integrated, common first year experience in the areas
of foundational skills, management, computing, mathematics, arts and other (includes
History and Theory of Technology and Culture and Probability and Statistics). In total,
there are 12 courses in the TechOne program each containing 3 modules. A 3- module
course at TechBC is equivalent to a 3-credit course at SFU. The total credit load in
TechOne is 36 credits which is a 6 credit overload in comparison to the 30-credit load
common in most first year undergraduate SFU programs. The strong emphasis on team
and communication skills in the TechOne program was seen to be a very positive aspect.
Particular concerns were noted around the existing Math admission requirements for the
program and the subsequent level of Math content covered in the TechOne program. The
current entry requirement for the TechBC program in mathematics is BC Principles of
Mathematics 11. A consequence of this is that the "calculus" in TechOne, only 2
modules, results in a weak mathematics foundation for the IT degree program and also
presents a transfer credit transfer problem for IT students. It is recommended that SFU at
Surrey move as quickly as possible to adopt a 6 module calculus sequence in TechOne in
line with the calculus sequence at UBC, SFU, etc. This would require BC Principles of
Mathematics 12 for entry into TechOne. NB: the new provincial guidelines for first year
calculus (in draft) do allow us to include topics relevant to the IT program in the 6
module sequence, for example, differential equations and complex numbers.
Information Technology
The Information Technology (ITEC) program is designed to produce graduates in two
areas of concentration: (a) computer and communications engineering, and (b) software
engineering. The ITEC program shares a common first year with Interactive Arts (IART)
program and students are required to take electives from the Interactive Arts and
Management and Technology areas as well as series of five interdisciplinary project
courses. The ITEC program is further distinguished from traditional computing and
engineering programs by it heavy use of a web-based delivery model and by a
partitioning of courses in 1-credit modules that can be taken independently. The program
also emphasizes teamwork both on the part of students and instructors throughout the
development and delivery of the curriculum, although some of these practices may
change as the program scales in size.
Although the amount and level of detail provided to the committee in the course/module
outlines did not allow for a thorough assessment, it is nevertheless possible to conclude
that the topical coverage of the ITEC curriculum does appear to constitute a program of
study in both hardware and software technology that meets provincial standards for a
Bachelor's degree. However, in reviewing the curriculum as presented, several serious
June 5, 2002 ?

issues did arise. The first concern centers around the broad topical coverage of a joint
computing/engineering program, which may have required compromises in addressing
the individual topics within the curriculum at an appropriate depth. Secondly, concerns
exist about the prerequisite structure in the curriculum, especially in regards to the
preparation in Mathematics. This lack may make it difficult to deliver some of the
courses at the level described in the outlines.
Finally, there appears to be a great deal of overlap between many of the TechBC courses
(some still to be developed) and existing courses in Computing and Engineering Science.
The result is wasteful in terms of resources and is a recipe for confusion. See Section III
of the IT Program Report (Appendix IV) for details on what overlaps with what.
In order to integrate the TechBC programs into the SFU mainstream in the long term,
action must be taken in the following areas.
The Science foundation in the IT-program should be increased, especially in
Mathematics. Details are given in Section II of the IT Program Report (Appendix
Efforts should be made to exploit the similarities between many of the course
offerings at SFU-Surrey and the main campus.
Interactive Arts
The descriptions for courses as well as the overall syllabus associated with Interactive
Arts were examined. Based on this research, interviews with faculty and site visits, it is
our opinion that the undergraduate program clearly merits a Bachelors degree.
The Program in Interactive Arts is both ambitious and unique. Though content
comparison will reveal slightly similar programs, these other programs tend to have
evolved from a more traditional academic unit such as fine arts, communications or
computing science. As a new program in a new institution, Interactive Arts was able to
more directly address the needs of students entering into what is often referred to as "the
new economy". In addition to a distinctive syllabus, Interactive Arts is based upon
current teaching philosophies and this "learner-centered" approach is supported by
extensive use of web-based delivery, interaction and support.
Of the almost forty courses examined, only six bear some resemblance to Burnaby
mountain (School for the Contemporary Arts) courses. Of these only three appear to be a
direct overlap. The Interactive Arts stream is very complementary to existing areas of
Contemporary Arts and the latter is looking forward with great anticipation to discussions
on how the units can work together.
From observations at various open houses and course presentations, the work produced
by the students appears very impressive. One of the committee members wrote:
2002 ?

"In evaluating a program as team and product-oriented as Interactive Arts, it is
necessary to consider both the quality of the stated content of the program (i.e.
course syllabi, online content, etc.) and the quality of the research produced by the
people involved in the program. Many of the research projects exhibited at the ASI
Exchange and at the TechBC Open House show a level of theoretical and technical
sophistication well beyond what would be required of projects produced in a
traditional BA/BFA program, often incorporating current research topics in
computer graphics and human-computer interface (e.g. experience design, novel
interaction methods, tangible interfaces, etc). While the IA program could be
strengthened in the future by adding more mathematics and natural science
components, the quality of the research and projects produced in the program
compares well with the quality of research and projects produced by students in
B.Sc. programs at SFU and other universities."
Martin Knowles
Recommendation 4:
That the Information Technology and Interactive Arts undergraduate programs as
currently constituted be considered as Bachelor degree level offerings and therefore merit
a Bachelor's degree credential.
V. ?
Degree Credential
As a result of the program review and approval process carried out through the provincial
Degree Program Review Committee and the Ministry of Advanced Education and
Training, the TechBC programs were allowed to award the BSc in Information
Technology and the BSc in Interactive Arts degree credentials.
The STP was asked to consider which SFU degree credential would be appropriate to
award to the Information Technology and Interactive Arts Program Streams. This task
proved to be a difficult undertaking as there were many strong and divergent opinions
held by the committee members. There was a strong obligation to provide fair treatment
for the existing students in the program but this had to be balanced with concerns around
the awarding of an appropriate degree credential that would be.reflective of existing SFU
standards and practices. Unfortunately, the committee was unable to reach a unanimity on
the awarding of the degree credentials. After extensive review and discussion of the
program information and materials provided, the STP has put forward the following
Recommendation 5:
To grandfather those students who have previously been enrolled in TechBC courses in
the Information Technology Program during the past three years and award them the BSc
in Information Technology degree credential and further to recommend that the SFU at
Surrey Long-term Academic Planning Committee review this degree credential in the
June 5, 2002 ?

0 ?
Recommendation 6:
To grandfather the fourth year (with fourth year being defined as someone who has
successfully completed 90 credits) Interactive Arts students and award them the BSc in
Interactive Arts degree credential upon completion of their program requirements. Any
second and third year students would be granted a BA in Interactive Arts credential upon
completion of program requirements. However, for those students who
the existing IA program and a minor in Mathematics or Computing Science at SFU
who complete the existing IA program and take 30 additional modules from the ITEC
curriculum (math, computing, electrical engineering) beyond what is in the IA program a
BSc in Interactive Arts credential will be awarded upon completion of program
June 5, 2002 ?

VI. Appendices?
Appendix I - Actions Arising Notes
(April 24
, May
and May

• ?
SFU at Surrey Short Term Academic Planning Committee
Wednesday, April
24, 2002
Library Room 7301
Actions Arising
Status Report from the Surrey Start Up Team
Item: J. Curry presented and reviewed SFU at Surrey Start-Up Status Report.
Action Arising:
Review of Mandate and Setting of Priorities
Item: Mandate of Short Term Committee and the history behind its set up were
reviewed. Noted that due date for final report is later than stated in the mandate. The
final report will need to be completed by the end of May and presented to the June
meeting of SCUP. Mandate, focus and relationship of Short Term Committee to
Long Term Academic Planning Committee reviewed
Action Arising:
Item: Current interim administrative structure reviewed including a flow diagram.
Action Arising:
As part of its mandate, the Committee has been asked to either
endorse the current structure or to suggest an alternative. No final decisions reached,
further discussion will be undertaken at a future meeting.
Responsibility for Action:
Short Term Planning Committee
Item: Possible degree and program names for the Information Technology and
Interactive Arts programs were discussed. No final decisions reached, further
discussion will be undertaken at a future meeting.
Item: As part of its mandate, the Committee has been asked to evaluate the
Information Technology and Interactive Arts programs and their academic merit. No
final decisions reached, further discussion will be undertaken at a future meeting.
Action Arising:
Committee to divide into three groups consisting of IT (R.
Cameron, J. Vaisey, D. Brokenshire), IA (M. Gotfrit, M. Knowles, D. Parker) and
TechOne (M. Monagan) to review the curricula.
Responsibility for Action:
Short Term Planning Committee
Action Arising:
A template to assist in the review and evaluation process of the two
curricula will be developed and circulated to the Committee.
Responsibility for Action:
B. Krane, L. Summers
Review of Curriculum Information Materials
Item: Binder of TechBC curriculum information reviewed by L. Summers.
Action Arising:
T. Calvert can arrange to meet with any committee members who
require further information/clarification.

Action Arising:
Committee members can request access to the TechBC Course
Management System or Module Specification System via R. Marteniuk.
Action Arising:
Committee members can consult with TechBC faculty members as
well as faculty members from their Department as they review the curriculum
4. Next Steps
Item: Future meetings of the Committee were discussed.
Action Arising:
Future meetings of the Committee will be scheduled to occur the
week of May
(1/2 day session) and the week of May
(2 hours).
Responsibility for Action:
B. Krane's Office.
Item: The focus of the next meeting's agenda and final report format were discussed.
Agreed that the report would probably include a description of the programs with
some detail and the opinion/evaluation of the programs by the Short Term Planning
Committee. Noted that the Committee could indicate that inadequate time prevented
them from completing a more thorough review/analysis of the curriculum.
Action Arising:
Committee members asked to complete a draft report from each of
their groups based on the template to be circulated.
Responsibility for Action:
Individual groups as assigned.
June 5, 2002 ?

• ?
SFU at Surrey Short Term Academic Planning Committee
Wednesday, May 15, 2002?
Strand Hall 3172
Actions Arising
Present: B. Krane (Chair), M. Gotfrit, R. Cameron, D. Parker, M. Monagan, D.
Brokenshire, M. Knowles, L. Summers, J. Curry, R. Marteniuk, T. Calvert, K.C. Bell
Regrets: J. Vaisey
Motions Regarding TechBC
Item: B. Krane presented for the information of the Committee the three motions
regarding TechBC which were discussed and approved at the June
Senate meeting.
Action Arising:
Terms of Reference
Item: B. Krane presented for the information of the Committee the terms of reference
for the SFU at Surrey Short-term and Long-term Academic Planning Committees.
Action Arising:
• ?
3. Development of the TechBC Undergraduate Programs
Item: L. Summers provided a verbal overview of the history behind the development
of the TechBC Undergraduate Programs.
Action Arising:
4. Administrative Structure
Item: B. Krane presented the Committee with a diagrammatic representation of the
current interim administrative structure at the Surrey campus and asked them to make
recommendations as to what would be the most appropriate structure to continue for
the time being. It was agreed that one of the tasks of the Long-term Committee will
be to devise an appropriate administrative and governance structure. Currently, the
Program Director for the campus reports to the Council of Deans which includes the
Deans of Applied Sciences, Arts and Business. The Dean of Applied Sciences has
signing authority for the campus and the faculty, staff and students are subject to the
policies and procedures of this Faculty.
Action Arising:
The reference to specific faculty groups will be removed from the
diagram and replaced with "Interactive Arts Program" and "Information Technology
Program." With this change, the interim administrative structure as outlined was
Action Arising:
Motion: ?
Moved by: R. Cameron
0 ?
Seconded by: D. Parker
June 5, 2002

"that the Dean of Applied Sciences continue to have signing authority for the Surrey
Campus and that faculty, staff and students are governed by the policies and
procedures of the Faculty of Applied Sciences until further notice."
Action Arising:
B. Krane to check with J. Osborne regarding the indemnification of
the Short-term Academic Planning Committee members with respect to the decisions
reached by them.
5. Program Names
Item: The Committee was asked to consider program names for the SFU at Surrey
Actions Arising:
Motion: ?
Moved by: M. Gotfrit
Seconded by: D. Brokenshire
"to maintain use of the names of Information Technology and Interactive Arts for the
two program streams at the SFU Surrey campus."
Motion: ?
Moved by: M. Gotfrit
Seconded by: D. Brokenshire
"to adopt the program name of 'Program in Information Technology and Interactive
Arts' for the collective programs offered at the SFU Surrey campus."
Reports from the Subgroups
Item: Each of the three subgroups, TechOne, Information Technology and Interactive
Arts, were asked to present their report on the review and evaluation of the TechBC
undergraduate programs. Discussion occurred around each report as well as how to
present this information to SCUP and then Senate.
Action Arising: B.
Krane and L. Summers will provide a draft report for review and
discussion at the next meeting.
Degree Credential
Item: The Committee was asked to consider which SFU degree credential should be
awarded to the Information Technology and Interactive Arts Program Streams.
Action Arising:
Motion: ?
Moved by: D. Brokenshire
Seconded by: M. Gotfrit
"to grandfather those students who have previously been enrolled in TechBC courses
in the Information Technology Program during the past three years and award them
2002 ?

Moved by: M. Monagan
Seconded by: M. Knowles
the BSc in Information Technology degree credential and recommend that the SFU at
Surrey Long-term Academic Planning Committee review this degree credential in the
Moved by: R. Cameron
"to table the motion regarding the BSc in Information Technology."
Moved by: D. Brokenshire
Seconded by: M. Gotfrit
"to grandfather those students who have previously been enrolled in TechBC courses
in the Interactive Arts Program during the past three years and award them the BSc in
Interactive Arts degree credential and recommend that the SFU at Surrey Long-term
Academic Planning Committee review this degree credential in the future."
"to table the motion regarding the BSc in Interactive Arts."
June 5,2002 ?

. ?
SFU at Surrey Short Term Academic Planning Committee
Thursday, May 30, 2002?
3171 Strand Hall
Actions Arising
Present: B. Krane (Chair), M. Gotfrit, R. Cameron, D. Parker, M. Monagan, D.
Brokenshire, M. Knowles, J. Vaisey, L. Summers, J. Curry, R. Marteniuk, T. Calvert,
K.C. Bell
I. Degree Credential for Interactive Arts Program
Item: The Committee was asked to recommend a degree credential for the Interactive
Arts Program.
Action Arising:
Motion: ?
Moved by: D. Brokenshire
Seconded by: M. Gotfrit
"to grandfather those students who have previously been enrolled in TechBC courses in
the Interactive Arts Program during the past three years and award them the BSc in
Interactive Arts degree credential and recommend that the SFU at Surrey Long-term
Academic Planning Committee review this degree credential in the future."
Amendment to the Motion:
Moved by: M. Monagan
Seconded by: J. Vaisey
"to grant a BA in Interactive Arts credential upon completion of program requirements to
those students who have previously been enrolled in TechBC courses in the Interactive
Arts Program during the past three years. However, for those students who
complete the existing IA program and a minor in Mathematics or Computing Science at
who complete the existing IA program and take 30 additional modules from the
ITEC curriculum (math, computing, electrical engineering) beyond what is in the IA
program a BSc in Interactive Arts credential will be awarded upon completion of
program requirements."
Vote on Amended Motion:
Amendment to the Motion:
Moved by: J. Vaisey
Seconded by: M. Monagan
"to grandfather the fourth year (with fourth year being defined as someone who has
successfully completed 90 credits) Interactive Arts students and award them the BSc in
. ?
Interactive Arts degree credential upon completion of their program requirements. Any
second and third year students would be granted a BA in Interactive Arts credential upon

completion of program requirements. However, for those students who
the existing IA program and a minor in Mathematics or Computing Science at SFU
who complete the existing IA program and take 30 additional modules from the ITEC
curriculum (math, computing, electrical engineering) beyond what is in the IA program a
BSc in Interactive Arts credential will be awarded upon completion of program
Amended Motion:
Moved by: D. Brokenshire
Seconded by: M. Gotfrit
"to grandfather the fourth year (with fourth year being defined as someone who has
successfully completed 90 credits) Interactive Arts students and award them the BSc in
Interactive Arts degree credential upon completion of their program requirements. Any
second and third year students would be granted a BA in Interactive Arts credential upon
completion of program requirements. However, for those students who
the existing IA program and a minor in Mathematics or Computing Science at SFU
who complete the existing IA program and take 30 additional modules from the ITEC
curriculum (math, computing, electrical engineering) beyond what is in the IA program a
BSc in Interactive Arts credential will be awarded upon completion of program
2. Final Report to SCUP
Item: The Committee reviewed the draft version of the final report as distributed. The
proposed format of the report was approved. For those members of the Committee who
opposed the previous motions, it was agreed that they would be entitled to append their
minority report to the appendices of the final report.
Action Arising:
Subcommittee members were asked to submit their respective final
summaries for the Academic Merit section of the report as well as their full report for the
appendices by no later than 8:00 am Monday morning. A draft version of the report will
be circulated to all members of the Committee by late Monday/early Tuesday with the
request that any comments and edits be returned by 8:00 am Wednesday in order for the
report to be available for distribution to SCUP that same day.
2002 ?

0 ?
Appendix II - Interim Administrative Structure
SFU at Surrey Administrative Structure?
As of June, 2002
Coordinating Committee
Deans ?
Dean of Applied Sciences, B. Lewis?
(signing authority) ?
Dean of Arts, J. Pierce ?
Dean of Business, E. Love
\ ,
Technology ?
) ( ?
Arts Program
Program ?
J \\
June 5, 2002 ?

Appendix III - Short Term Planning Process Template
Short Term Planning Process Template
The Short Term Academic Planning Committee, as part of its mandate, has been asked to
provide an evaluation of the academic merit of two of the existing TechBC undergraduate
programs and to propose appropriate degree credentials for those students completing the
programs. In order to accomplish this task, the Committee has been asked to review
existing documentation and information in relation to the Interactive Arts and
Information Technology Programs.
In order to accomplish its evaluation, the Committee is asked to consider the following
key questions as it reviews the materials provided:
Would the programs, as outlined, meet Bachelor Degree level requirements?
Does the content and structure of each program provide the core knowledge and
skill acquisition in the major program area?
In recognition of the content and level of the program what would be the
appropriate degree credential to be awarded?
Specific points of review should include:
1. Philosophy of the Program
Reference material: Tab 3 Excerpt from the Full Program Proposal for the BSc
Degree, April 1999
Reference material: Graduate Profile, excerpt from the Undergraduate Program
Planning Document, January 2001
• What is the focus of the overall program?
• Why has it been created?
• What are the expected outcomes for its graduates?
Program Area Overviews
Reference material: Tab 2, Bachelor of Science Degree Program Overviews
• What is the general intent of the specific program?
• What is the general intent of each year of the program?
Learning Outcomes - General
Reference material: General Learning Outcomes, excerpt from the Undergraduate
Program Planning Document, January 2001
• What will the student gain from this program in terms of skills, knowledge,
attitudes or other attributes?
• Will these outcomes warrant a Bachelor's level degree credential?
June 5, 2002 ?

4. Learning Outcomes - Program Area
Reference material: Program Area Learning Outcomes, excerpt from the
Undergraduate Program Planning Document, January 2001
What program area specific skills, knowledge, attitudes and other attributes will
the student gain from this course of study?
Will the specific outcomes as outlined provide the student with a core expertise in
this program area?
Program Structure
Reference material: Tab 4, Course Diagrams for IA and IT
Reference material: Tab 14, Pre and Co-requisites, IA and IT, TechOne - TechFour
Reference material: Tab 16, Elective Pathways
• Will the courses and modules provide the student with a sequential program that
leads to the introduction, development and refinement of the general and program
area specific learning outcomes as previously described?
• Do the courses and curriculum requirements contribute to the intended outcomes
of the program?
• Is the overall credit load appropriate for a Bachelor's level credential?
• ?
. Are there sufficient required core program credits to award a credential in the
particular program area?
6 Admission Requirements
Reference material: Tab 6, Undergraduate Admission Requirements
In comparison with other post secondary institutions in the Province, is the level
of secondary preparation appropriate for entrance to a Bachelor's level degree
Are the admission requirements at an appropriate level and of suitable content to
enable the students to succeed in the program as structured?
7. Program Content
Reference material: Tabs 7 - 13, IA and IT Course/Module Outlines, TechOne
through TechFour
• Does the content provide the student with the ability to acquire the core
knowledge necessary to achieve the intended learning outcomes in the
• Do the required learning activities and assessments provide the student with
• ?
the ability to acquire the core knowledge and skills necessary to achieve the
intended learning outcomes in the program?
2002 ?

Appendix IV - Subcommittee Reports
(TechOne, Information Technology, Interactive Arts)

• ?
TechOne Report - M. Monagan
There are 12 courses in the TechOne program each containing 3 modules. A 3 module
course at TechBC is equivalent to a 3 credit course at SFU. So this is 36 credits, heavier
than normal
credit" load at SFU. I've divided up the TechOne program into
100-3 Process Elements I
10 1-3 Process Elements II
The focus of the first module in each is on writing and oral presentation.
The focus of the second in each is on working in teams.
The focus of the third in on research skills; e.g. finding information.
130-3 Business in the Global Economy I (looks at different businesses)
131-3 Business in the Global Economy
(asks if you have what it takes to run
a business and develops a business plan.
150-3 Introduction to Computer Systems (an overview)
151-3 Introduction to Programming (in Java)
143-3 Fundamentals of Mathematics
144-3 Linear Algebra and Calculus
120-3 Systems of Visual Representation
121-3 New Media Images
110-3 History and Theory of Technology and Culture
142-3 Probability and Statistics
o TechOne integrates all students into a common first year. One reason for this was to
allow students to decide which of the streams to take after the first year. Another is to
reduce cost. However, trying to satisfy everyone (i.e. IA, IT, IM) has led
to a "packed" first year with no room for electives
o The second semester is much more difficult than the first. The first Business,
Computing, and Arts courses are "overview" courses. The meat is in the second course.
o The Math entry requirement is BC Grade 11 math not 12 so as to encourage
management technology and interactive arts students to enter the program. Consequently
2002 ?

the Fundamentals of Mathematics course is the equivalent of BC Math 12. At SFU this is
Precalculus and science students do not get credit for it. There is a lack of calculus.
o The Probability and Statistics course is not the same as SFU's STAT 270 Probability
and Statistics course since only BC Math 11 is assumed. It is really a methods course
which uses the statistical software package MINITAB. It is appropriate. TechBC
personnel have suggested moving it to the second year and to refocus it away from a
methods courses for the management technology option to a mathematical course.
o The Linear Algebra and Calculus course is a compression of three courses at
SFUIUBC/colleges, namely differential calculus, integral calculus and linear algebra.
TechBC students will not get transfer credit for these courses at SFU/UBC or colleges in
o There is a very strong team aspect throughout the entire degree.
o There is serious attempt to address these requirements from industry:
• employees must be able to communicate effectively (oral and written)
• employees must be able to work in a team.
Some of the Mathematics is specialized. I was told that the overall program was
previously criticized for having a weak mathematical content and that the "applied
mathematics courses"were artificially constructed by pulling out pieces of mathematics
that are needed for other courses.
Tech 143 Fundamentals of Mathematics (requires BC Math 11)
Trigonometry (includes one week of complex numbers)
Discrete Mathematics
Tech 144 Linear Algebra and Calculus
Linear Algebra (vectors, matrices, linear systems)
Differential Calculus (Math 151 at SFU)
Integral Calculus (Math 152 at SFU)
Tech 200 Applied Mathematics I
Laplace Transforms (without first doing differential equations?)
Stochastic Processes
Tech 201 Applied Mathematics II (includes Fourier transforms)
Linear Transformations
Advanced Linear Algebra
2002 ?

Tech 300 Applied Mathematics III (is a first course in discrete math)
Logic Sets and Functions
Relations and Graphs
NB: in an early TechOne there were two different mathematics courses
140-3 Linear Systems, 141-3 Dynamic Systems. In the latter course, there was one
module on differential equations followed by one module on Laplace transforms.
o Tech 300 is a lower division course (level wise). The course description suggests it is
also a computing course because of the focus on algorithms and implementing them.
o Not counting the fundamentals of mathematics course, which SFU does not give credit
for, nor the probability and statistics course, the mathematics content of the IT program is
9 modules
9 credits. For comparison, the computing major requirement at
SFU requires 9 MATH +6 MACM credits and the electronics engineering requirement
requires 18 MATH credits.
o Both computing and engineering require STAT 270-3 Probability and Statistics
which, despite the same title, has a stronger mathematical foundation than TECH 142-3
Probability and Statistics.
o From reading the exams I have the impression that a lot of material is covered and thus
these courses are definitely not easy. On the other hand, in all of the exams, not one
proof asked for: thus the focus is on calculation and application.
o There will be a major course transfer problem. None of the mathematics courses can be
directly transferred. A student might get credit for MATH 232-3 Linear Algebra at SFU
if he has done TECH 144 and 201. But if a TechBC student wished to transfer to SFU
computing or engineering or mathematics, s/he would not get transfer credit for MATH
151 and
and this would prevent him/her from taking most courses in computing and
It was suggested that the IT and I.A. programs be designated as Science degrees and that
there was precedent for this at SFU in the BSc in kinesiology. Fine, but then we want to
see if there is a natural science and/or mathematical science component in the BSc in
kinesiology. I wish here to point to the "science"in the BSc major in kinesiology to see
the justification for this being a BSc degree. The lower division requirements for a BSc in
kinesiology include:
6 mathematics credits (MATH 151-3, MATH 152-3)
8 physics credits (PHYS 120-3, 121-3, 131-2),
10 chemistry credits (CHEM 121-4, 122-2, 281-4),
4 biology credits (BISC 10 1-4),
. ?
4 cellular/molecular biology credits (MBB 221-4)
3 statistics (STAT 201-3)
June 5, 2002 ?

12 kinesiology credits (KIN 142-3, 201-3, 205-3, 207-3)
Not counting the KIN courses, this is
credits, which is a lot of "science" courses.
Many of the kinesiology courses are courses in biomechanics and in physiology of the
human body which appear to me to be "science" courses as are the biology courses.
I think it is very easy to defend kinesiology being a "science" degree. In contrast, the
science content of the IA program is very little.
IT Program
The core of the IT program is these courses
200-2 Applied Math I
201-2 Applied Math II
300-2 Applied Math III (put here because it's lower division)
230-3 Electronic Circuits (needs linear systems + Laplace transforms)
231-3 Digital Circuit Design
232-3 Data Processing and Communications
233-3 Signal Analysis and Communications (Fourier transforms)
250-3 Algorithms + Data Structures
251-2 Software Engineering
270-2 User Interface Design
271-3 Computer Graphics
301-2 System Design Processes and Methods
302-2 Embedded Systems (microprocessors and programming)
303-3 Digital Communications (Reed Solomon codes)
304-2 Computer Animation
305-3 Object Oriented Analysis and Design
306-3 Operating Systems
307-3 Network Systems
308-3 DSP Systems Design
309-3 Database Systems
I'm not listing the TechFour courses because there are no detailed course outlines
available and they've never been offered. Here is a comparison of the IT (both themes)
science content with our (SFU's) BSc in Computing Science degree. I've tried to separate
the computing hardware courses (counted as a computing course here) from the
engineering courses (counted as other science courses).
2002 ?

Math/Stat Other Upper
Other Total Science
Division Lower ?
Science Division Science LD UD
Computing Division
Computing Science
TechBC(SE) ?
13 ?
12 ?
10 ?
32 ?
2 ?
35 34
TechBC(CE) ?
21 ?
13 ?
18 ?
18 ?
0 ?
0 ?
36 36
10 ?
26 ?
3 ?
27 42 30
I've not counted Tech 143 Fundamentals of Mathematics.
I've not counted CMPT 320 - it's not a science course.
I've counted Tech 300 Applied Math III as lower division.
I've counted Tech 271 Graphics as upper division.
While the total number of "(applied) science" credits is comparable the SFU degree has
more computing courses because the IT program also contains hardware/engineering
I think the case for a BSc in IA is not only weak, it is so weak as to be unjustifiable.
What makes most sense to me is a BA (Interactive Arts).
Three reasons
Too little science. I count 15 credits in the mathematical sciences (Tech 142, 144, 150,
151, 250) and zero in the natural sciences. The IA program does not include as a subset a
minor in any science. In particular there is zero upper division science.
The faculty in IA do not have a science background. Of the 15 faculty in LA, only 2
have PhDs - the other 13 have Masters. In contrast: of the 12 faculty in IT, 10 have PhDs
and 2 Masters. Of the 15 faculty in IA, only one, Steve DiPola, has a computing
background (his degree is Master of Arts though) - the rest have no science background
(based on their degrees). The IA core program naturally reflects this.
3: The title of the program is "Interactive Arts" which simply reflects what the program
is. There is, however, considerable science in the IT program. If we count credits, the
gap between the TechBC IT programs and the SFU BSc degree is small in total number
of credits. There is a gap in computing (software) credits. Note: 30 upper division
credits is the norm at SFU (e.g. math, physics), i.e. the SFU requirements in computing
science are particularly strong. Note: it is impossible at this point to assess 4th year
• ?
Problems (for IT theme 2).
o The mathematics is weak: not enough calculus.
2002 ?

o The mathematics needed for the engineering is not the same as computing.
o The (upper division) theory (in computing) is missing.
o Programming language/compilers is missing.
o Numerical analysis/scientific computing is missing.
On the other hand,
o Operating systems/data base systems/software engineering are there.
o Computer graphics is strong.
o The hardware component is strong.
I think a BSc (Information Technology) is not only okay now, but we should keep it long
term - by addressing the weaknesses. The specific criticisms I've listed could be
addressed if the BSc title is to be retained long term by (1) requiring BC Math 12 on
entry for IT students and adopting a normal calculus/linear algebra sequence
(2) introducing courses in some of the I believe this will
happen naturally anyway.
What recommendation can I make about TechOne? When it's too late to change it for
September 2002!
o The mathematics courses are problematic because they cannot be transferred and
students with BC Math 12 are doing mathematics they already know and.
students with BC Math 11 will struggle with the pace. I propose two streams for students
entering in September 2002. One for those with BC Math 12 and one for those with BC
Math 11. For those with BC Math 11, keep the courses Tech 143/144 as is. For those
with BC Math 12, give them a calculus sequence adapted for the IT program - e.g.
include one module on differential equations (Tech 141.2 Differential Equations).
June 5, 2002

Revised Recommendations - M. Monagan
Michael Monagan (Updated May 29th, 2002)
I think the case for a BSc in IA is
weak. What makes most sense to me is a BA
(Interactive Arts).
Three reasons
1: Too little science. I count 15 credits in the mathematical sciences
(Tech 142 (weak), 144, 150, 151, 250) and zero in the natural sciences.
The IA program does not include as a subset a minor in any science.
In particular there is no upper division science.
The faculty in IA do not have a science background. Of the 15 faculty in IA, only 2
have PhDs - the other 13 have Masters. (These numbers were taken from the web page
approx May
In contrast: of the 12 faculty in IT, 10 have PhDs and 2 Masters.
Of the 15 faculty in IA, only one, Steve DiPola, has a computing background (his
degree is Master of Arts though) - the rest have no science background (based on their
degrees titles). The IA core program naturally reflects this.
The title of the program is "Interactive Arts" which simply reflects what the program
0 ?
is. There is, however, considerable science in the IT program.
I have had time (2 weeks) to reflect on these comments above and receive input from
TechBC faculty.
o 2 is inaccurate: at least 6 (40%) of the IA faculty have a strong technical background
despite their degree title.
o 1 is inaccurate - IA 203 Animation was given as a computer graphics course and the 18
credits of electives in the IA program have to be chosen from ITEC and 1NTD, hence
many students have additional ITEC credits.
Also, the IA program is not static. There is a push from faculty (J. Tomlie and S. DiPola)
to increase the mathematical and technical content of the degree.
Nevertheless, in looking through the on-line course descriptions I did not find a strong
science component -- very little mathematics, weak computing, and no strong computer
graphics component.
Hence I remain convinced that this really is a BA program, with components of digital
arts and fine arts. I know that some students wanted to get a BSc.
June 5, 2002 ?

Recommendation 1:
That SFU award a BA (Interactive Arts) for the existing program.
Recommendation 2:
That SFU award a BSc (Interactive Arts) for students who complete the existing IA
program and a minor(i) in mathematics or computing science(ii) at SFU.
Recommendation 3:
That SFU award a BSc (Interactive Arts) for students who complete the existing IA
program and take 30(iii) additional modules from ITEC (math, computing, ee) beyond
what is in the IA program requirements.
Recommendation 4:
That if a BSc (Interactive Arts) is to be kept long term that a strong mathematics and
computing (computer graphics) foundation needs to be put in place.
The suggestion of a math minor comes from the general science major which requires
first year physics, chemistry, biology and math (hence at least 30 lower division credits)
plus two minors, at least one must be from the science faculty and the other can be from
science or an approved list (hence at least 30 upper division credits) The requirements for
a minor in math at SFU are 11 lower division math credits and 15 upper division math
credits. IA students have completed 3 lower division already hence they would need to
complete 23 credits which will be 8 courses at SFU. This could be done in three
semesters easily, but to do it in two semesters, it would help if TechBC students receive a
regular calculus sequence (Math 151 and Math 152 at SFU).
A computing minor makes sense but it would require more credits (math credits) and
because of the enrolment restrictions in computing science, it would take students longer
to get through.
The current IA program has 18 science credits as follows:
(This is my count and Rob Woodbury's count)
TECH 142, 144, 150, 151, 203, 250.
A BSc science major at SFU has to have 28 upper division "science" credits. Lower
division credits of explicit programs all run at 30+, hence most programs have 60+
science credits e.g. Math major (72 of which 8 are computing). I'm suggesting 48 in total
(Rod Woodbury suggested 45) as a compromise. It means IA students have to do 30
more from ITEC. NB: IA students who have taken their 18 electives from ITEC will
have 36 credits towards this 48 total.
2002 ?

SInformation Technology Program Report - R. Cameron, J. Vaisey
Review of Academic Merit - Information Technology Stream
The Information Technology (ITEC) program is designed to produce graduates in two
areas of concentration: (a) computer and communications engineering, and (b) software
engineering. The ITEC program shares a common first year with Interactive Arts (IART)
program and students are required to take electives from the Interactive Arts and
Management and Technology areas as well as series of five interdisciplinary project
courses. The ITEC program is further distinguished from traditional computing and
engineering programs by it heavy use on a web-based delivery model and by a
partitioning of courses in 1 credit modules that can be taken independently. The program
also emphasizes teamwork both on the part of students and instructors throughout the
development and delivery of the curriculum, although some of these practices may
change as the program scales in size.
Although the amount and level of detail provided to the committee in the course/module
outlines did not allow for a thorough assessment, it is nevertheless possible to conclude
that the topical coverage of the ITEC curriculum does appear to constitute a program of
study in both hardware and software technology that meets provincial standards for a
Bachelor's degree. However, in reviewing the curriculum as presented, several serious
issues did arise. The first concern centers around the broad topical coverage of ajoint
computing/engineering program, which may have required compromises in addressing
the individual topics within the curriculum at an appropriate depth. Secondly, concerns
exist about the prerequisite structure in the curriculum, especially in regards to the
preparation in Mathematics. This lack may make it difficult to deliver some of the
courses at the level described in the outlines.
Finally, there appears to be a great deal of overlap between many of the TechBC courses
(some still to be developed) and existing courses in Computing and Engineering Science.
The result is wasteful in terms of resources and is a recipe for confusion. See Section
for details on what overlaps with what.
In order to integrate the TechBC programs into the SFU mainstream, action must be
taken in the following areas.
• The Science foundation in the IT-program should be increased, especially in
Mathematics. Details are given in Section II.
• Efforts should be made to exploit the similarities between many of the course
offerings at SFU-Surrey and the main campus.
2002 ?

Detailed Evaluation
Introduction ?
The Information Technology (ITEC) program developed at the former Technical
University of British Columbia is a four-year degree program that combines the study of
software and hardware technologies in a largely integrated curriculum. The program is
designed to produce graduates in two areas of concentration: (a) computer and
communications engineering, and (b) software engineering, while maintaining a common
core consisting of approximately 85% of the overall curriculum. In the context of existing
academic units at SFU, its ambition might be compared to a joint program combining
features of both the software engineering specialization of the School of Computing
Science and the computer engineering option of the School of Engineering Science.
The ITEC program also shares a common first year with the Interactive Arts (IART)
program as well as a series of five interdisciplinary project (INTD) courses that allow
students of both programs to work together in years two, three and four of the program.
The program includes an interdisciplinary project in fourth year and students of each
program are required to take electives from offerings of the other..
In assessing the academic merit of the ITEC program, one cannot help but be impressed
by the ambitious overall goals of the program and the considerable progress that has been
made in achieving many of the goals. However, these ambitious goals give rise to two
general concerns that must be examined carefully. The first is that the broad topical
coverage of a joint computing/engineering program may require compromises in
addressing the individual topics within the curriculum at appropriate depth. What
compromises have been made and how may they be academically justified? The second
general concern is with feasibility of implementation of an ambitious curriculum program
coupled with multidimensional innovation in pedagogy. Can a viable program be
mounted and sustained in the context of available resources?
Overall, the ITEC curriculum does appear to constitute, in its topical coverage, a broad
program of study in both hardware and software technology that meets provincial
standards for a Bachelor's degree. However, the reviewers were left with serious concerns
regarding possible differences between the broad descriptions in the course outlines and
what is actually taught. In many cases, the course outlines are quite ambitious and
promise to teach material in a very compressed time period and without the prerequisites
that would normally be expected for such a course.
Mathematics and Formal Theory
Perhaps the most serious issue with respect to the academic merit of the ITEC curriculum
is its treatment of mathematics and formal theory. The first sign of concern is that
students may be admitted without Math 12, and indeed with a grade as low as 70% in
Math 11. To be fair, a first semester course in foundations of mathematics (TECH 143)
appears to compensate for the lack of Math 12, preparing students for calculus and
discrete mathematics. But beyond TECH 143, only 12 additional credit hours of
June 5, 2002 ?

mathematics are required. By way of comparison, at least 30 credits of mathematics are
required of computer engineering students and many Engineering Science courses build
strongly on this foundation. Similarly, computing science majors normally take at least
24 credits of mathematics and formal theory.
Further analysis of the particular coursework taken by ITEC students raises additional
concerns. Although TECH 142-3 provides three credits worth of statistics, this work is
not remotely at the level of the STAT 270 course taken by engineering students and more
closely resembles BUEC 232, a business perspective on elementary statistics. TECH 144-
3 purports to cover both differential and integral calculus together with linear algebra in a
single 3-credit course, while SFU students are challenged by the corresponding 9 credits
in MATH 151, MATH 152 and MATH 232. Beyond this, the ITEC curriculum provides
6 additional credits of work in a smattering of topics through its Applied Math I,
II and
III sequence. But these topics provide neither an adequate coverage of the continuous
mathematics necessary for engineering science nor of the discrete mathematics necessary
for computing science.
The following is one suggestion that could be implemented quickly to address this
concern for incoming students. This particular suggestion would increase the Science
foundation credits from 18 to 29.
For the IT program provide a calculus sequence (6 modules) in TechOne with
selected topics chosen specifically for the IT program, e.g. differential equations
is ?
(three weeks?), which, by the way, is now going to be in the new "BC calculus
core", and complex numbers (one week?), which, will be in the list of additional
topics. The main reason for the stronger calculus sequence is to provide a
foundation for the electronics courses, signal processing courses, and computing
courses in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling. Also Scientific
Computing, should such a course be added in the future. The second reason is to
give TechBC students the prerequisites to take courses at SFU. A third reason is
that "the Calculus", a crowning achievement in mathematics with wide
application should be taught to all students.
Convert Tech 142 Probability and Statistics, which is a methods course into a
mathematical course with a stronger focus on probabilty which would better
prepare students for courses in analysis of algorithms, codes and simulation. It
understand that TechBC is already considering modifications to this course.
Add one computing theory course at the 300 level. For example, either CMPT
307 (the design and analysis of algorithms), CMPT 379 (parsing theory and
compiler design) or MACM 316 (numerical analysis). These suggestions are
driven by the need for a course with a strong theoretical/mathematical focus and
to better prepare those students who might want to go on to graduate school in
Computer Science.
Move discrete mathematics earlier in the curriculum and add a second discrete
mathematics course. One possibility that would make lay the foundation for the
• ?
mathematics that is needed in the Computer Security, Computer Simulation, and
Network Systems courses would be Tech 301.1 integer and modular arithmetic (Z
2002 ?

and Zm) (with one application e.g. linear congruential pseudo random number
generators or RSA public key cryptography) 301.2 polynomial rings and finite
fields (R[x] and GF(q))(with one coding theory application e.g. Reed Solomon
Codes) This would cover the basic mathematics needed for hash functions,
crytography, codes, pseudo random number generators, etc. that arises in the
above courses. It should be taught with proof being a central component, which
would address another weakness in the current program, namely a lack of
mathematical rigor and proof.
III. Overlap Between IT and CMPTIENSC
The following table maps TECH and ITEC courses to those CMPT and ENSC courses
that have significant overlap. Although there may be a small number of topics included in
ITEC courses that are not presently covered in CMPT or ENSC courses, those topics
certainly would be considered within the domain of interest of the two Schools.
ITEC Course ?
TECH 150- Introduction to Computer Systems
CMPT 001
TECH 151- jIntroduction to Programming ?
CMPT 101
ITEC 230-3 'Electronic Circuits
ENSC 220
ITEC 231-2 Digital Systems Design
CMPT 150
ITEC 232-2 Data Processing and Communications
ENSC xxx
ITEC 233-3 '
Signal Processing and Communications
ENSC 380
ITEC 250-3 Algorithms and Data Structures
CMPT 201
ITEC 251-2
Engineering ?
ITEC 270-2 User Interface Design
CMPT 363
ITEC 271-3 [Introduction to Computer Graphics
'[ ?
CMPT 361
ITEC 301-2 [System Design Processes and Methods
CMPT 301
Systems ?
IITEC 303-3 ji5itai Communication Systems
IENSC 327/428
June 5, 2002 ?

ITEC Course
ITEC 3 04-3 lComputer Animation
CMPT 466
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
CMPT 370
ITEC 306-3
operating Systems I
,CMPT 300
ITEC 307-3
FNetworks Systems
,[ENSC 428
11TEC 308-3
IDSP Systems Design ?
ENSC 429
IiTEC 309-3 1patabase Systems
.[CMPT 354
ITEC 400-3 [TestingandVerification
[nEC 401-3 _jAdvanced Topics in Computing
Icc_ ?
403-3 lGeometric Modelling
'KDIPT 461
-3 ?
p^er Security
[ITEC405-3 __MultimediaSystems
__[CCE ?
High Performance Computer
CMPT 250/400
ITEC 406-3
ITEC 408-3
Web Centred Technologies ?
'jCMPT 470
IV. Offering the Program
In order to have a credible program it is obviously key that each senior course have at
least one "champion" in the faculty complement and that there be a broader network of
support in related areas. In examining the Information Technology curriculum, however,
questions arose regarding the degree of match between the areas of faculty expertise and
the requirements of the approved program, which is a combination of computer and
communications engineering and software engineering. In some cases, courses seem to
have been refocussed considerably from the initial design to match faculty expertise, with
a possible loss of cohesion in the overall program structure. In others, extremely weak
course outlines have been prepared that raise serious questions about their level of
preparation (the outlines for four courses, ITEC 400, 402, 405 and 407, were not even
available at the time of review).
The ability to offer the ITEC program can certainly be improved through appropriate
hiring (and it is known that several searches are currently beginning); however, it is
possible that these problems could be alleviated more effectively through cooperation
. ?
with exisiting programs at SFU. As can be seen from the table above, a large fraction of
the ITEC courses have "equivalents" in Computer Science and Engineering Science, with
2002 ?

associated "champions" already in place. It would make sense to exploit these synergies
rather than to ignore them - especially in the case of senior-level courses with relatively
small enrollments. As a specific example, ITEC
(Multimedia Systems) has not yet
been developed; however, it is likely to overlap substantially with CMPT
and ENSC
424. Does it make sense for SFUSurrey to develop this course - and hire someone to
teach it?
Minority Opinion of Degree Title
(Rob Cameron and Jacques Vaisey)
Although the committee a whole passed the plan to give a B.Sc. (Information
Technology) degree to the ITEC students, a minority of the committee (Cameron and
Vaisey) felt that a different degree name would have been more appropriate. Our
rationale is expressed below.
A full assessment of academic merit must be conducted in the context of a proposed
degree title. Three possible degree titles have been suggested for the ITEC program:
Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Technology and Bachelor of Informatics. Bachelor of
Science was the initial degree title that was to be awarded by the former university.
However, it is also a degree title already in use at SFU for the strong and widely regarded
program offered by the School of Computing Science (BSc-CMPT). Bachelor of
Technology is not in use at SFU, but is a generally recognized credential for technology-
oriented programs within B.C. Bachelor of Informatics is a new degree title currently
under planning consideration by the Faculty of Applied Sciences for new
interdisciplinary programs involving information technology and its application.
The degree titles Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration, and Bachelor of
Applied Sciences are also offered at SFU for programs in the information technology
area. The Bachelor of Arts is available in conjunction with the computing science major
program with an additional concentration in the Faculty of Arts (BA-CMPT). The
Bachelor of Business Administration is available in conjunction with a joint business-
computing major in information systems (BBA-IS). The Bachelor of Applied Sciences is
available through the computer engineering option of the School of Engineering Science
(BASc-CE). Although none of these degree titles is proposed for the ITEC curriculum,
the existing programs in these areas do provide valuable data points with respect to
degree titles and information technology curricula.
Within the SFU context, the Bachelor of Technology and the Bachelor of Informatics are
relatively unconstrained. For the ITEC (information technology) curriculum alone, the
Bachelor of Technology makes the best fit. It also represents one choice as a focus for
future development of the program. On the other hand, in the context of its relationship to
the IART program and the interdisciplinary focus of the SF1.3 @ Surrey program as a
whole, the Bachelor of Informatics may be more appropriate. It also represents a choice
as a focus for future development of program curricula, and one that is consistent with
existing plans.
June 5,2002 ?

Given a general conclusion of academic merit of the ITEC curriculum, and the apparent
fitness of the curriculum to either the Bachelor of Technology or Bachelor of Informatics
designations within the SFU context, either degree title is appropriate. The lack of
constraint with respect to existing SFU standards also provides for considerable freedom
with respect to future program development.
The Bachelor of Science is another matter. AT SFU and its peer institutions there are
strong and well-established expectations for science-oriented curricula in computing and
engineering. These are also clear in general curriculum recommendations of international
societies such as the ACM and IEEE. Fundamentally, these science-oriented curricula
require a strong component of mathematics and formal theory. On the engineering side,
they additionally require considerable material from the natural sciences. The ITEC
curriculum has very little of the requisite science base beyond what might be termed
applications of mathematics.
Indeed, the course credits in mathematics and formal theory found in the ITEC program
and comparable SFU programs may be plotted along the following spectrum.
For a science-based joint program in computing and engineering, the coursework in
mathematics and formal theory ought to lie somewhere between the BSc-CMPT and
BASc-ENSC points on this spectrum (although some would argue that positioning
beyond the BASc-ENSC is required). If proposed in the abstract, without an existing base
of students, the ITEC program would clearly not merit consideration for the BSc degree
in light of existing SFU standards.
Student Expectations
Expectations of existing ITEC students with respect to degree titles have been made
clear: there is a particular affinity for the Bachelor of Science and a particular antipathy
towards the Bachelor of Technology.
However, there are also expectations of thousands of existing and former students of the
SFU computing science program about the meaning of an SFU BSc in the area of
computing technology. Institutions earn their reputations based on the academic
standards they maintain. The accomplishments of graduates are recognized in this light.
Certainly, the expectation of computing alumni and current students is that SFU
standards with respect to the BSc in computing be maintained.
Existing ITEC students in fact entered a program working towards a credential-institution
combination that might have been denoted BSc (Tech
in the usual academic
notation. Generally, this would have been treated as an unknown combination for both
future employment and post-graduate study. Although recognition of accomplishment
concomitant with graduation from an approved degree-granting institution could be
. ?
assumed, the initial program graduates could normally be expected to be subject to more
detailed scrutiny than those from well-established programs of widely known institutions.
June 5, 2002

On the other hand, the initial cohorts graduating from such a program would have a
relatively rare opportunity: the ability, through their accomplishments, to take a lead role
in establishing the reputation of their baccalaureate program and its credential.
Awarding of a credential-institution combination such as BTech (SFU) would also be
unknown. In fact, the expectation of technological orientation would seem to match that
of BSc (Tech BC) quite well. A somewhat stronger assumption of credibility might be
made based on SFU's reputation. That reputation would also suggest a somewhat more
academic treatment than the BTech (BCIT), as appropriate. But again, the initial
graduates with such a credential would have the opportunity to lead the way in
establishing its reputation through their own accomplishments.
The Bachelor of Informatics might possibly be denoted B Infor (SFU). Again this would
represent a relatively unknown credential with the opportunity for its first graduates to
help in shaping the reputation. With a longer-term goal of creating a number of
innovative programs involving computing and its applications, there may be a greater
long-term benefit to the initial graduates with this credential.
In contrast, the credential-institution combination BSc (SFU) is well known. Awarding
this credential to students of the ITEC program would confuse their accomplishment with
that of existing SFU graduates working in the information technology sector.
Furthermore, ITEC students would no longer have the opportunity to lead in the
establishment of the credential's recognition and reputation.
June 5, 2002 ?

Additional Concerns Information Technology Curriculum
M. Monagan
I'd like to express, in concrete terms, the concerns I and Rob Cameron made about the
lack of mathematics/theory in the IT program. Rob's main criticism is that for the degree
BSc (Information Technology) to have a strong science component, the foundation must
be strong. The foundation for the computing part of the degree is mathematics and
theoretical computer science. The foundation for the engineering part of the degree is
physics (electronics) and mathematics (signal processing). As I read the IT program, the
foundational science courses there are:
143-3 Linear Algebra and Calculus,
200-2, 201-2, 300-2, Applied Math I, II, Ill
Cmpt ?
306-3 Operating Systems
Elec ?
230-3 Electronics, 233-3 Signal processing
This is 18 credits. The corresponding foundation for the BSc in computing science at
SFU is:
0 ?
Math ?
151-3, 152-3 Calculus 1,11,232-3 Linear Algebra
Macrn ?
101-3, 201-3 Discrete Math I, II, 316-3 Numerical Analysis
Stat ?
.270-3 Probability and Statistics
Cmpt ?
300-3 Operating Systems, 307-3 Analysis of Algorithms
Note, the Cmpt course 306-3 is a theory of operating systems course. It is not a survey of
operating systems course. A survey course might take a look at Windows and Unix. It is
also not a practical course where one would try to build an operating system. It really is
like the theory course, Cmpt 300 at SFU.
This is 27 credits. Rob argued that the foundation for an interdisciplinary degree should
be at least as large as the minimum of the two. I agree.
The following is one suggestion that could be implemented quickly to address this
concern for incoming students and existing students. This particular suggestion would
increase the science foundation credits from 18 to 29.
June 5, 2002

I: For the IT program provide a calculus sequence (6 modules) in TechOne with selected
topics chosen specifically for the IT program, e.g. differential equations (three weeks?),
which, by the way, is now going to be in the new "BC calculus core", and complex
numbers (one week?), which, will be in the list of additional topics.
The main reason for the stronger calculus sequence is to provide a foundation for the
electronics courses, signal processing courses, and computing courses in Computer
Graphics and Geometric Modelling. Also Scientific Computing, should such a course be
added in the future. The second reason is to give TechBC students the prerequisites to
take courses at SFU. A third reason is that "the Calculus", a crowning achievement in
mathematics with wide application should be taught to all students.
2: Convert Tech 142 Probability and Statistics, which is a methods course into a
mathematical course with a stronger focus on probabilty which would better prepare
students for courses in analysis of algorithms, codes and simulation. I understand that
TechBC is already considering this.
3: Add one computing theory course at the 300 level, e.g.:
the design and analysis of algorithms (CMPT 307 at SFU) or,
parsing theory and compiler design (CMPT 379 at SFU) or,
numerical analysis (MACM 316 at SFU).
Note 1: the course must have a strong theoretical/mathematical focus.
Note 2: students could take the course at SFU.
Remark 1: students who want to go on to graduate school in computing will need this; if
they don't have this, and they do get accepted, they are likely to end up being asked
to do
several makeup courses in precisely these core subject areas.
Remark 2: suggestion 2, which should involve the writing of a compiler for a simple
language (from scratch), would address another weakness in the current program: there
are too few larger programming projects*??
4: Add a second discrete mathematics course. One possibility that would lay the
foundation for the mathematics that is needed in the Computer Security, Computer
Simulation, and Network Systems courses would be:
Tech 301.1 integer and modular arithmetic (Z and Zm) (with one application e.g. linear
congruential pseudo random number generators or RSA public key cryptography)
Tech 301.2 polynomial rings and finite fields (R[x] and GF(q)) (with one coding theory
application e.g. Reed Solomon Codes)
2002 ?

This would cover the basic mathematics needed for hash functions, crytography, codes,
pseudo random number generators, etc. that arises in the above courses. It should be
taught with proof being a central component. This would address another weakness in
the current program, namely, lack of mathematical rigor and proof.
June 5, 2002

Interactive Arts Program Report - M. Gotfrit, D. Parker, M. Knowles
Initial Review - Program in Information Technology & Interactive Arts
The descriptions for courses as well as the overall syllabus associated with Interactive
Arts were examined. Based on this research, interviews with faculty and site visits, it is
our opinion that the undergraduate program clearly merits a Bachelors degree.
Program Description
The Program in Information Technology & Interactive Arts (PITIA) is both ambitious
and unique. Though content comparison will reveal slightly similar programs, these other
programs tend to have evolved from a more traditional academic unit such as fine arts,
communications or computing science. As a new program in a new institution, PITIA
was able to more directly address the needs of students entering into what is often
referred to as "the new economy". In addition to a distinctive syllabus, PITIA is based
upon current teaching philosophies and this "learner-centered" approach is supported by
extensive use of web-based delivery, interaction and support.
Of the almost forty courses examined, only six bear some resemblance to Burnaby
mountain (School for the Contemporary Arts) courses. Of these only three appear to be a
direct overlap. The Interactive Arts stream is very complementary to existing areas of
Contemporary Arts and the latter is looking forward with great anticipation to discussions
on how the units can work together.
Student Work
From observations at various open houses and course presentations, the work produced
by the students appears very impressive. One of the committee members wrote:
In evaluating a program as team and product-oriented as Interactive
Arts, it is necessary to consider both the quality of the stated content of
the program (i.e. course syllabi, online content, etc.) and the quality of
the research produced by the people involved in the program. Many of
the research projects exhibited at the ASI Exchange and at the TechBC
Open House show a level of theoretical and technical sophistication
well beyond what would be required of projects produced in a
traditional BAIBFA program, often incorporating current research
topics in computer graphics and human-computer interface (e.g.
experience design, novel interaction methods, tangible interfaces, etc).
While the IA program could be strengthened in the future by adding
more mathematics and natural science components, the quality of the
research and projects produced in the program compares well with the
quality of research and projects produced by students in B.Sc. programs
at SFU and other universities.
Martin Knowles
June 5, 2002 ?

Degree Name
When discussing the degree name, there are several points we see that need to be
• The Interactive Arts stream is a unique mix of both art and science. The B.Sc.
(Interactive Arts) title reflects this novel approach.
Other respected universities offer B.Sc. degrees in areas similar to PITIA -
such as American University's B.Sc. (Multimedia Design and Development)
or MIT's Master of Science in Multimedia.
• The current students entered into study as long as three years ago with the
promise of either a B.Sc. (Information Technology) or a B.Sc. (Interactive
Arts). As the calendar at time of entry can
viewed as something of a
contract, there are grave concerns about the legal aspects of changing the
degree name for existing students.
• The PITIA is not a static program. As it is continues to develop and evolve
there are many opportunities to alter the science content to more closely
conform to the expectations of concerned science faculty.
• We have serious fears about retention of current students if the degree name
• ? is changed part way through their studies. There is much documented
communication from students, faculty and parents to support this concern.
The Interactive Arts stream is Bachelor degree level program. We recommend that
current students be granted a B.Sc. (Interactive Arts) in the same spirit of "grand-
fathering" that prompted the proposal for a B.Sc. (Information Technology).
Sub Committee members?
Professor Martin Gotfrit?
Professor Drew Parker ?
Martin Knowles, Computing Science student
June 5, 2002

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