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S. 90-60
• ?
TO: R. Heath ?
R. Blackman, Chair
Secretary to Senate ?
Senate Committee on
University Budget (SCUB)
Annual Report
? DATE: ?
November 8, 1990
I enclose SCUB's annual report to Senate as per your request.

ii ?
NOVEMBER 7. 1990
The Senate Committee on University Budget (SCUB) is a standing Committee
of the Senate of Simon Fraser University and is designated as a confidential
Committee advisory to the President.
The membership, as determined by Senate at its meeting of December 1st,
1980, consists of those members of Senate elected by and from Senate to the
Senate Committee on Academic Planning.
The Chair is elected by and from the voting members of the Committee. The
present Chair is R. Blackman (Faculty member of Senate). The other
members as of November 7,1990, are: Faculty Senators: M. Covell, J.
D'Auria, S. Verdun-Jones, and N. Reilly; Lay Members of Senate; D.
Shannon, V. Nielsen ; Student Senators; K. Giffen, S. Wade, M. Radii. The
Director of Analytical Studies, W. Wattamaniuk, serves as (non-voting)
Secretary. The Acting Vice-President of Financial Services, R. Ward, attends
. ? meetings as a non-voting resource person on a regular basis. Other Vice-
Presidents and the President attend at the invitation of the Committee.
The proceedings of the Committee, information received by it from the
administration, and the specifics of the advice given by the Committee are
confidential. Only the activity reports that the Committee makes to Senate are
not subject to this rule of confidentiality.
(II) ?
This report covers the period from November 9th, 1989 to November 7, 1990.
Within this period, SCUBwas chaired by R. Blackman and met in Committee
nine times.
At each meeting, SCUB was briefed by P. Boyle, former Vice-President of
Financial Services and/or R. Ward, Director of Financial Services on the
budget situation at SFU, on expectations regarding provincial funding, and on
overall allocations within the University once funding figures were
ascertained. SCUB has also received for information from the Office of
Financial Services the following:
Capital Five-Year Plan
Financial Statements
Operating Budget Summaries
Operating Budget Application
Capital Budget Application
Tuition Fee Proposals

SCUB has provided advice and recommendations to the President on the
following items in the past year:
-Start-up grants for new faculty
-Financial implications of Senate approved curriculum changes in
-Undergraduate tuition and Co-op fee proposals for 1990/91.
-Graduate tuition fee proposals for 1990/91.
-funding levels, allocation, and infrastructure support regarding the
Financial Aid and Awards Budget.
-provision of adequate parking and student amenity space in future
building projects.
-fund-raising priorities for Bridge to the Future Campaign targets.
Meetings with Vice-Presidents
-November, 1989........with L. Salter, Acting Vice-President Academic, to
discuss the strategies and process for determining budgets for academic
Faculties and Departments for 1990/91.
-February, 1990.......with R. Saunders, Associate Vice-President Academic
and V. Loewen, Director of Financial Aid to review the Financial Aid and
Awards budget.
-March, 1990.......with R. Saunders, Associate Vice-President Academic and
Wm. DeVries, Executive Director of University Support Services, to discuss
the development of the Capital Five Year Plan and the establishment of
building project priorities.
-April, 1990.......with J. Blaney, Vice-President, SFU at Harbour Centre to
discuss the financial implications of the Bridge to the Future Campaign and
the establishment of funding priorities.
-October, 1990.......with J. M. Munro, Vice-President, Academic, to discuss
strategic planning and SCUB's role in budget planning.
-November, 1990.......with R. Saunders, Associate Vice-President Academic
and Wm. DeVries, Vice-President, Administration, to discuss the 1991/92
Capital Five Year Plan and the development of space at SFU.
Finally, SCUB will shortly start to review the financial implications of new
courses and programs for 1991/92 which will come before Senate in
November and December and in accordance with its terms of reference, will
inform and advise the President . SCUB will also be receiving information
shortly on tuition fee levels for 1991/92.

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