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For Information
This report covers the period October 1998 to September 1999, and corresponds to the
preparation cycle for the 1999/00 Budget. The elected members of SCUB during this
period were:
Larry Boland
Michael Wortis
John Jones
Valerie Dunsterville
Joseph Peters (from June 1,1999)
Michael Smith (from June 1,1999)
James McArthur (from June l,1999)
James Fletcher (from June 1, 1999)
Shek Yan To (from June l,1999)
Joseph Emerson (from June l,1999)
Joy Morris (until May 31, 1999)
Louis Peterson (until May 31, 1999)
Allan Emmott (until May 31, 1999)
Len Berggren (until May 31, 1999)
Maya Russell (until February, 1999)
Albert Chan (from March, 1999 until May 31, 1999)
Khushwant Dhillon (from Nov. 2, 1998 until May 31, 1999)
Lawrence Tam (until Nov. 2, 1998)
Ex-officio members were the Director of Analytical Studies, Walter Wattamaniuk
(Committee Secretary) and, by invitation, the Vice President Finance and Administration,
Roger Ward. Larry Boland chaired SCUB throughout this period and was re-elected as
Chair for the corning year.
The Committee met 7 times during the reporting period, including meetings with
President Blaney and Vice-Presidents Clayman, Gagan, Mitchell, and Ward. The major
issues discussed by SCUB were:
• Financial Impact of VP Academic 3-year plan (D. Gagan)
• Plans and Priorities for University Advancement (D. Mitchell)
• Provision of Campus Services (R. Ward)
• Operation of the Microcomputer Store (D. Gagan, L. Tolan)
• Health Services and Residence Services (D. Gagan and K. Heath)
• 1999/00 Operating Budget Q. Blaney, D. Gagan, B. Clayman and R. Ward)
• 1999/00 Non-Recurring Budget (discussed with D. Gagan and R. Ward)
There were no public meetings of the Senate Committee on University Budget.

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