1. Academic Discipline Report
      2. November 1, 2005 - October 31, 2006
      3. Non Academic Student Discipline
      4. November 1, 2005 - October 31, 2006

Annual Report on Student Discipline Matters
University Board on Student Discipline **
Senate Committee on Disciplinary Appeals **
Statistical Summary - Registrar *
Section 11.1 of Policy T10.03 states:
The Registrar and the Associate Dean, Student Services, shall maintain a
statistical summary of cases which are handled through their offices each year, and these data shall be included in the
Annual Report on Student Discipline Matters.
Section 11.2 of Policy T10.03 states:
In addition to the data in 11.1, the Annual Report on Student Discipline
Matters will contain a summary of the UBSD Tribunal's decisions, the Presidents decisions, SCODAs decisions and the
penalties imposed. This report will be accessible to the University community and will be submitted to Senate for
information except cases or parts of cases that the Tribunal, SCODA Or the President decides should not be disclosed.
Such summary shall not disclose the identities of the parties. A set of decisions which does not disclose the identities of
the parties Shall be maintained in the office of the Secretary of the UBSD and is available for review upon reasonable

University Board on Student Discipline
Reporting Period: November 2005 - December 2006
UBSD Membership
David MacAlister (Co-Ordinator), Criminology (Oct 05 - Sept 08)
Greg Baker, Computing Science (Oct 04 - Sept 07)
Deborah Connolly, Psychology (Nov 05 - Oct 08,
Anne Macdonald, Business Administration (Sept 06 - Aug 09)
Aidan Vining, Business Administration (term ended Aug 06)
Sarah Caufield, UG Student, English/Women's Studies (Aug 06 - Aug 07)
Nathalie Gagnon, Grad. Student, Psychology (Sept 06 - Aug 07)
Cohn Mclnnes, UG Student, Biological Sciences (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Keith Tierney, Grad. Student, Biological Sciences (Sept 06 —Aug 07, 3' term)
Lee Simons, Grad Student, English
term ended Aug 06)
Jennifer Yoon, UG Student, Economics (term ended June 06)
Staff: Tracy Bruneau, Computing Science (Aug 04 - July 07)
Donalda Meyers, Education (Nov 05 - Oct 08, 2'' term)
Yvonne Tabin, Continuing Studies (Oct 06 - Oct 09,
The University Board on Student Discipline dealt with twelve cases of academic dishonesty and
one case of academic misconduct in the period covered by the report. A summary of the cases
dealt with by the UBSD is forwarded for the information of Senate.
David MacAlister
Coordinator, University Board on Student Discipline

File #
Nature of Offence
Academic Dishonesty - Plagiarism
Student admitted academic dishonesty. Student completed an
in 3 courses in the same
undergraduate degree at another institution and no longer a
department during the same term.
student at SFU. President accepted the recommendation of the
Case referred to the UBSD in 2003
Tribunal that the student receive a written reprimand
but student left Canada. Upon
regarding his/her conduct, and be denied readmission to the
return in 2006 tried to obtain an
university at any time in the future for any course of study.
official transcript which could not
be released until UBSD case
Academic Dishonesty. Two
Student admitted academic dishonesty. The Tribunal
reported incidents of academic
recommended a six semester suspension and that subsequent
dishonesty discovered in student
to the suspension, the student be required to re-take and pass
file in Registrar's Office.
the course in question before being allowed to graduate. The
President accepted the recommendation of the Tribunal and
suspended the student for six semesters, but did not require
the student to re-take and pass the course. The Departmental
penalty - failure in the course - to stand. Student appealed to
SCODA. Appeal denied. Penalty imposed by President to
Academic misconduct. Falsified
Student admitted academic misconduct. The President
admission application,
accepted the recommendation of the Tribunal and suspended
the student for two semesters and required the student to take
the English Bridge Program during period of suspension.
Academic Dishonesty. Plagiarism.
Student appealed departmental finding of plagiarism.
Student's appeal denied. Departmental penalty (F grade in
assignment, resulting in F grade in the course) to stand.
Academic Dishonesty -
Students appealed department finding of academic dishonesty.
Submission of false record or
The Tribunal resolved in favour of the students with respect to
information; plagiarism,
the allegation of a submission of false record/information and
cheating/plagiarism on exam
plagiarism by submitting an essay in which a part was
allegedly copied from an author or composed by another
person and presented as original work and requested the
Department to re-evaluate the term paper and assign an
appropriate grade. The Tribunal found that the student
engaged in an act of academic dishonesty by drawing material
from the internet and incorporating it into the final exam. The
assigned grade for the exam allowed to stand.
Academic Dishonesty -
Student appealed department finding of academic dishonesty
Submission of a script for an
but withdrew the appeal prior to formal hearing.
assignment that was very similar or
nearly identical to the script
submitted by one (or more) of
his/her classmates

Academic Dishonesty - Collusion
Student appealed department finding of academic dishonesty.
with another student who retained
Student exonerated from any wrongdoing.
examinations in two courses for
submission at a later time for
evaluation with forged note, in one
instance, from university staff to a
TA stating the exam had been
misplaced and should be marked
Academic Dishonesty - Collusion
Student appealed department finding of academic dishonesty.
with another student; retention of
Student's appeal denied. Tribunal found student guilty of
examinations in two courses for
multiple acts of academic dishonesty and acts of student
submission at a later time for
misconduct arising from the retention of exam papers and in
evaluation with forged note, in one
submitting the exam papers, or causing them to be submitted,
instance, from university staff to a
at a later time for marking accompanied in one case by a
TA stating the exam had been
notation implicating an uninvolved party in the scheme, and in
misplaced and should be marked
another case by a forged note impersonating a university
official and implicating an uninvolved party in the scheme.
Tribunal found that the student had engaged in multiple acts
of misconduct and dishonesty and recommends permanent
suspension from the University, and the F grades assigned by
the Department in the two courses be allowed to stand.
President's decision outstanding.
Academic Dishonesty - Cheating
Student admitted the academic dishonesty. Tribunal
with hand-written notes while
recommends that the student receive a letter grade of F for the
writing mid-term examination
course and recommends that a formal letter of reprimand be
sent to the student and a copy retained in the student's
university file.
President's decision outstanding.
Academic Dishonesty - Cheating
Student admitted the academic dishonesty. Tribunal
with hand-written notes while
recommended that student receive a letter grade of F for the
writing mid-term examination
course in question which he/she withdrew from and receive a
formal letter of reprimand which would be kept in the
student's university file. If not possible to change the grade in
the course from WD to F, the Tribunal recommends that the
student be suspended for one semester in addition to the
formal letter of reprimand. President accepted the alternate
recommendation of the UBSD and suspended the student for
one semester. No provision in policy that would permit
substituting a WD with an F - President has requested that the
issue be examined with a view to amending policy.
appeal to SCODA outstanding.
Academic Dishonesty -
Student admitted the academic dishonesty. Tribunal
Submission of a falsified doctor's
recommends that the student receive a one semester
note for missed mid-semester test
suspension and wishes to leave the assessment of an
appropriate grade in the course with the department.
President's decision outstanding.

Academic Dishonesty -
Impersonation of SFU Professor in
attempt to obtain instructor
material from publishing company
for the course the student was
registered in

Senate Committee on Disciplinary Appeals
Reporting Period: December 2005 to December 2006
The Senate Committee on Disciplinary Appeals dealt with four appeals in the period covered by this report.
Three of the cases stemmed from one class wide incident involving students electronically sharing an
assignment. The three students withdrew their appeal upon reading the full extent of the details submitted
by the department. The fourth case was an appeal regarding when the penalty imposed by the President
should come into effect. The letter from the president was not explicit and this led to confusion on the part
of the student who was ready to graduate.
All these cases dealt with Tl0.03, 8.1(c), "that the penalty imposed on the student is excessive in all the
circumstances of the case".
In one case the appeal was not upheld and the original decision stood and in the case of the other 3 appeals
they were withdrawn before the hearing.
SCODA Membership as of December, 2006
Cathy D'Andrea-Chair
Grant Jenzen
Cyril Thong-Vice Chair
Amanda van Baarsen
Bruce Kadonoff
Sarah Caufield
Ron Woodbury
Karen Tse
Scott Byers
Richard MacLeod

Academic Discipline Report
November 1, 2005 - October 31, 2006
Type of Incident:
No. of Cases:
Cheating (allowing copying of own
1 case involving 117
Zero mark on the assignment and
or another students work)
4% penalty on course
Penalties range from
resubmitting work to F grade for
the course
Academic Dishonesty
Letter of reprimand
**To t
al: 121 students
Nello Angerilli,
Associate Vice-President Students and International
and Registrar (acting)
November 27, 2006
**Data collection may not be complete

Non Academic Student Discipline
November 1, 2005 - October 31, 2006
Type of Incident:
No. of Cases:
Informal resolution
Informal resolution
Disruptive Behaviour
Informal resolution
Property Damage
Informal resolution
Informal resolution
Total: 78 students
11 students involved in one misconduct incident
Nello Angerilli,
Associate Vice-President Students and International
and Registrar (acting)
November 27, 2006

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