1. Motion

Simon Fraser University
Alison Watt, Director, University Secretariat
3 February, 2005
SUBJECT: Revision to Committee Research Ethics Policy Review
Dr. Mario Pinto, Vice-President Research has revised the committee membership
for the committee to review the Research Ethics Policy. The following motion
should be considered by Senate at its meeting on March 7, 2005.
That Senate approve the revised membership for the Committee which will
review Policy R20.01 Ethics Review of Research involving Human Subjects.

, ?
Alison Watt, Director, University Secretariat, FROM:
B. Mario Pinto
Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules
Vice-President, Research
CC: President Michael Stevenson ?
DATE: February 1, 2005
Vice-President, Academic John Waterhouse
Faculty Deans
RE: Senate Review of Policy R20.01 on University Research Ethics Review
In accordance with Policy R20.0 1, "University Research Ethics Review", I propose the following
revised committee to review the Policy and Procedures for Ethics Review of Research Involving
Human Subjects. The revision is based on concerns that two members of the Research Ethics
Board (REB) who were also present as members of the review committee, approved previously
by SCAR and Senate, might be perceived to have a conflict of interest. In addition, two of the
originally appointed members were not able to serve because of other commitments, and had to
be replaced. ?
The committee will consist of representatives from Departments and Faculties whose research
interests involve human ethics concerns,, and includes two faculty members with legal expertise.
There will also be two faculty senators and one graduate student representative elected by Senate.
The committee's mandate will be to review the Policy and Procedures for Ethics Review of
Research Involving Human Subjects (R20.01) and:
• assess whether revisions to the Policy are required, and if so
• provide a revised Policy for consideration.
The proposed composition of the committee is listed below.
• ?
Bruce Brandhorst,
Chair, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry; Previous REB member;
Member CIHR Committee to draft guidelines for Stem Cell Research.
John Dickinson,
Director, School of Kinesiology.
Catherine Mateer,
Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Victoria.
David MacAllister,
Assistant Professor of Criminology and Lawyer.
David MacLean,
Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences.
Simon Verdun-Jones,
Professor of Criminology and Lawyer.
Dan Weeks,
Chair, Department of Psychology
Two Faculty Senators,
elected by Senate.
0 ?
One Graduate Student Representative,
elected by Senate.
Hal Weinberg,
Director, Office of Research Ethics, and
Bruce Whittlesea,
Chair, Research
Ethics Board, will be available to provide information on the past and current policies and
procedures of the REB.

The committee's goal will be to circulate a first draft of a report by
May 15
for consultation with
the VPs and Deans, and the President. A revised draft incorporating suggestions from this
consultative process will then be prepared and sent out for a second round of consultation
throughout the SFU research community including faculty, staff, and student organizations. The
final draft will then be submitted in July to Senate, and the Board of Governors for
consideration, revision, and approval.
I trust that the revised constitution of the committee will be acceptable to SCAR.
Thank you.
B. M. Pinto
Vice-President, Research

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