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Dean of
Grant ?
Trude Heift, SGSC
Maggie Benston Student ?
SGSC Appeals Procedures (GS2007.21)
Services Centre 1100
Burnaby BC V5A 1A6
for appealing decisions under GGR 1.8.2
June 21, 2007
University Drive ?
For information
Burnaby BC V5A 1A6
At its 11th June 2007 meeting, Senate Graduate
Studies Committee approved the revised graduate
student appeals procedures for appealing decisions
under Graduate General Regulation 1.8.2 -
unsatisfactory progress. A copy of the new
procedures and guidelines is attached.
The revised procedures include new guidelines
concerning documentation for appeals, and are
effective immediately. These are consistent with
the procedures of the Senate Appeals Board for
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Senators wishing to consult the documents concerning this item
should contact Bobbie Grant, Senate Assistant at 604.291.3168 or
bgrant. ca

Graduate Student Appeals
Procedures for Appealing Decisions Under GGR 1.8.2
Revised JUNE 11, 2007
Graduate students have the right to appeal the decisions of their graduate program
committees regarding progress evaluations conducted under GGR 1.8.2. This document
outlines the appeals process and provides guidelines for documentation by the appellant
(student) and respondent (graduate program committee).
Appeals shall be made to the Senate Graduate Studies Committee through the Office
of the Dean of Graduate Studies. Students are advised to seek help in preparing their
appeal from the Ombudsperson. Students should be aware that they may access their
student file through a request to their graduate program administrator, and that they
may ask the Dean of Graduate Studies for information on their student record, and for
clarification of any rules and policies concerning graduate students, including the
appeals process.
Appeals shall be made in a timely manner, normally by the end of the semester in
which the progress evaluation was received by the student.
Appeals shall comprise a concise statement of the grounds for the appeal, the remedy
- sought, and any supporting documents (indexed and in chronological order). The
appeal should include a timeline of events, beginning with the admission of the
appellant to the program, and including all formal progress reviews.
Upon receipt of the appeal, the Dean (or designate) provides a copy of it to the chair
(or designate) of the graduate program committee whose decision is being appealed
and solicits a written response. The response shall comprise a concise evaluation of the
grounds for the appeal and the remedy sought, and any .additional supporting
documents (indexed and in chronological order). The response shall be submitted in a
timely manner, normally by the end of the semester in which the, graduate program
committee received a copy of the appeal. The response should include copies of
relevant departmental policies and a statement from the student's supervisory
Upon receipt of the response, the Dean (or designate) shall provide a copy of it to the
appellant and convene an ad hoc Appeals Subcommittee of the Senate Graduate
Studies Committee. The Appeals Subcommittee shall comprise members of the Senate
Graduate Studies Committee: one representative from each Faculty and one Student
member. The subcommittee shall elect a chair from its members. The chair is a voting
member. Quorum for each meeting is a majority of the members, and decisions are
made by majority vote. The Dean of Graduate Studies (or designate) serves as a non-
voting secretary and resource person to the committee.

Once the Appeals Subcommittee has been convened, the Dean (or designate) shall
distribute copies of the appeal and response to the members and schedule a hearing at a
time and place acceptable to all parties. The hearing shall take place in a timely
manner, normally by the end of the semester in which the Appeals Subcommittee was
The hearing shall take place on the University grounds. To protect the privacy of the
parties involved, the hearing shall be held in camera. The appellant and respondent
each may invite one person to attend the hearing as an advisor. Neither appellant nor
respondent has the right to be represented by counsel at the hearing. Appellants have
the right (at their own effort or expense) to make a written record of the proceedings.
Advisors may participate in making presentations and answering questions posed by
the subcommittee.
The Appeals Subcommittee shall meet in a closed session to review the appeal and
response, and then in an
in camera
session to hear the appellant and respondent. The
appellant and in turn the respondent shall have the opportunity to make a brief
opening statement, to answer any questions posed by members of the Subcommittee,
and to make a brief closing statement. When one party answers a question, the other
party shall have an opportunity to respond. Where appropriate, the Chair may allow
one party to direct a question to the other.
Once the parties have been heard, the Chair shall excuse them and the Subcommittee
shall meet in a closed session to deliberate. The decision of the Subcommittee shall be
to uphold the original decision of the graduate program committee or to overturn that
decision. Decisions shall be overturned if the decision-making procedures used by the
graduate program committee or the decision itself were so flawed as to constitute a
violation of the principles of natural justice. The Subcommittee shall provide a
statement in writing of its decision and the reasons therefore; and, if the decision of
the graduate program committee is overturned, the Subcommittee shall specify a
remedy. The decision of the Subcommittee shall be made and distributed to the
appellant and respondent in a timely manner, normally by the end of the semester in
which the hearing takes place.
10. The decision of the Subcommittee is final.
A student who is appealing a decision of the Graduate Program Committee will
remain as a registered student until a decision is reached by the Subcommittee.
Guidelines concerning documentation
Experience has shown that
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or too much documentation
Graduate Studies Committee
guidelines for appellants
in some cases either too little
has been submitted. Senate
therefore provides the following
and respondents. These

guidelines are intended particularly for cases in which the
appellant has been required to withdraw.
Documents should be relevant to the process of the
progress review
The appellant should provide copies of correspondence
between the appellant and the graduate program committee,
and any other documents that relate to the evaluation of
progress in the program, such as annual progress forms.
Departments should note that students have access to all
documents in their file, except where the student has
waived that right (e.g. confidential letters of reference)
Documents that do not concern the review of progress
should not be provided
The SGSC subcommittee cannot evaluate the quality of
research or coursework undertaken by a student. It is
therefore not possible to submit material (e.g. data,
manuscripts, thesis drafts) in order to ask the
Subcommittee to evaluate the content. In exceptional
cases, it may be relevant to submit third party opinions
about the quality of a piece of work that formed part of a
progress review. The Subcommittee will determine whether
such submissions are relevant to the case.
Electronic correspondence should be printed. It is not
unusual for e-mail correspondence to become voluminous,
especially when a string of previous e-mail messages is
appended to each new message. The Subcommittee does not
need to see these repetitive documents - it is normally
sufficient to provide the new content of each message.
Please number each document, arrange the documents in
chronological order, and provide a 'table of contents' if
many documents are submitted.
Departmental response
Members of the Subcommittee are unlikely to be familiar
with the policies and practices of every graduate program.
The departmental response should therefore include copies
of relevant policies and practices (e.g. the departmental

policy concerning progress reviews and a blank copy of a
progress report form)
Because the supervisory committee plays a key role in a
graduate student's progress, there should be a statement
from the committee about the situation in which the
appellant finds him/herself. If neither a senior supervisor
nor a supervisory committee has been appointed, the
statement should be from whomever has been advising the
6. Submission of documents
One of the principles of a fair hearing is that appellant
and respondent have seen all information. It is therefore
necessary for appellant and respondent to consider
carefully which documents are relevant. Neither the
appellant nor the respondent should withhold relevant
documentation and then ask to present it at the hearing.
If either party realizes before the hearing that a relevant
document has been omitted from their submission, they may
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ask the Dean if it could be submitted. Normally this will
be allowed. If the Dean allows a new document to be
submitted, the other party must be given adequate time to
respond to the new document.
If a new document is introduced at the hearing, the
subcommittee will determine whether or not the submission
can be allowed, and may approve either a recess or
postponement of the hearing to allow the other party
adequate time to respond.

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