1. Faculty of Business Administration
      1. Constitution for the Proposed
      2. Centre for Global Workforce Strategy
      3. Faculty of Business Administration, Simon Fraser University?
      4. (a) Statement of Purpose
      5. . ? (b) Appointment of a Director
      6. (c) Applicable Schedule
      7. (d) Obligation of the Centre
    1. (e) Internal Governing of the Centre
    2. Segal Graduate School of Business Centre for Global Workforce Strategy

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Jonathan Driver, Vice-President, Academic & Provost, and Chair, SCUP
[RE ?
Centre for GLOW _Workforce Strategy (SCUP 09-05)
March 17,_2009
At its February 11, 2009 meeting SOUP reviewed and approved the
proposal for the creation of the Centre for Global Workforce Strategy.
This Centre will be a Schedule A Centre based in the Faculty of Business
That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors
the creation of the Centre for Global Workforce Strategy as a
Schedule A Centre
reporting to the Dean, Faculty of Business Administration
d: D. Thomas
1 t\Il: ?

SCUP 09-05
B. Mario Pinto,
Vice-President, Research
ATTENTION Sarah Dench Secretary
Professor ofChemistry ?
Senate Committee on University Manning (SCUP)
FROM B. Mario Pinto, Vice-President, Research
8888 Universit y
BC Canada
VjA iSo
RE Centre for Goba1 Workforce Strategy
TEL: 778.782.4152
FAX: 778.782.4860
DATE January 29, 2009
Attached is a proposal from Dr. D. Shapiro, Dean, Faculty of Business Administration
for the establishment of the Centre for Global Workforce Strategy as a Schedule A
The Governing Committee for Centres and Institutes recommends that the Centre be
granted approval by SOUP. Once approved by SCUP, the proposal is to be forwarded
to Senate, followed by submission to the Board of Governors.
Governing Committee:
Drnathan C. Driver
President, Academic and Provost
Dr. B. Mario Pinto
Vice-President, Research
C: ?
D. Shapiro, Dean, Faculty of Business Administration
I. Gordon, Associate Dean, Faculty of Business Administration
C. Collins, Faculty of Business Administration
K. Millard, Faculty of Business Administration
. ?
D. Thomas, Faculty of Business Administration
W. Unger, Faculty of Business Administration

Faculty of Business Administration
Office of the Dean
Dr. Mario Pinto
Vice President Research
Daniel Shapiro
Dean, Faculty of Business Administration
January 30, 2009
Re: ?
Approval for proposed Centre for Global Workforce Strategy
I am pleased to recommend the creation of a new Schedule A centre to be housed in the
Faculty of Business Administration. The new centre is to be called the Centre for Global
Workforce Strategy. A proposed constitution for the Centre is attached and submitted for
your approval.
If there are any questions or if further documentation is required, we will be pleased to
address these issues.
Attachments: Proposed constitution (amended 20090130)
List of initial centre members
Irene Gordon
Colleen Collins
Ed Bukszar
Wendy Unger
Karen Millard
Dave Thomas
Valerie Murdoch

Constitution for the Proposed
Centre for Global Workforce Strategy
Faculty of Business Administration, Simon Fraser University?
14 October, 2008
(a) Statement of Purpose
The Centre for Global Workforce Strategy will carry out multidisciplinary research on issues
surrounding effective work force management strategies in today's global environment. The
collaborative and multidisciplinary research environment at Simon Fraser University will allow
the Centre to build a strong team of researchers, initially drawing on the Faculty of Business
Administration's existing research expertise on global workforce management. It will initially
consolidate the activities of three ongoing multinational research projects.
• The first of these,
The Cultural Intelligence Project,
involves participants from 12
Scountries in defining, developing, and validating an instrument to measure Cultural
Intelligence - the measure of an individual's ability to interact effectively with the
cultural aspects of an environment. It is a key competency requirement for the
management of cultural diversity.
• The second project is Canadian participation in Cranet (the Cranfield Network on
Comparative Human Resource Management). Established in 1989, Cranet is an
expanding group of top business schools and academic institutions collaborating to
provide unique and rigorous data on human resource management practices across the
• The third project involves the study of bicultural individuals in organizations. Given the
changing patterns in the world's workforce it is increasingly possible that more
employees and managers in today's global organizations will be bicultural. Bicultural
91 ?
individuals have a dual pattern of identification with different cultures. The ability of

biculturals to operate within more than one culture as a native raises a number of
important and interesting questions for global workforce management.
As the Centre develops additional themes within the overall mandate of the Centre will be added.
The Centre will pursue both the development of new knowledge in these and related areas and its
dissemination to both academic and practitioner audiences. The Centre will support individual
and team-based research on global workforce strategy, contribute to the training of new
researchers, and foster connections among researchers working in these areas. It will sponsor
occasional conferences and forums on global workforce strategy for both researchers and
managers. The Centre will also facilitate opportunities for SFU students to learn about and apply
their knowledge of global workforce strategy.
Overall, the Centre's vision is to assist organizational leaders and managers in acquiring the
skills and tools necessary to plan and execute workforce management strategies that will result in
improved organizational performance.
Economic integration, the increased use and sophistication of information technology, and the
introduction of new players on the international stage are creating a more complex and dynamic
work environment than ever before. While the direction of these changes seems clear, the rate of
change is uncertain and accelerating dramatically. It is often difficult to separate the causes of
this globalization from its effects, but one outcome is apparent: an increasingly tight labour
market and an ageing work force combined with the reduction in boundaries to migration means
a work force that is increasingly culturally diverse. Leading companies have recognized that
cultural diversity is not just a problem to be overcome but also a resource to be exploited to the
benefit of the bottom line. In addition, the competition for skilled people on a global scale is
intense and new attitudes toward work and careers present additional challenges about work-life
balance, which further complicates the strategic management of today's workforce. This Centre
will provide a much needed focus for research that studies topics related to the effective
management of a global workforce.

(b) Appointment of a Director
A faculty member from the Faculty of Business Administration will be appointed by the Dean to
serve as the Director of the Centre for a three year term (renewable).
(c) Applicable Schedule
The Centre will be governed by SFU Policy R 40.01 for Schedule A Centres and Institutes. The
Director will report annually to the Dean on the activities of the Centre who in turn will report to
the University's Governing Committee for Centres, in accordance with Policy R 40.01.
Membership in the Centre will be recommended by the Director and approved by the Dean of
Business Administration.
(d) Obligation of the Centre
All activities conducted within the Centre will conform to University policies.
Funding of the research and outreach activities of the Centre will initially be provided by seed
money ($67,000 allocated over 3 years: 2008-2009 - $25,000; 2009-2010 - $22,000; 2010-2011-
$20,000) from the Faculty of Business Administration. During that time major financial support
for the Centre will be sought from business and industry. Business and government agencies
have shown a significant amount of interest in the three foundation projects of the Centre and
additional project related financing has already been committed.
(e) Internal Governing of the Centre
The Centre will be guided by an advisory board consisting of at least six individuals. The Faculty
of Business Administration will appoint the members. Two board memberships will be reserved
and be appointed by the organization providing major funding. A Chair will be elected from the
members of the Board. The Chair of the Advisory Board, if different from the Director of the
Centre, will propose to the Director the plan of activities envisioned for each year. The Director
will ensure that any such proposed activities are consistent with University policies.

Segal Graduate School of Business
Centre for Global Workforce Strategy
Economic integration, the increased use and sophistication of information technology, and the
introduction of new players on the international stage are creating a more complex and dynamic work
environment than ever before. While the direction of these changes seems clear, the rate of change is
uncertain and accelerating dramatically. It is often difficult to separate the causes of this globalization
from its effects, but one outcome is apparent: an increasingly tight labour market and an ageing work
force combined with the reduction in boundaries to migration means a work force that is increasingly
culturally diverse. Leading companies have recognized that cultural diversity is not just a problem to be
overcome but also a resource to be exploited to the benefit of the bottom line. In addition, the
competition for skilled people on a global scale is intense and new attitudes toward work and careers
present additional challenges about work-life balance, which further complicates the strategic
management of today's workforce.
Centre for Global Workforce Strategy
will carry out multidisciplinary research on issues
surrounding effective work force management strategies. It will initially consolidate the activities of
three ongoing multinational research projects. The first project,
The Cultural Intelligence Project,
involves participants from 12 countries in defining, developing, and validating an instrument to
measure Cultural Intelligence - the measure of an individual's ability to interact effectively with the
cultural aspects of an environment. It is a key competency requirement for the management of cultural
diversity. The second project is Canadian participation in Cranet (the Cranfield Network on
Comparative Human Resource Management). Established in 1989, Cranet is an expanding group of
• ?
top business schools and academic institutions collaborating to provide unique and rigorous data on
human resource management practices across the world. Researchers carry out a regular
international survey of organizational policies and practices and provide benchmarks for a systematic
comparative analysis of trends in HRM policies and practices. Cranet is a unique resource for
researchers, management practitioners, and policy makers, seeking an up-to-date overview of HR
management's ever-changing global face. The third project involves the study of bicultural individuals
in organizations. Given the changing patterns in the world's workforce it is increasingly possible that
more employees and managers will be bicultural. Bicultural individuals have a dual pattern of
identification with different cultures. The ability of biculturals to operate within more than one culture as
a native raises a number of interesting and important questions for global workforce management. As
the Centre develops additional themes within the overall mandate of the Centre will be added.
Other Centre activities will include:
• Practitioner forums, media outreach, and academic conferences
• ?
Publication in traditional scholarly venues
• ?
Preparation and distribution of educational material for use by universities and professional
• Outreach and networking activities, such as the hosting conferences or public forums on
topical subjects, and workshops to promote the activities and findings of the Centre to both
academic and business audiences
• Regular offerings of professional development program

The Centre for Global Workforce Strategy will be directed by
Dr. David C. Thomas
(subject to Senate
approval). An internationally acknowledged expert and leading scholar in the field of international
management, he has published 7 books and more than 50 articles and chapters on the management
of individuals in culturally diverse organizations. He received his PhD in Organizational Behaviour and
International Business from the University of South Carolina. His research into the interaction of
individuals from different cultures in organizational settings has led to research studies in more than a
dozen countries, and he is currently directing an international research team in the development of a
measure of 'Cultural Intelligence. Dr. Thomas has a longstanding collaboration with Kerr Irikson, one
of New Zealand's most eminent management scholars. Their best selling book
Cultural Intelligence:
People Skills for Global
communicates best practices in global people management in
manner easily accessible to practicing managers. In addition to his numerous research projects and
teaching activities Dr Thomas is a highly sought after public speaker on the management of cultural
diversity in organizations.
The collaborative and multidisciplinary research environment at Simon Fraser University will allow Dr.
Thomas to build a strong team of researchers, initially drawing on the Faculty of Business
Administration's existing research expertise on global workforce management. Initial Centre members
will include:
Carolyn Egri
Dr. Carolyn Egri, is a pioneer in research related to corporate environmental and social responsibility -
she has been publishing on this topic for more than 15 years, long before it became trendy. A prolific
researcher with numerous research grants, she has been examining corporate environmental social
responsibility practices as well as cross-cultural differences in managerial values and influence tactics
around the world. ?
Brenda Lautsch
Dr. Brenda Lautsch's interest in the human aspects of work, such as employment relationships and
issues of equity and fairness in the workplace are the catalyst for her research into new work systems
and inequality, contingent work, alternative dispute resolution, and the effects of flexible work. Her
articles have appeared in prestigious journals such as the Industrial and Labour Relations Review.
Mila Lazarova
Dr. Mila Lazarova's research interests include expatriate management, with a focus on repatriation and
the career impact of international assignments; work/life balance issues related to assignments: global
careers and the role of organizational career development and work/life balance practices on
employee retention. Most recently, she has been involved in a study of global virtual teams. She was
recently awarded a SSHRC standard research grant for a comparative study of HR practices and the
changing role of the HR department in organizations.
Rosalie L. lung
Dr. Rosalie L.Tung has served on several faculties of a number of American universities, including a
Wisconsin Distinguished Professorship with the University of Wisconsin System and the Wharton
School at the University of Pennsylvania. She has been a visiting professor at universities around the
world, including Harvard, and has served on the United Nations' Task Force on Human Resource
Management. She is also involved in management development and consulting activities around the
world. Dr. Tung has published widely on the subjects of international management and organizational
theory and is the author or editor of 11 books.

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