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TO: ?
Jonathan Driver, Dean of Graduate Studies
SUBJECT: Changes to Graduate General Regulations resulting from new tuition fee
3rd June 2003
At its May 2003 meeting, the Board of Governors approved new procedures for the
calculation of graduate tuition fees. The document that went to the Board is appended to
this document.
Senate Graduate Studies Committee approved a series of changes to Graduate General
Regulations at its April 2003 meeting, the changes to take effect if the new tuition fee
calculation methods were approved by the Board. I am therefore bringing these changes
to Senate for approval.
That Senate approve the changes to Graduate General Regulations 1.4, 1.4.3, 1.4.4, 1.4.5,
1.4.7, 1.8.4, 1.8.5, and 1. 12.2 described in Senate paper 03-70, and that Senate approve
any renumbering of regulations required by these changes.
\ ?

. ?
The following changes are required in order to implement the changes to tuition fee
rules. These changes require Senate approval
1.4 Registration
1.4 Registration
Students are registered in one of
two different types of programs. In
"per-semester fee" programs,
students are charged a standard fee
for each semester of registration. In
"per-credit fee" programs, students
are charged a fee based on the
number of credits taken. (See
"Graduate Fees" for current tuition
fee rates). All students are in per-
semester fee programs, except for
students in per-credit fee programs,
as listed under "Graduate Fees".
1.4.3 Continuity of
1.4.3 Continuity of
Students in per-semester fee
programs are required to register in
every semester until all
requirements for the degree have
been fulfilled. This includes
students registered on leave. A
student who does not register is
considered to have withdrawn
from the University. (See 1. 8.4 for
regulations on student leave.)
Students in per-credit fee programs
register only in those semesters in
which they are taking courses or
working on other requirements,
such as a project or field exam. A
student in a per-credit fee program

who does not register in at least
one of three consecutive semesters
is considered to have withdrawn
from the University.
Delete entire regulation:
designed to be discontinuous
Students who are enrolled
or sessions in which
not required to register on
during the
those ?
However, if
they have
program does not run, nor to register
which they ?
expected to register,
to miss one or more of the semesters
Programs currently designated
normal leave regulations apply
discontinuous are MA (Liberal
Studies), Meng,
and IvIIRM.
Delete entire regulation:

statistics and actuarial science (MSc, PhD)
special arrangements (MA; PhD)
women's studies (MA)
The list of approved programs is subject to change.
A student in a graduate program may Unroll part time if all the following
requirements are satisfied in that semester:
that program has been approved by senate for part time study or Co operative
Education (see 1. 4.7) respectively, and
the student enroll in one course only or Cooperative Education, and
the student is not working on his or her thesis, project, or extended essays, and
the student is not worldng on his or her thesis, project, or extended essays
The application to enroll part time must be approved by the student's senior
ervisor and the chair of the departmental graduate program committee.
A part time enrolment is considered to be the equivalent of one half a full time
equivalent (FTE) enrolment. The time limit for degree completion may reflect part
time status; (see 1.12). Registration as a part time student may affect the total fee
paid for a graduate program (see
. ?
From: ?
I ?
? ?
1.4.7 Co-operativ ?
e ?
1.4.7 -operative
Education ?
eiat i
education integrates.::,::....
Cooperative education integrates
experience and graduate
work experience and graduate
s The name reflects the
studies. The name reflects the
rat I
e relations h i among the
cooperative relationship among the
:rsitv, employer tnd student.
University, employer and student.
cal experience from work
Practical experience from work
related to the student's
terms is related to the student's
• interests within the graduate
major interests within the graduate
am. A number of graduate
program. A number of graduate
ams have been approved, by
programs have been approved, by
levant graduate p
the relevant graduate program
-iittee. for cooperative
committee, for cooperative
.ti.'n ?
co-p. These are listed
education (co-op). These are listed
administration ?
speci il ist
business administration (specialist
istrv (MSc)
chemistry (MSc)
economics (MA)
.nmental toxicology (fvlET
environmental toxicology (MET)
matics (MSc
mathematics (MSc)
ie and envirmrn.:ntal
resource and environmental

statistics and actuarial science
ms is
The list of approved programs is
subject to change. In addition,
some faculties may permit co-op
work terms for individual students
on a case-by-case basis Interested
students should consult the co-op
The application to enroll in co-op
is subject to departmental
has a
approval Each department has a
P Woe
specific course for the co-op work
term or practicum.
le any
ion fee.
n regi

1.8.4 Application to go on
(This regulation applies only to
students in per-semester fee
Students in per-semester degree
programs are expected to maintain
continuous registration (see 1.4.3).
However, a student may apply to
go on leave if both of the
following conditions are satisfied.
a situation arises which makes
it necessary to interrupt the
graduate program;
no substantial use will be made
of University facilities.
Permission to register on leave
must be approved by the student's
supervisory committee and the
graduate program committee.
Students on leave are required to
register during the normal
registration period for each
semester by indicating on leave
status when registering.
Students who wish to register on
leave for more than three
sequential semesters must submit
a written explanation for all
subsequent on-leave registrations.
Such applications require approval
from the Dean of Graduate
The on-leave fee may be waived
in exceptional circumstances, such
as those resulting from accident,
illness or parenting

From: ?
1.12 2 Master's Degree
.2 Master's Degree
Students in per-semester fee
programs (see 1.4) shall complete
all of the requirements for a
master's degree within twelve
semesters of enrolment. On-leave
semesters will not be counted as
semesters of enrollment. In
addition, all requirements of the
master's degree must be completed
within six calendar years of initial
enrolment as a master's student.
Students in per-credit fee program
(see 1.4) shall complete all of the
requirements for a master's degree
within six calendar years of initial

. ?
TO: ?
Dr. John Waterhouse, Vice-President, Academic
Jonathan Driver, Dean of Graduate Studies
SUBJECT: Graduate fee regulations
6' May 2003
cc: ?
Dr. M. Stevenson, President; Ms. P. Hibbitts, Vice-President,
Administration and Finance
The implementation of the new student information system (planned for fall 2003)
requires us to make some changes to the way in which we calculate graduate fees, but
also allows us the opportunity to simplify what has become a very complex system, with
rules that some students find cumbersome and unfair.
With this memo I have enclosed a copy of our current fee regulations and a proposal for
new fee regulations. This has been discussed by Senate Graduate Studies Committee, and
SGSC has approved some changes to Graduate General Regulations that will be required
by the new tuition fee rules, if the rules are approved by the Board of Governors.
Graduate fees at SFU have evolved from a system of fee collection that is widely used in
Canada. Graduate students pay a flat fee every semester for the first part of their program,
and the fee rate drops in the second part of their program. SFU uses this fee structure for
most graduate programs. Over the years, other fee structures have been added. Some
programs allow students to register part-time, and pay half the regular fee. Some
programs are designated "discontinuous", and students only pay fees for certain
semesters. Some programs have abandoned the flat fee concept, and charge students by
the credit hour. Some programs charge different flat fees for different components of the

I propose that graduate fees be calculated in one of two ways. First, most programs will
continue to collect a flat fee on a per semester basis, with the fee rate dropping after a
certain number of semesters. The only change to these programs will be: (a) the
elimination of discontinuous programs, and (b) the elimination of a part-time option.
Second, a small number of programs will collect fees based on the number of credits for
which a student enrolls. Essentially, this is the same system as we currently use for
undergraduate students. Programs that utilize this method will typically be course-
intensive programs with final requirements that do not require long periods of research
culminating in the production of a thesis. Programs that are currently designed to be part-
time or discontinuous will probably benefit from this option.
If these new tuition regulations are approved, academic units will be asked to review their
program structure, and to propose which tuition calculation method is appropriate for
them. Most programs will continue to use their current tuition fee calculation. A few will
have to make changes. Any changes to the academic programs will require approval by
Senate. Any changes to tuition fee calculation will be assessed for cost and revenue
neutrality, and then sent to the Board of Governors for approval.
Assuming that the new student information system is implemented in fall 2003, these
changes would take effect at the start of the spring semester 2004.
I would be pleased to answer questions about this proposal.
end. Copy of current graduate tuition rules from Calendar
Proposed new Calendar entry

A 6
Graduate Fees
praduate Fees
tuition:fee for
FullTunie Fee Unit
The following have their own unique fees
Graduate Diploma
in Business ?
(per credit hour)
Graduate Diploma
in Education
• .
(per credit hour)
Off Campus
r semester)
(per semester)
Graduate Diploma
in Urban Studies
(per credit hour)
Executive MBA
• ?
(per semester)
Executive MBA
Program ?
••. ?
. $5471.05
(weekend program)
(per semester)
MBA Program
(day program)
(per semester)
MBA Program ..
(Global Asset and
. $625.00
(per credit hour) ?
MBA Program
(Management of ?
Technology) . ?
. ?
:.. ?
•... •.
(per credit hour)
MPub Program
(oer course)
Special Notice Regari
Fall. 2002-3
Tuition Fee Schedule
MPub Program ?
... .
internship ?
$1235.00 ?
semester) .
g Program
(per sernesi:r) ?
$1640.00 ?
Subject to the notes below, and to the graduate
fee schedule: . •. .....:: ::.
1 The basic tuition lee schedule applies to a
student who registers fbr a graduate course,
orcourses,.who establishes or has
established to the satisfaction olthe
• University that, at the time of commencement
• of the semester, he or she is either a citizen of
Canada or has the status of permanent
resident of Canada.
2. The differential tuition for international
students.schedulé applies to each student
who registers to undertake
graduate course,
or courses, who does not establish or has not
established tothe satisfaction of the
Uni','ersity that, at (he time of commencement
of the semester, he or she is either a citizen of
Canada or has thestatus of a
resident. of Canada.
• Pail time fee is equal to one half of the full time fee
• Co-op fee is equal to one half of the full time fee
• The minimum tee for a master's degree is set at six
full time fee units, unless the degree is completed in
no more than 24 consecutive months of full time
enrolment, in which case the student is liable only
for the fee units payable until the date of completion
of all degree requirements.
• The minimum fee for a doctoral degree is set at
eight full time fee units, unless the degree is
completed in no more than 32 consecutive months
of full time enrolment, in which case the student is
liable only for the fee units payable until the date of
completion of all degree requirements.
• For students registered in the EMBA program, a
continuing fee equal to one half of the regular full
time fee unit will be payable in the second and
subsequent semesters of continuing registration.
• The continuing fee, equal to one half of the full time
fee unit, is payable by students who have met the
minimum fee requirement stated above.
• Students who transfer to another degree program,
without completing the first, retain credit for fee units
already paid.
• Registration in specific semesters in programs
designated as discontinuous does not require
payment of a fee. Those programs designated as
discontinuous and affected semesters are:
Program Semesters
first and second summers
MEng ?
every summer
first and second summers, only for
students who have registered part-time
• Students registered on a time extension beyond the
maximum given in Graduate General
(page 305) are required to pay a registration
fee equal to one full time fee unit for each such
• Students registered for one semester to complete
degree requirements as described in
General Regulation 1.123
(page 305) are required
to pay a registration fee equal to one and a half full
time fee units.
Fees for Special, Exchange, and
Qualifying Students
basic tuition tee per credit hour........................$95.10
courses at the 200 level and above in BUS. CMPT.
ENSC: tuition fee per credit hour ................$126.80
Note: No tuition fees will be charged to an exchange
student who is a bona lice graduate student paying
regular fees at another Western Canadian university
which extends a like privilege to graduate students
registered at Simon Fraser University.
Other Fees
All fees are payable per semester.
Student Services and Recreation-
Athletics Fees
The Student Services Fee (SSF) and Recreation-
Athletics Fee (RAF) are assessed to all students
registered for credit courses that are offered at the
Burnaby Mountain, Harbour Centre and Surrey
campuses according to the table below. These fees
are not assessed to students on co-operative
education work terms, on leave, or in the off-campus
MEd program.
part time students
$23.40. :$19.501 :
full time students
$2140 $39.00 $62.40
Student Activity Fee
students registered full time -----------------------------$55.81
students registered part time ...........................$27.91
except for: students taking courses for credit at
designated off campus locations ..................$27.91
Students registered on leave do not pay this fee
Special Fees
application fee --------------------------------------------------$55.00
on leave fee (see page 303
1.8.4) ......................................
late registration fee ........................................... $50.00
reinstatement fee ............................................ $100.00
official transcript of academic record..................$3.25
Normally, students are required to submit the
transcript fee before the transcript will be released.
Only at the discretion of the registrar will the student
be billed for a transcript after
late submission tee (see
replacement library card fee-----------------------------
graduation fee --------------------------------------------------$36.00
The non-refundable graduation fee is payable in six
instalments of $6.00 in each of the student's first six
Semesters of registration in the graduate program.
Penalty for Late Fee Payment
A penally of 2% of outstanding fees after the last day
of the fourth week of classes is payable, plus 2% of
outstanding fees for each four week period thereafter,
for a minimum charge of $10.
Mandatory Supplementary Course Fees
In addition to credit course fees, mandatory
plementary course fees may be assessed for
individual courses in addition to basic tuition.
Mandatory supplementary course fees cover
additional costs associated with photocopied
materials, prepared computer disks and/or audio
visual tapes that may replace or enhance the use of a

Graduate Fees
required text as a means of instruction. This material
may be distributed by the bookstore or individual
schedule of these fees appears betow, and is also
published in the Graduate Course Timetable.
The fees
are approved by the vice president finance and
administration, following the recommendation of the
advisory committee on mandatory supplementary
course fees. Questions regarding these fees may be
directed to the department initiating the fee, the Office
of the Registrar, or the vice president finance and
Mandatory supplementary course fees are not
charged for regular credit instruction services which
may include
• evaluation of work or performance, such as marking
of papers and exams
• laboratory use, including materials and supplies that
are consumed during laboratory use. (Departments
may charge a refundable deposit for materials that
are used by the student and returned to the
University in reasonable condition at the end of the
• basic library facilities including one library card and
access to colletions
• basic microcomputer laboratory use
• materials or services required as a result of the
method of instruction such as audio visual
equipment, course outlines, Study rooms and films
and video tapes that are integral to the instruction
and do not become property of the student.
Biological Sciences
Earth Sciences
................................................... uplo$150
up to
................................................... up to $100
EASC 623
If a student withdraws from the graduate program
without completing the degree before the end of the
semester, refunds will be calculated from the date the
student officially notifies the registrar in writing of his/
her withdrawal from the University. Withdrawal in the
first month of the semester will result in a refund of
of the tuition fees payable.No other refund will be
Change of Fee Status
Students whose registration status changes during a
semester and within the first tour weeks of classes,
may be eligible for partial refund of the applicable tees
and should consult the Office of the Registrar for
further information. No other refund will be made.
Qualifying and Special Students
Fees and fee refunds for qualifying and special
students are in accordance With the undergraduate
fee schedule.
Overdue Accounts
Students in bad financial standing because of
overdue University accounts will be precluded from
registering in subsequent semesters. In addition, the
University will withhold Certain services, For example,
the Office of the Registrar
not release various
letters and documents including: statement of grades,
official transcripts of academic record, and
parchments for degrees, diplomas and certificates.
Delinquent accounts will be forwarded to a collection
agency for appropriate action.
Students with overdue accounts will be assessed a
penalty of
after the first day of the fifth week of
classes, and an additional
in each four week
period thereafter.
minimum charge of $10
to each penalty assessment. Total penalties
adjusted to conform to Canadian laws and regulations
when the final payment is made.
Completion of Program
If a student completes all requirements for the degree
during the semester, the following refund schedule for
total tuition fees payable
Completion in the first month of the semester
refund of
1 , 1 6
of fees payable for the semester
Completion in the second month of the semester
refund of
of fees payable for the semester
Completion in the third month of the semester
refund of
of fees payable for the semester
Refunds are applicable to the time extension
surcharge, but not to the readmission, reinstatement
or late registration fees. Refunds will be made Only if
the required minimum fee has been pad prior to the
semester in which the degree requirements are
Fee Waiver
The on-leave fee may be waived in exceptional
circumstances, for example, from accident, illness or
parenting, on the basis of medical documentation.
Late Submission Fee
The fee for submission to the library of thesis, project
or extended essays after the deadline for submission,
but prior to the first day of classes of the next
semester, shall be one eighth of a full time fee unit.
The late submission fee applies to all degree
completion requirements, including the master's final
Fees for Courses at Another Institution
Student registered at Simon Fraser University who
takes a course at another institution of higher learning
and has had this course approved in advance for
credit towards the graduate program (see
is responsible for enrolling at the other
institution and paying fees assessed by that
institution. When the student produces satisfactory
evidence of tuition fee payment at the other institution,
the Simon Fraser University fees for that semester will
be decreased by this amount.
The student must maintain full time registration at
Simon Fraser University. The SFU fee paid for that
semester will be refunded to an amount not to exceed
the lesser of the two amounts.
The 'minimum fee for the degree' is at least six tee
units for a master's degree and at least eight fee units
for a doctoral degree.
Marine Science
courses offered at the Western Canadian
Universities Marine Biological Station (Bamfield)
per credit hour
Resource and Environmental
REM 698
per semester
Form of Payment
Unless otherwise authorized, fees must be paid in full
each semester at the time of registration. Credits for
scholarships or bursaries will be given only on the
authority of the dean of graduate studies.
applying for Canada student loans should try to make
arrangements to pay fees from other sources, as
bans cannot be authorized until the student is
officially registered.
With regard to the British Columbia student
assistance program, students are reminded to
register as full time students in order to qualify to
receive funds in a given semester, to retain funds
received in a given semester, and to be granted
interest free status for a given semester.
See "Payment of Feeson page
for a description of
various payment methods.
Withdrawal from Program
Tuition Fee Certificates (T2202A)
The official tuition fee certificates will be produced by
the Cashiers' Office in January of the following year.
They will be available for personal pick up at the
Cashiers' Office during the month of February in the
following year.

The following document shows what will appear in the Calendar. Items in italics
are explanatory notes and will not appear in the Calendar.
Tuition Fees
Tuition fee calculation depends upon the program in which a student is enrolled.
Most programs require students to register every semester and charge a per-
semester fee. Some programs (see Tuition Fee Schedule, below) charge a per-credit
fee, such that the fee for any semester depends upon the number of credits in which
a student enrolls.
Per-semester fee programs
All graduate students pay a per-semester fee, except those students in programs that
charge a per-credit fee.
The fee is paid every semester, regardless of the number of courses being taken.
The minimum fee for a masters program is six semester fee units. However, the
minimum fee rule will be waived for students who complete all degree
requirements in less than six semesters of continuous full time registration.
The minimum fee for a doctoral program is eight semester fee units. However, the
minimum fee rule will be waived for students who complete all degree
requirements in less than eight semesters of continuous full time registration.
Students who register on leave are not eligible for the waiver of the minimum fee
A masters student who has completed six semesters of registration (excluding on
leave registration) pays a continuing fee in subsequent semesters equal to one half
of the regular fee.
A doctoral student who has completed eight semesters of registration (excluding on
leave registration) pays a continuing fee in subsequent semesters equal to one half
of the regular fee.
Semesters in which a student registers on leave do not count towards the number of
semesters required to switch to the continuing fee.
Students in a co-op semester who are taking at least one course pay a per-semester
fee based on the stage they have reached in their program (either regular fee or
continuing fee). Students not taking a course pay the co-op fee.
BoG grad fees May 2003

Fees are listed in the tuition fee schedule.
Per-credit fee programs
In some programs, students are charged a fee based on the number of credit hours in
which they enroll. All such programs are listed in the tuition fee schedule, together
with the relevant tuition fee.
In programs in which there is a final "capstone" requirement such as a thesis,
project, extended essay or field exam, this requirement is assigned a number of
credit hours. Students must register for this and pay the appropriate fee for at least
one semester, normally at the end of their program of study. Once they have
registered for this requirement in a particular semester, they must register in all
subsequent semesters until degree requirements have been completed. In the
subsequent semesters of registration for this requirement, the credit hours assigned
will be half the first semester's value.
Students in co-op semesters pay the co-op fee. If they are also taking courses, they
also pay the fees applicable to those courses.
Students in per-credit programs who take undergraduate or graduate courses in
other programs at SFU, or who take courses at other institutions covered by the
Western Deans' Agreement, will pay the same fee per credit hour as they do for
courses in their own programs.
Fees are listed in the tuition fee schedule.
BoG grad fees May 2003

[The following table is a sample of the tuition fee schedule. This will require
separate approval by the Board of Governors once the fee levels have been decided
for a particular year]
Per-semester fee
$per semester
Continuing fee
per semester
Executive MBA per semester
per semester
Weekend MBA per semester
per semester
Co-op fee
per semester
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Masters of Engineering
$ per credit
Faculty of Arts
Graduate Liberal Studies
$ per credit
Masters of Publishing
$ per credit
Masters of Public Policy
$ per credit
Graduate Diploma in Urban
$ per credit
Faculty of Business
Specialist MBA*
$ per credit
MBA Management of
$ per credit
Global Asset Wealth
$ per credit
Graduate Diploma in Business
$ per credit
Faculty of Education
Graduate Diploma in Education*
$ per credit
Masters of Education
$ per credit
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
$ per credit
Faculty of Science
Masters of Environmental
$ per credit
[NB currently only programs marked with * are listed in the Calendar as per-credit fee
programs. Decisions will have to be made about the remainder ofprograms in this
schedule. Some may remain as per semester fee programs; others may switch toper
credit fee programs. All such changes will be cost and revenue neutral]
BoG grad fees May 2003
/ 7.

Fees for Non-degree, Exchange, and Qualifying Students
Students in the above categories who take graduate courses in per-semester fee
programs pay the following fee per credit hour.........................$
[to be
determined annually]
Students in the above categories who take graduate courses in per-credit fee
programs pay the per-credit hour fee applicable to the program (see tuition fee
Students in the above categories who take undergraduate courses pay the
appropriate undergraduate tuition fees.
No tuition fees will be charged to a bona fide graduate student at another western
Canadian university who attends Simon Fraser University to take a course under the
terms of the Western Deans' Agreement.
Unless otherwise noted, all fees are payable per semester.
Extension and readmission
All students registered on a one semester extension beyond the maximum time
limits of their program pay the frill per-semester fee.
All students readmitted for one semester to complete their degree requirements (see
GGR 1. 12.3) pay one and a half times the frill per semester fee.
Students who transfer from one SFU program to another, without completing the
first, retain credit for fees paid to the first program.
Student Services and Recreation-Athletics Fees
No change to regulations
Student Activity Fee
No change to regulations
Special Fees
No change to regulations
Penalty for Late Fee Payment
No change to regulations
Mandatory Supplementary Course Fees
No change to regulations
Form of Payment
No change to regulations
BoG grad fees May 2003

Withdrawal from the Program
No change to regulations
Change of fee status
No change to regulations
Qualifying and Special Students
No change to regulations. Title changes to "Non-degree, Qualifying and Special
Overdue Accounts
No change to regulations
Course drop
Students in per-credit fee programs who drop a course before the end of the fourth
week of the semester will receive a full refund of tuition fees for that course. No
refunds will be given for courses dropped after that date.
Completion of Program
If a student completes all degree requirements during the semester, the following
refund schedule for total tuition fees payable will apply:
• ?
Completion in the first month of the semester
Refund of 75% of fees payable for the semester
Completion in the second month of the semester
Refund of 50% of fees payable for the semester
Completion in the third month of the semester
Refund of 25% of fees payable for the semester
Refunds are applicable to the fees paid for a one semester extension, but not to
tuition fees charged for readmission, reinstatement or late registration.
Refunds to students in per-semester fee programs will only be made to students who
are paying the continuing fee.
Fee Waiver
For students in per-semester fee programs, on-leave fee may be waived in
exceptional circumstances, for example, accident, illness or parenting, on the basis
of medical documentation.
Late Submission Fee
No change to regulations
BoG grad fees May 2003

Fees for Courses at Another Institution
Except for situations covered by the Western Deans' Agreement, a student
registered at Simon Fraser University who takes a course at another institution of
higher learning and has had this course approved in advance for credit towards the
graduate program (see
General Regulations)
is responsible for enrolling at the other
institution and paying fees assessed by that institution. When the student produces
satisfactory evidence of tuition fee payment at the other institution, the Simon
Fraser University fees for that semester will be decreased by this amount. The SFU
fee paid for that semester will be refunded to an amount not to exceed the lesser of
the two amounts.
A student in a per-semester fee program must maintain registration at Simon Fraser
University, and may not register on leave. A student in a per-credit fee program
must register for the same number of credits at SFU as are to be taken at the other
Full-time and part-time
All graduate students in per-semester fee programs are considered full-time
All graduate students registered for thesis, project or field exams are considered
full-time students.
Graduate students in per-credit fee programs who register for 6 or more credit hours
a semester
Fee Certificates
are considered
full-time students.
No change to regulations
BoG grad fees May 2003
/ '

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