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Simon Fraser University
• ?
Dean of Student Services & Registrar
tel 291-4176; fax 291-5732; email heath@sfu.ca
Senate ?
From: Calendar CommIttee
Subject: Schedule of Dates 2000-3 to 2001-2 ?
Date: June 11, 1999
Attached is the proposed Schedule of Dates for the 2000-3 to 2001-2 Academic Year. In
recommending these dates for approval by Senate, the Calendar Editorial Committee wishes to
provide the following
Fall Semester 2000-3
In this semester, November 11 falls on a Saturday and the usual practice would be to observe this
statutory holiday on the following Monday, November 13. The Committee consulted widely
within the University to seek opinion on the option of designating Friday, November 10 as the 'in
lieu' day. Because the last day for classes is Monday, December 4, this option would result in 12
teaching Fridays and 12 teaching Mondays compared to the usual practice that results in 11
teaching Mondays and 13 teaching days for the remaining days of the week.
The primary argument for observing the in lieu day on Monday was community practice.
Students, faculty and staff may have children in local schools or day-dare where the holiday will be
observed on the following Monday. To place SFU at odds with the community practice would be a
major inconvenience for a large portion of the University. After reviewing the responses and
discussing the various options, it is the recommendation of the Committee that
classes be
cancelled and offices closed on Monday, November 13. When requests for scheduling information
are sent to the departments and schools for the Fall 2000-3 Semester, special attention will be drawn
to the reduced number of Mondays available for classes. In this way, those classes that normally
meet only once per week can avoid a Monday assignment. The Committee is convinced there is no
ideal solution and that the one recommended causes the least disruption to our community.
Spring Semester 2001-1
The recommended schedule includes a two day reading break but it has been moved to one week
later as these dates coincide with the UBC reading break. By starting classes on a Thursday, the
schedule includes thirteen full weeks of teaching days. Since we do not have any experience to
measure the response to a reading break, the Committee recommends that the schedule for 2001-1
include a reading break.
Summer Semester 2001-2
With Victoria Day and July 1 falling on a Monday, there are only 11 teaching Mondays. However,
it is not possible to apply the usual rule and extend the semester to include another Monday in the
teaching schedule since that Monday, August 6, is BC Day - another holiday. Again, departments
and schools will be advised of this when scheduling information is requested.
Motion: ?
"that Senate approve the Schedule of Dates for Fall Semester 2000-3 to Summer
Semester 2001-2 as set out in S.

S ?
SCHEDULE OF DATES 2000-3 to 2001-2
Fall Semester 2000-3
Monday, September 4
Tuesday, September 5
Monday, October 9
Monday, November 13
Monday, December 4
Wednesday, December 6
Saturday, December 16
Wednesday, December 20
Thursday, December 21
Friday, December 22
Monday, December 25
Tuesday, December 26
Spring Semester 2001-1
Monday, January 1
Thursday, January 4
Thursday, February 22
Friday, February 23
Friday, April 6
Monday, April 9
Friday, April 13
Monday, April 16
Monday, April 23
Friday, April 27
Monday, April 30
Tuesday, May I
Summer Semester 2001-2
Monday, May 7
Monday, May 21
Thursday, June 7
Friday, June 8
Friday, June 22
Monday, June 25
Monday, July 2
Friday, August 3
Monday, August 6
. ?
Tuesday, August 7
Friday, August 17
Tuesday, August 21
Wednesday, August 22
Thursday, August 23
Labour Day. Offices closed
Classes commence
Thanksgiving Day. Classes cancelled, offices closed
In lieu of Remembrance Day. Classes cancelled, offices closed
Classes end
Examination period commences
Examination period ends
Final grade submission deadline
Semester end evaluation
All grades released
Christmas Day. Offices closed
Boxing Day. Offices closed
New Year's Day. Offices closed
Classes commence
Reading break. Classes cancelled
Reading break. Classes cancelled
Classes end
Examination period commences
Good Friday. No examinations scheduled, offices closed
Easter Monday. No examinations scheduled, offices closed
Examination period ends
Final grade submission deadline
Semester end evaluation
All grades released
Summer Semester and Intersession classes commence
Victoria Day. Classes cancelled, offices closed
Spring Convocation
prin g
Last day of Intersession
Summer Session classes commence
In lieu of Canada Day. Classes cancelled, offices closed
Summer Semester classes end
B.C. Day. Offices closed
Summer Semester Examination period commences
Summer Semester Examination period ends
Final grade submission deadline
Semester end evaluation
All grades released

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