Minutes of a meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on
    Monday, May 17, 1999 at 5:00 pm in room 3210 West Mall Complex
    Open Session
    Present: ?
    Blaney, Jack, President and Chair
    Baldwin, Paul (representing L. Copeland)
    Berggren, Len
    Boland, Larry
    Chan, Albert
    Clayman, Bruce
    Coleman, Peter
    Crossley, David
    D'Auria, John
    Dunsterville, Valerie
    Emerson, Joseph
    Emmott, Alan
    Finley, David
    Gagan, David
    Giffen, Ken
    Gillies, Mary Ann
    Jones, Cohn
    Jones, John
    Kanevsky, Lannie
    Kirczenow, George
    Lewis, Brian
    Marteniuk, Ron
    Mathewes, Rolf
    McInnes, Dina
    Morris, Joy
    Osborne, Judith
    Percival, Paul
    Peterson, Louis
    Peters, Joseph
    Pierce, John
    Reader, Jason
    Russell, Robert
    Sanghera, Baiwant
    Thompson, Janny (representing R. Barrow)
    To, ShekYan
    Waterhouse, John
    Words, Michael
    Zazkis, Rina
    Heath, Ron, Dean of Student Services and Registrar
    Watt, Alison, Director, Secretariat Services
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary
    Akins, Kathleen
    Beattie, Suzan
    Bowman, Marilyn
    Dhillon, Khushwant
    Fletcher, James
    Harris, Richard
    Heaney, John
    Mauser, Gary
    Naef, Barbara
    Ogloff, James
    Segal, Joseph
    Veerkamp, Mark
    Warsh, Michael
    Weeks, Daniel
    Wickstrom, Norman
    In attendance:
    Davis, Leith
    Dickinson, John
    Gordon, Rob
    Hickin, Ted

    S.M. 17/05/99
    Page 2
    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of April 12, 1999
    It was pointed out that the April meeting had commenced at 5:30 pm rather than 7:00
    pm as indicated in the Minutes. Reference was made to the second paragraph on
    page 4. Suggestion was made that the word 'deferred' in line 7 and the word 'defer'
    in the last line, should respectively read 'referred' and 'refer'. Following these
    amendments, the Minutes were approved.
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    There was no business arising from the Minutes.
    Report of the Chair
    The Chair announced that the three Presidents of the larger universities recently met
    with the Prime Minister's Task Force on Western Canada and mainly discussed core
    funding and research infrastructure. Meetings had also taken place between the Task
    Force and representatives from TRIUMF, as well as with colleagues from the Media
    and Innovation Centre. Interactions appeared to have gone quite well and the Task
    Force seemed to be taking the deliberations quite seriously.
    Reports of Committees
    a) ?
    Senate Committee on Academic Planning
    Paper S.99-37 - Establishment of a Department of Earth Sciences
    Moved by D. Gagan, seconded by C. Jones
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.99-37, the establishment of the
    Department of Earth Sciences"
    T. Hickin, Earth Sciences Program, was in attendance in order to respond to
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.99-38 - Centre for Scottish Studies
    Moved by D. Gagan, seconded by B. Clayman
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.99-37, the proposed Centre for Scottish
    L. Davis, Department of English, and R. Gordon, School of Criminology, were in
    attendance in order to respond to questions.
    Reference was made to the memo to SCAP dated April 7' signed by D. Gagan as both
    Acting Vice-President Research, and Vice-President Academic. A member

    S.M. 17/05/99
    commented that it was not a good precedent to have only one person sign documents
    in which two different officers should be represented. It was suggested that, in the
    future, action should be delayed until a second authority was available for signature.
    The Chair indicated that the suggestion would be taken under advisement.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    S.99-39 -
    School of Kinesiology - Academic Plan (For Information)
    The Three-Year Plan of the School of Kinesiology and the summary of the External
    Review were presented to Senate for information.
    Dickinson, Director of the School
    was in attendance in order to respond to questions.
    Reference was made to the comment in the External Review about the re-
    establishment of collegial relations among faculty members, and an inquiry was made
    as to the status of that recommendation. Both the Director of the School and the
    Dean of Applied Sciences confirmed that relationships had improved dramatically
    and the School was operating on a more collegial basis.
    It was noted that page 2 of the external review explicitly stated that the reviewers felt
    that the streams in the undergraduate curriculum were not functional and yet in the
    three year plan the School indicated their wish to retain them. Further information
    was requested with regard to this apparent difference of opinion between the external
    review and the School. Senate was advised that at the time of the review the streams
    • were not functioning well because Kinesiology had uncontrolled entry into the major
    programs and students were unable to make effective use of the streams because they
    could not get the required courses. Since the review, the number of majors have
    been reduced and some courses have been restricted to majors which will enable the
    streams to operate more effectively. It was also pointed out that the streams were
    areas of specialization which a student could select to pursue a course of study in a
    sub-area of Kinesiology. They were not required and do not appear on the transcript.
    Paper 5.99-40 - School of Communication - Academic Plan (For Information)
    The Three-Year Plan of the School of Communication and the summary of the
    External Review was presented to Senate for information. B. Lewis, Senator and
    Director of the School was in attendance in order to respond to questions.
    Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules
    i) ?
    Paper S.99-41 -
    Search Committees for Vice-Presidential Appointments
    For this agenda item,
    Blaney vacated the Chair and L. Boland took over as Chair.
    Concern was expressed that a faculty member rather than an administrator would take
    over the Chair. . It was noted that Senate had previously approved a motion that the
    Vice-Chair of Senate not be a member of the senior administration, and since the
    elected Vice-Chair of Senate
    Bowman was unable to attend the meeting, L. Boland
    had offered to take her place.

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    J. Blaney announced his intention to move the composition of each search committee
    separately since the memberships are somewhat different for each committee, and
    then move a motion with respect to the terms of reference which apply to all
    Moved by
    Blaney, seconded by
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in
    the composition of the Search
    Committee for Vice-President, Academic"
    A suggestion by M. Wortis that the additional members selected by the President to
    assure appropriate representation from the equity designated groups be selected from
    faculty members was accepted as a friendly amendment and the wording was
    changed as follows:
    From: Up to two additional members
    To: ?
    Up to two additional faculty members
    It was noted that the membership could rise to
    members - too large to be a
    functional search committee. It was noted that there were a number of areas of
    overlap of interests/constituencies within the membership and it was suggested that
    the President of the Faculty Association and the President of the Student Society might
    be deleted since there were already faculty and students on the committee. The
    relevance of including the President of the Alumni Association was also questioned.
    Opinion was expressed that it was difficult to balance the desire for broad
    representation against the desire to have a smaller committee.
    It was pointed out that the President of the Faculty Association might not be a faculty
    member since previous Presidents have included Librarians and Lab Instructors.
    Concern was expressed about making such changes on the floor of Senate without
    further consultation with the various bodies.
    In response to an inquiry as to why the changes were being proposed, Senate was
    advised that the Board of Governors had asked the President to review current
    procedures and put together a more comprehensive policy. Some of the changes had
    been made because of changes in Vice-Presidential portfolios, and other changes
    were based on recently approved changes to the Dean's appointment policy.
    Amendment moved by K. Giffen, seconded by A. Chan
    "that the selection of students be changed back to the original
    wording as follows:
    Undergraduate student, elected by and from undergraduate student
    Graduate student, elected by and from graduate student body"
    Opinion was expressed that the amendment allowed a much more open opportunity
    for students throughout the University to participate.

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    Page 5
    A brief explanation was provided to Senate on how students were selected by the
    Student Society and opinion was expressed that the SFSS was an extremely
    democratic body and in practice does not differ very much from having an election
    at-large. It was noted however that election within the Student Society involved
    approximately thirty members of Forum and the feeling was expressed that it would
    be more democratic and more representative if the election were open to all students.
    It- was also pointed out that the majority of other members on the committee were
    chosen from among their own constituents by election and the student members
    should be no different.
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken.
    Noting the difference between the previous wording which referred to full-time
    support staff versus the proposed wording which eliminated the reference to the full-
    time requirement, inquiry was made as to eligibility requirements. Senate's attention
    was directed to footnote #2 on page 1 and Senate was advised that a part-time
    standard of 50% or more had been approved to allow those persons to vote.
    Concern was expressed that ex-officio members were given the right to personally
    select a designate. It was the understanding of the administration that the Executives
    of the particular associations designate substitutes rather than Presidents making a
    personal selection. It was also pointed out that since several searches could be going
    on at the same time, one person would not be able to serve on all committees so it
    . ?
    was necessary to have the option of specifying a designate.
    Amendment moved by P. Percival, seconded by L. Berggren
    "that the President of the Faculty Association (or designate), the
    President of the Alumni Association (or designate), and the President
    of the Student Society (or designate) be removed from the
    Senate was reminded that following Senate approval, approval by the Board of
    Governors was also required and opinion was expressed that the Board would likely
    wish to keep the President of the Alumni Association as a member. The wisdom of
    disenfranchising people or constituencies that were part of the previous committee
    structure was questioned. Opinion was expressed that while faculty members may
    bring different perspectives to the committee, the President of the Faculty Association
    was an essential member because of the unique knowledge that he/she has of the
    university as a whole. It was also felt that these positions play an important role and
    are of considerable benefit to the committee and it would be a mistake to delete them
    in order to gain a small advantage in efficiency.
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken. ?
    Referring to the appointment of up to two additional members, inquiry was made as
    to why the wording had been changed from gender representation to equity
    designated groups and clarification was requested with respect to the definition of
    equity designated groups. Senate was advised that equity designated groups include

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    Page 6
    women, aboriginals, disabled and visible minorities. Senate was advised that this was
    an optional clause and would only be used if there was inappropriate representation.
    Concern was expressed that the proposed wording would be difficult for the President
    to implement and suggestion was made that it would be better to refer to gender
    representation only and delete reference to the other equity designated groups.
    Amendment was moved by
    D'Auria, seconded by P. Percival
    "that the wording be changed to ensure appropriate gender
    Senate was reminded that the selection of additional members was restricted to
    faculty members and there were not many faculty members, apart from women, who
    fit into the equity designated groups. However, since attempts have been made to
    broaden the representation to reflect the make-up of the university community,
    opinion was expressed that it would be advisable to leave the wording as it is to
    ensure those different perspectives.
    Concern was expressed that the term equity designated groups could be defined by
    different people in different ways. Senate was advised that in terms of both Provincial
    and Federal equity programs which affect the University, the groups are clearly
    defined as those already mentioned. Discussion ensued in which a variety of
    alternative wordings were suggested.
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken.
    Amendment moved by J. Peters, seconded by M. Wortis
    "that the wording be changed to 'Selected by the President to
    mitigate under-representation from the equity designated groups'"
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken.
    Question was called on the main motion
    (as amended) and a vote taken. ?
    Moved by
    Blaney, seconded by M. Wortis
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.99-41, the composition of the Search
    Committee for the Vice-President, Research"
    It was understood that the amendments approved with respect to the previous motion
    would also apply to the above motion relevant to the search committee for the Vice-
    President Research. However, in the case of student representatives, the wording
    would read as follows: 'Two graduate students elected by and from the graduate
    body'.was ?
    called, and a vote taken. ?

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    Page 7
    Moved by
    Blaney, seconded by B. Clayman
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth ins S.99-41, the composition of the Search
    Committee for the Associate Vice-President Academic"
    It was understood that the amendments approved with respect to the first motion
    would also apply to the above motion relevant to the search committee for the
    Associate Vice-President Academic.
    In response to an inquiry about quorum, it was pointed out that the quorum was
    specified in the general procedures on page 9 and that all committees have a quorum
    of 60% of their membership.
    Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    Moved by
    Blaney, seconded by
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.99-41, the composition of the Search
    Committee for Vice-President Finance and Administration"
    It was understood that the amendment previously approved with respect to the
    wording for the equity designated groups would also apply to this motion but the
    • ?
    additional members (up to two) would not be restricted to faculty members.
    Concern was expressed about the lack of faculty representation on this committee. It
    was pointed out that the representative selected from the Employees' Council could
    be a faculty member as could the two Deans and the one Vice-President. The Vice
    President Finance and Administration was responsible for many units who needed to
    be fairly represented on the committee and if the number of faculty members were
    increased, the number of administrators would also need to be increased.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by
    Blaney, seconded by
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, as set forth in S.99-41, the composition of the Search
    Committee for the Vice-President, University Advancement"
    It was understood that the amendment previously approved with respect to the
    wording for the equity designated groups would also apply to this motion but the
    additional members (up to two) would not be restricted to faculty members.
    Senate was advised that this position was currently called Vice-President for
    University Development and Chief Development Officer and was held by David

    Page 8
    Since University Advancement had a great deal to do with the scholarly direction of
    the University, concern was expressed that the President of the Faculty Association
    was not on the Committee.
    Amendment moved by
    D'Auria, seconded by
    "that the President of the Faculty Association (or designate) be added
    to the membership of the Search Committee for Vice-President,
    University Advancement"
    Senate was reminded that the President of the Faculty Association could be the
    employee group representative selected by the Employees Council and that the
    Faculty Association had reviewed this document and had no objection.
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken. ?
    Amendment moved by K. Giffen, seconded by L. Berggren
    "that a member of the Alumni Association, selected by the Alumni
    Board, be added to the membership"
    Opinion was expressed that since the Alumni Association was heavily involved in
    fundraising, it might be helpful to have two representatives from the Association on a
    committee which select the University's chief fundraising officer.
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken.
    Question was called on the main motion,
    as amended, and a vote was taken.
    Moved by
    Blaney, seconded by
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
    Governors, the search committee procedures as set out on pages
    10-11 of
    It was noted that search committee procedures for Deans included a five year term of
    office and a stipulation that the Dean may be re-appointed once. Since many features
    for the Vice-Presidential search committees parallel those for Deans, inquiry was
    made as to why there was no limitation on re-appointment and why the positions of
    Vice-President Finance and Administration and Vice-President University
    Advancement have no terms of office. Senate was advised that historically there has
    never been a limitation on terms for Vice-Presidents and that the VP Finance and
    Administration and VP University Development do not normally have faculty
    appointments and are considered staff positions which generally are not term

    S.M. 17/05/99
    Amendment moved by G. Kirczenow, seconded by D. Finley
    "to strike Section b.viii on page 10 and replace it by adding the
    following to Section 1 on page
    9: Each short-listed candidate will
    meet publicly with the University community before the search
    committee makes its recommendation to the President regarding the
    appointment of any candidate"
    The view was expressed that Canadian universities are generally moving towards a
    more open process in the appointment of senior administrators and it was felt that it
    would be better to have uniformity on this issue rather than leaving it up to each
    search committee to decide how open they wanted to operate.
    It was pointed out that sometimes excellent candidates may wish to keep their
    candidacy confidential until such time as they are reasonably assured of an
    appointment and concern was expressed that the proposed change would discourage
    such candidates from applying. It was noted that the current procedure allowed
    committees to accommodate both an open process when possible and a more closed
    process if necessary.
    Opinion was expressed that recruitment for positions such as the Vice-President
    University Development and Vice-President Finance and Administration often
    paralleled the world of business where senior executives often do not wish to
    • advertise their candidacy because of the competitiveness in the field. Concern was
    expressed that many such candidates would decline invitations to be candidates for
    these two particular Vice-Presidential positions if the process were too open.
    A suggestion to exclude the Vice-President University Development and the Vice-
    President Finance and Administration from the motion was accepted as a friendly
    amendment. It was understood that Section 8.d on page would then have to be
    retained relevant to the two excluded Vice-Presidential positions. The amendment
    would read as follows:
    "to add as (h) in Section 1 on page 9:
    In the case of the search for
    Vice-President, Academic, Vice-President, Research, and the
    Associate Vice-President, Academic, each short-listed candidate will
    meet publicly with the University community before the search
    committee makes its recommendation to the President regarding the
    appointment of any candidate.
    to add reference to the Vice-President University Development and
    Vice-President Finance and Administration to Section b.viii on page
    Although sympathy was expressed with respect to the spirit of the motion, concerns
    were raised about losing very good candidates because of too open a process and
    suggestions were made that each case should be assessed individually and left up to
    the search committee to decide how open the process should be.
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken.

    Page 10
    Amendment moved by P. Percival, seconded by J. D'Auria
    "that Section 3.c on page 11 be amended to include the following
    sentence: This term may be renewed only once.
    View was expressed that there should be no difference between an academic
    administrator at the decanal level and the Vice-Presidential level and the amendment
    reflected parallel wording in the policy for Dean searches.
    Opinion was expressed that it should be possible for administrators at both levels to
    continue on as long as they are solidly supported by the university community and
    suggestion was made that the Dean's policy should be changed rather than amending
    this policy.
    Suggestion was made that the word normally be inserted into the amendment. This
    would clearly imply that there was an expectation that re-appointment would not be
    automatic but it would not unduly constrain the search process. Also, should the
    Deans policy be revisited it would be easier to amend it by inserting the word
    normally rather than opening up the whole process.
    In reply to who would make such decisions, Senate was advised that the exception to
    the norm would be on the recommendation of the search committee. On the
    agreement by the Chair that this would be written into the policy, the suggestion to
    add the word 'normally' was accepted as a friendly amendment. The amendment
    would read as follows:
    "that Section 3.c on page 11 be amended to include the following
    sentence: Normally, this term may be renewed only once."
    Question was called on the amendment,
    and a vote taken.
    Question was called on the main motion,
    as amended, and a vote taken. ?
    J. Blaney resumed the Chair at this point.
    Other Business
    i) ?
    S.9942 -
    Senate/Board of Governors Election Report (For Information)
    In addition to the election report before Senate, the results of the Convocation
    election were announced as follows:
    Election of one person as Chancellor of Simon Fraser University for term of office
    from June
    to June 2002.
    Candidates: A. Emmott, A. Macdonald, K. Rieckhoff, M. Wong
    Elected: ?
    Dr. Milton Wong

    Page 11
    Convocation Senator
    Election of four persons as Convocation Senators for terms of office from June
    1, 1999
    to May
    31, 2002.
    Candidates: A. Chan, V. Dunsterville, K. Giffen,
    McArthur, T. Snutch, S. Wade, S.
    Elected: ?
    Silvia Wessel, Valerie Dunsterville, James McArthur, Albert Chan
    Reference was made to page
    of the report which contained a clerical error with
    respect to the terms of office for Student Senators. The term was amended from May
    31, 2001 to May
    31, 2000.
    The Chair wished to recognize retiring members of Senate and, on behalf of Senate,
    extended thanks and appreciation for time served and acknowledged each member's
    years of service as follows: Brian Lewis (4 yrs), Marilyn Bowman
    yrs), Peter
    Coleman (4 yrs), Len Berggren (7
    yrs), Daniel Weeks (1 yr), Kathleen Akins
    Paul Percival
    yrs), Khushwant Dhillon (1 yr), Ken Giffen (11 yrs), Joy Morris
    Mark Veerkamp (1 yr), Alan Emmott (6 yrs), Norman Wickstrom (6 yrs), and Suzan
    Beattie (6 yrs).
    7. ?
    Date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of Senate is Monday, June
    7, 1999.
    0 ?
    The Open Session adjourned at
    pm. The Assembly moved directly into Closed Session.
    Alison Watt
    Director, Secretariat Services

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