    Minutes of a meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on
    Monday, May 14, 2001 at 5:30 pm in Room 3210 WMC
    Open Session
    Present: ?
    Stevenson, Michael, President and Chair
    Atkins, Stella
    Bawa, Parveen
    Budra, Paul
    Cooper, Kait
    D'Auria, John
    Driver, Jon
    Fairey, Elaine (representing L. Copeland)
    Gerson, Carole
    Grimmett, Peter
    Gupte, Jaideep
    Hill, Ross
    Jackson, Margaret
    Jones, John
    Klymson, Sarah
    LaRocque, Linda
    Love, Ernie
    Marteniuk, Ron
    Mathewes, Rolf (representing W. Davidson)
    Mauser, Gary
    McInnes, Dina
    Naef, Barbara
    Ogloff, James
    Osborne, Judith
    Paterson, David
    Percival, Paul
    Peters, Joseph
    Pierce, John
    Runyowa, Mac
    Russell, Robert
    Sekhon, Devinder
    Sirri, Odai
    Steinbach, Christopher
    Stewart, Ryan
    Waterhouse, John
    Winne, Phil (representing R. Barrow)
    Weldon, Larry
    Wortis, Michael
    Yerbury, Cohn
    Zazkis, Rina
    Heath, Ron, Dean of Student Services and Registrar
    Watt, Alison, Director, University Secretariat
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary
    Chan, Albert
    Chang, Jack
    Clayman, Bruce
    Delgrande, James
    Dill, Larry
    Dunsterville, Valerie
    Finley, David
    Giffen, Ken
    Gill, Alison
    Hold, Angela
    Livadiotakis, Georgia
    McArthur, James
    McFetridge, Paul
    Smith, Michael
    Thandi, Ranbir
    Wessell, Sylvia
    Wong, Milton
    Yau, David
    In attendance:
    Fauquenoy, Marguerite
    Heath, Nick

    S.M. 14 May 2001
    Page 2
    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    2. ?
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of April 2, 2001
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    3. ?
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    There was no business arising from the Minutes.
    4. ?
    Report of the Chair
    The Chair advised Senate of his recent trip to Asia on behalf of the University
    which included follow up business with the Asia Development Bank and meetings with
    community leaders and Alumni in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.
    Paper S.01-30 - Order-in-Council Appointments (For Information)
    On behalf of Senate the Chair extended a welcome to two new Order-in-Council
    appointments - Devinder Sekhon and Ranbir Thandi; and acknowledged the
    reappointment of OIC Senators - Dina McInnes and Barbara Naef.
    5. ?
    Question Period
    In response to an inquiry about the current status of the University's budget allocation,
    the Chair advised that the University would receive close to the
    increase previously
    reported. Senate was advised that the original budget letter fell short of expectations and
    a considerable amount of lobbying had been done to restore the increase to original
    A request was made for an update with respect to the proposed move of the School for
    Contemporary Arts to the Woodward's building in downtown Vancouver. The Chair
    confirmed that the Government had announced support for the inclusion of SFU's School
    for Contemporary Arts in the Woodward's project and had advised that the project would
    be separate from the normal funding of capital projects since it would be centered in the
    Ministry of Tourism and Culture. With that assurance the University proceeded with
    planning even though Contemporary Arts was ranked as the second priority in terms of
    capital projects for the University. After the project was well developed, the University
    was informed that the Government felt the project belonged within the Ministry of
    Advanced Education and Training and the University was asked whether it would adjust
    its priorities if fast track funding became available. Subsequent to the University's
    agreement, the Government then returned the project to the other Ministry and asked the
    University to confirm that it remained a top priority. Following consultations with senior
    administrators, the Chair informed the Ministry that the University would agree to adjust
    its priorities provided that the Ministry recognized that the Technology and Environment
    Centre (TEC) remained a top priority and planning towards the establishment of that
    building continued. The Ministry agreed to continue to fund planning on that building,
    although in a lesser amount, and the University agreed to continue pre-planning on the

    S.M. 14 May 2001
    • Woodward's project on the understanding that if the Woodward's project was not
    approved, full scale funding and planning on the TEC building would return. The Chair
    noted that the adjustment in priorities was made for several reasons. Firstly, although
    Contemporary Arts had been ranked second, it was a very high priority as it was the
    worst accommodated unit in the University. Secondly, it was strategically important for
    SFU to continue its positioning in downtown Vancouver, especially given the
    considerable community-wide support for the inclusion of Contemporary Arts in the
    Woodward's project. Thirdly, the Chair expressed opinion that the next Government was
    strongly committed to considerable expansion in Applied Sciences and he felt that
    support in that area was most likely. Therefore, it was believed that the decisions taken
    will optimize and make considerable progress for both priorities.
    Additional questions arose with respect to the impact of relocating the School downtown
    and Senate was advised that an ongoing cultural presence on both campuses and the issue
    of course scheduling would be looked as part of the planning process of the project.
    The Chair informed Senate that because of the issues affecting the TEC building, the
    Vice President Academic will begin an immediate aggressive proactive planning process
    to assure some transitional arrangements to accommodate the stresses in Science and
    Applied Sciences for new faculty and laboratories over the next several years. Plans are
    being developed and will be reported to Faculties.
    0 ?
    Reports of Committees
    Senate Appeals Board
    i) ?
    Paper S.01-3 1 - Annual Report (For Information)
    N. Heath, Director of Admissions and Secretary to the Senate Appeals Board, was in
    attendance in order to respond to questions.
    Reference was made to cases from 1988 and 1996 and inquiry was made about time
    limits. Senate was advised that this issue had been considered previously and a decision
    had been made not to impose any time limits. Further information was requested as to
    why the appeal from 1988 had been sustained. N. Heath advised that he would provide
    Senate with the information at a later meeting.
    Senate Committee on University Priorities
    Paper S.01-32 - Establishment of Centre d'études francophones Québec-
    Moved by J. Pierce, seconded by J. Ogloff

    S.M. 14 May 2001
    Page 4
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of Governors
    the establishment of the Centre d'études francophones Québec-Pacificque
    as outlined in S.01-32"
    M. Fauquenoy, Acting Chair, Department of French, was in attendance in order to
    respond to questions.
    Brief discussion took place with respect to a Quebec government official on the Steering
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.01-33 - Three-Year Plan of the Vice-President Academic 2001-2004 (For ?
    The Vice-President Academic provided Senate with information about the planning
    process which led up to the generation of the three-year plan. Senate was advised that
    departments were requested to generate academic plans for submission to Deans
    following a set of planning guidelines. These departmental plans were then molded into
    Faculty and University priorities by the Deans and the Vice-President Academic and the
    first draft of the three-year plan was submitted to the Senate Committee on University
    Priorities (SCUP). SCUP in turn made various comments and observations that were
    incorporated into the documentation before Senate. The plan was intended to recognize
    departmental and Faculty plans and to establish a direction for the university as a whole
    which was outlined in the seven listed goals (p.9).
    Discussion took place in which the following comments and observations were made:
    • although the document recognized the importance of the more traditional role of the
    university, the language referring to the current policy towards tuition fees in the
    Province was disappointing, and it would have been nice to see a greater emphasis
    placed on the need for increased Government funding
    • Page 2, Environmental Context, Societal changes, in first line the word 'effect'
    should read 'affect'
    • although the document referred to the crisis facing the University with respect to
    space and operating and renovation funds, there was no sense of urgency in the
    language to seek strong support from the Government for more resources to resolve
    these serious problems
    • the language associated with goal 3 focuses exclusively on recruitment and does not
    discuss retention
    • a fraction of the 1% of the total university budget which is proposed to be put into the
    Strategic Initiatives Fund should be allocated towards the protection of core programs
    Senate was advised that efforts were being made to identify an interim solution to some
    of the space problems. There was a considerable amount of one-time only money
    available this year to fund renovations and start up costs and the Administration was very

    S.M. 14 May 2001
    much aware of the urgency of finding infrastructure funding to devote to core
    infrastructural problems such as space.
    Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    Paper S.01-34 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revision - School of Computin
    Science (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved the use of ECON 103 or ECON 105 instead of
    ECON 100, deleted in 1998, as an allowable social sciences course for calculating the
    GPA requirement for internal transfer to Computing Science, effective immediately.
    Paper S.01-35 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revision - Department of Histo
    (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved the resurrection of HIST 412 which had been
    temporarily withdrawn.
    Paper S.01-36 - Undergraduate Curriculum Revision - Department of Statistics
    and Actuarial Science (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, acting
    under delegated authority, approved a waiver of the two-semester time lag for ACMA
    490 for early offering in Summer semester 0 1-2.
    D) ?
    Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships. Awards and Bursaries
    Paper S.01-37 - Revised Terms of Reference - Shrum Entrance Scholarships (For
    Senate received information that the Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards
    and Bursaries, acting under delegated authority, approved a revision to the terms of
    reference for all Shrum Entrance Scholarships in order to comply with Canadian
    Interuniversity Athletic Union regulations regarding entrance scholarships.
    Paper S.01-38 - New Award - Faculty of Business Administration - Dean's
    Student Service Award (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Policy Conmiittee on Scholarships, Awards
    and Bursaries, acting under delegated authority, formally approved the Dean's Student
    Service Award in the Faculty of Business Administration.
    Paper S.01-39 - Revised Terms of Reference - SFU Athletic Scholarships and the
    Athletic Entrance Awards (For Information)
    Senate received information that the Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards
    and Bursaries, acting under delegated authority, approved a revision to the terms of
    S ?
    reference for SFU Athletic Scholarships and Athletic Entrance Awards in order to allow
    the University to more easily comply with CIAU regulations.

    S.M. 14 May 2001
    Reference was made to the CGPA requirement for the Entrance Award and opinion was
    expressed that the term 'Entrance' did not appear to be appropriate. It was noted that
    despite the word "Entrance", some students receive this award at the end of their first
    year. Senate was advised that the revision was an effort to bridge between CIAU and
    NAIA regulations and provide better flexibility to the University to distribute the awards.
    7. ?
    Other Business
    Paper S.01-40 - Election Report - Senate and Board of Governors. Spring 2001
    (For Information)
    Senate received information with respect to the results of Spring 2001 elections of faculty
    and students to Senate and the Board of Governors.
    Paper S.01-41 - Announcement - Senate Vacancy (For Information)
    Senate received information that Judy Zaichkowsky would be absent from Senate for two
    semesters starting at the beginning of May and that a by-election would be required by
    and from the Faculty of Business Administration to seek a replacement.
    On behalf of Senate, the Chair extended thanks and best wishes to the following
    Senators who are completing terms of office at the end of May 2001: James Ogloff, Rina
    Zazkis, Larry Dill, David Finley, Kait Cooper, Angela Hold, Georgia Livadiotakis,
    Veronica Miralles-Sanchez, Mac Runyowa, Christopher Steinbach, Ryan Stewart and
    David Yau. ?
    8. ?
    The date of the next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, June 4, 2001.
    Open Session ended at
    pm. Following a brief recess, Senate moved into Closed Session.
    Alison Watt
    Director, University Secretariat

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