    Minutes of a meeting of the Senate of Simon Fraser University held on
    Monday, December 6, 1999 at 7:00 pm in Room 3210 West Mall Complex
    Open Session
    Blaney, Jack, President and Chair
    Al-Natour, Sameh
    Barrow, Robin
    Boland, Larry
    Budra, Paul
    Chuah, Kuan
    Clayman, Bruce
    Copeland, Lynn
    Crossley, David
    D'Auria, John
    Davidson, Willie
    Delgrande, James
    Driver, Jon
    Dunsterville, Valerie
    Emerson, Joseph
    Finley, David
    Fletcher, James
    Jones, John
    Kanevsky, Lannie
    Kirczenow, George
    Marteniuk, Ron
    Mathewes, Rolf
    Mauser, Gary
    McArthur, James
    McInnes, Dina
    Munro, John
    Niwinska, Tina
    Ogloff, James
    Osborne, Judith
    Paterson, David
    Peters, Joseph
    Peterson, Louis
    Pierce, John
    Russell, Robert
    Smith, Michael
    Steinbach, Christopher
    To, Shek Yan
    Waterhouse, John
    Wortis, Michael
    Yerbury, Cohn
    Zazkis, Rina
    Atkins, Stella
    Benezra, Michael
    Chan, Albert
    Gillies, Mary Ann
    Harris, Richard
    Heaney, John
    Hyslop-Margison, Emory
    McBride, Stephan
    McFetridge, Paul
    Naef, Barbara
    Reader, Jason
    Sanghera, Balwant
    Warsh, Michael
    Wessel, Sylvia
    Wong, Milton
    In attendance:
    French, Charlotte
    Watt, Alison, Director, Secretariat Services
    Heath, Ron, Dean of Student Services and Registrar
    Grant, Bobbie, Recording Secretary

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    Approval of the Agenda
    The Agenda was approved as distributed.
    Approval of the Minutes of the Open Session of November 1, 1999
    The Minutes were approved as distributed.
    Business Arising from the Minutes
    There was no business arising from the Minutes.
    Report of the Chair
    Rhodes Scholar
    The Chair was pleased to report that B.C.'s Rhodes Scholar for 2000 was
    Natasha DeSousa, a graduate of Simon Fraser University who graduated
    with a B.Sc (Biology/Environmental Toxicology) from the Faculty of Science.
    Presidential Search Committee
    Senate was provided with a progress report from Jon Driver which included
    an overhead presentation summarizing information about the committee's
    mandate, membership, activities which had taken place since the
    establishment of the committee in September, and works in progress. Brief
    discussion took place about the confidentiality of the process and the
    presentation of material to the Board of Governors. Senate was advised that
    the Committee had decided that a confidential process was more acceptable
    than an open process and recommendations to the Board of Governors
    would include very comprehensive packages of information on the short-
    listed candidates.
    The Chair reported that the joint budget submission from The University
    Presidents Council (TUPC) had officially been presented to the Minister of
    Advanced Education and would be widely circulated within the University
    community. The document essentially dealt with core funding (revenue per
    student), funding for research, and access.
    5. ?
    Reports of Committees
    a) ?
    Senate Committee on Academic Planning/Senate Committee on
    Undergraduate Studies
    i) ?
    Paper 5.99-71 - Faculty of Applied Sciences - Undergraduate
    Curriculum Revisions
    Senate received information that SCUS, acting under delegated authority,
    approved program changes including new courses/course deletions, and/or
    minor curriculum revisions in the School of Communication, School of

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    Computing Science, School of Engineering Science, and the School of
    ii) ?
    Paper S.99-72 - Faculty of Arts - Undergraduate Curriculum
    Moved by J. Munro, seconded by
    "that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board
    of Governors, as set forth in S.99-72 - the proposed
    Geography - Environmental Specialty Honors Program"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Senate received information that SCUS, acting under delegated authority,
    approved program changes including new courses/course deletions, and/or
    minor curriculum revisions in the Departments of Geography, History,
    Humanities, Linguistics, and Sociology/Anthropology.
    Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries
    I) ?
    Paper S.99-73 - Annual Report (For Information)
    • C. French, Director of Student Academic Resources in the Registrar's Office,
    was in attendance in order to respond to questions. The Annual Report of
    the SPCSAB was received by Senate.
    Senate Committee on University Budget
    i) ?
    Paper S.99-74 - Annual Report (For Information)
    Concern was expressed about the lack of information in the report. Brief
    discussion took place with respect to several of the items listed in the report
    that SCUB had discussed.
    6. ?
    Other Business
    i) ?
    Paper S.99-75 - Commercialization of University Research
    Moved by L. Boland, seconded by B. Clayman
    "that Senate move into quasi-committee of the whole"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Concerns were expressed about
    • the evident lack of understanding about the role of universities
    • the implied suggestion that universities pursue activities for commercial

    S.M. 6/12/99
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    • the
    teaching, research
    to include
    and community
    as a fourth mission together ?
    • the tone of the report and the distortion of common English words, such
    as "innovation"
    • the implication that universities must accept "innovation" as their fourth
    mission in order for researchers to obtain research support
    • the discriminatory nature of the policy if funding is directed towards
    fields of inquiry that are more easily measured in commercial terms
    rather than to areas that contribute to society in other ways
    • the nature of the policy which was a major philosophical departure from
    the way universities have traditionally viewed their role and their
    academic mission
    • the impact that the addition of this fourth mission could have on faculty
    renewal and tenure and promotion considerations
    • the consequence of the policy which would change universities from
    public serving institutions and undermine the academic freedom of
    university researchers
    • the membership of the expert panel which had no representation from
    disciplines within the Arts
    • the motion being premature and too broad in nature
    • the negative perception by the public and government if the university
    voted to reject the report outright
    The following opinions/suggestions were expressed
    • that it was important for universities to consider the issue of innovation
    (as defined in the document) as a part of the reward structure and that
    the issue of the reward structure at the university should be revisited
    • that discussion was required on the best way to commercialize - through
    the university or through the private sector; and what role the university
    should have in this type of endeavour
    • that universities need to do a better job of explaining and promoting
    themselves with respect to how they see their role in society and how
    they view their academic mission
    • that the university needs to acknowledge to the Government that
    commercialized scholarship was recognized as legitimate scholarship
    but stress that it was not the only form of scholarship which benefited
    • that the last sentence of the motion be amended to refer to
    recommendation two rather than the entire report
    • that it would be much more constructive if the university revisited the
    document in detail and prepared thoughtful responses to the areas of
    concern rather than just rejecting the entire report
    • that a committee be formed to develop a detailed response to the report
    Moved by G. Kirczenow, seconded by L. Boland
    "that Senate move out of quasi-committee of the whole"
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

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    Moved by
    Jones, seconded by
    "that this matter be referred to SCAR"
    Question was called, and a vote taken. ?
    The Chair confirmed that SCAR would consider this issue at its next meeting
    and would report back to Senate at the January meeting on a course of
    International Baccalaureate Students
    Senate's attention was drawn to the change of policy several years ago
    whereby the University stopped issuing free library cards to high school
    students enrolled in International Baccalaureate programs. Opinion was
    expressed that these are potentially very good university students and the
    university should do what it can to encourage them to attend SFU.
    Suggestion was made that the policy decision related to library cards be
    revisited, and the Senate Library Committee was asked to revisit this issue
    and report back to Senate.
    Senate was also advised that when a group of these students were brought to
    Simon Fraser University by their teacher to use the facilities they were made
    . to feel unwelcome. It was noted that use of the Library facilities was open
    to everyone and it was suggested that details of this particular incident be
    brought to the attention of the University Librarian.
    Post-Doctoral Fellows
    Concern was expressed about the status of post-doctoral fellows and their
    spouses at the University and the consequences of the contract post-docs
    are required to sign. Spouses of post-docs are not eligible to work and have
    nothing productive to do to occupy their time if they want to accompany
    their spouse to the University. Because the post-doctoral fellow is not
    considered an employee of the University, spouses are not eligible for
    tuition waiver similar to other employee groups. Inquiry was made if there
    might be something the University could do to regularize these positions in
    such ways as are relevant to other employee groups.
    It was noted that there was a gap in university policies relating to post-
    doctoral fellows and other categories of employment on campus and that
    the Dean of Graduate Studies was currently working on a policy that would
    regularize these positions to some extent. However, the issue of employee
    benefits would have to be handled separately from the policy issue.
    The open session adjourned at 8:15 pm and, following a brief recess, the Assembly moved
    into Closed Session.
    Alison Watt
    Director, Secretariat Services

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