1. Search Tips for Senate Materials

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Canada V5A 1S6
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Search Tips for Senate Materials
Start with general search terms. Some
times this will be enough to find the document you’re
looking for, or you may need to add additional terms to focus on specific documents.
Keep in mind the terminology used in Senate materials, as this may be different from other
terminology used around the University.
Searching will look in all materials in the current location and any subfolders. A search at the top
level will look for any materials; within a year folder, will only search that year; and within a
meeting folder, will only search that specific meeting.
Searches will look for the terms entered in the file name, description, and within the file
To refine a search, such as adding additional terms, select the “Refine Search” link immediately
above the search results.
Search results may be sorted based on title, which will give a general approximation of being
ordered by date. To sort by title, click on the “Title” header immediately above the search
o Agendas will appear first, by date, then Minutes by date, and finally individual papers.
Because of the naming conventions, papers from 2000- will appear first, then papers
from 1965-1999.
The process used to interpret characters from scanned text is not perfect and occasionally makes
mistakes, particularly with older documents and some of the templates used for Senate materials
in past years. This should be kept in mind while searching, and sometimes trying different words
related to your query will yield the right document.
If you cannot find the information you’re looking for,
please contact Shelley Gair, Senate Assistant,
or 778 782 3168.

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